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Teaser 03

April 22nd, 2006

Teaser 03: Jason

Ugh! I had a hard time with this one. You know how it is: you keep trying to make something work but it doesn't quite "click." Well, that's what happened this time around. I went through five other backgrounds for this teaser but none of them looked quite right. Finally, I created the background you see in the picture above. I'm still not entirely pleased with the results, but I'm sick of tinkering with it plus I have other things I need to work on. At this point, it's a relief just to get it on the site!

Anyway, it's Jason's turn to tease you now.

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Necklaces for Guys

April 18th, 2006

Remember that surprise I promised you last time? Well, here it is:

Male Necklaces

Aikea Guinea made a great triple choker mesh about a month ago. It inspired me to scour the 'net for some necklaces that my characters would wear.

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Teaser 02

April 13th, 2006

Worlds Apart: The Second Teaser

Another teaser! I had a lot of fun with this one. Anyway, it's the same guy as before but his face isn't as obscured plus I've introduced a new character. Don't worry…you'll be able to see their full faces soon.


Would you like to see them now?

I had considered not showing you the full characters until the story started. I was afraid it would spoil something. But, we see movie characters all the time in trailers long before we ever see the actual movie. Right? And, possibly seeing the full characters will get you even more interested in their story (e.g. "Who is he/she? What is their relationship with each other?"). (You are getting a small glimpse into how my mind works things through…scary, isn't it?) So then, what am I waiting for? Why don't I take you behind the scenes of this photo shoot and show you some pictures that didn't get used. Just turn the page and let's get started.

Or, if you would rather wait until the story starts to meet the characters…then stop reading here (you're a masochist…aren't you?).

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Progress Ramble

April 5th, 2006

No teaser this week. I didn't have time. But I did want to keep you updated on my progress.

Things are still chugging along, although I'm having a little trouble picking a neighborhood map. I'm leaning toward the Starling Springs map by Gethane as it perfectly fits my story; however, it's a bit bigger than I really need. My second choice is the Autumn Bay 'hood by the same artist. So, I've been designing both…trying to pick out which one I like the best—they are both being designed as downtown (Nightlife) neighborhoods. Of course, making two neighborhoods slows my progress down. I really just need to pick one neighborhood and concentrate on it.

I use Gunmod's camera mod which makes it possible to use the whole map to place lots. But I have to be careful about how far I zoom out. If I zoom out too far (when all my lots are placed down) my computer slows to a crawl as it tries to process all the information on the screen. The hard drive practically seizes up and I have to restart the game to clear its memory. Poor computer. My husband says getting another gig of memory will help. I hope so.

I also redecorated my 511 Kincaid house to use in the story. I actually had to download it from The Sims 2 official site as I didn't have it on my own computer any more. I had another house up there too at one point, but it looks like it was deleted. Too bad, I was planning on using it as well (as if I don't have enough houses already!).

Teaser 01

March 27th, 2006

I was fooling around with a "screen test" shot I had taken of one of the characters from "Worlds Apart" this weekend and ended up creating a teaser/promo picture for you:

Worlds Apart Teaser 01

So, yes, the current plan is for the story to start appearing sometime this spring although I'm hoping it will be ready to appear rather sooner than later. Until then—and to build up the anticipation—perhaps I'll release some other teasers. Is that evil? mwahahaha