Prologue 02
June 20th, 2006
Warning: This chapter is rated "T" (for Teen) as it contains some (tasteful…or is it tasty) bare ass and infrequent strong language. So, if you are in anyway offended by that (or might get in trouble with your parents), then move along…there's nothing to see here.

[Background Music: "Away from the Sun" by 3 Doors Down]
Outtakes—Prologue 01
June 14th, 2006
Edit 06.15.06:
I forgot to tell you that I've updated the FAQ page. If you've ever had any questions you've wanted to ask me, maybe it will be found there.
Also, I installed a stat counter to the page so please let me know if you get error messages or anything else odd.

These are pictures that either just didn't make the cut or were not used for some other reason but that I still wanted to share with all of you.
If you haven't read Prologue 01 yet then stop reading this! I don't think there are any real spoilers included here, but you'll understand the pictures better if you've read the chapter.
Prologue 01
May 30th, 2006
Strip Down + Comic
May 12th, 2006
Since I've been updating at least once a week lately (and it's now been well over a week since I last posted), I thought I better at least poke my head in and let you know that I haven't dropped off the face of the earth or anything. Of course, once the story starts I won't be updating weekly. Most likely I won't be on any set schedule at all—I'll just be updating when each chapter is done. Will that be weekly, bi-weekly, monthly? I don't know. I guess the best answer I've come up with is: it will be done when it's done. I thought about trying to adhere to a schedule, but then what if I'm then unable to maintain it? You'd be disappointed and I'd be annoyed with myself for failing to meet a deadline. And that just starts a cycle of suckiness.
More Necklaces for Guys
May 1st, 2006

I love necklaces on men. So, I made some more.
"But I have too many necklaces for my guys," you say.
And I say, "Is that actually possible?" I don't think so.