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Teaser 01

March 27th, 2006

I was fooling around with a "screen test" shot I had taken of one of the characters from "Worlds Apart" this weekend and ended up creating a teaser/promo picture for you:

Worlds Apart Teaser 01

So, yes, the current plan is for the story to start appearing sometime this spring although I'm hoping it will be ready to appear rather sooner than later. Until then—and to build up the anticipation—perhaps I'll release some other teasers. Is that evil? mwahahaha


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7 Responses to “Teaser 01”

  1. Eva says:

    Evil? YESSS. ANd it looks soooo good. You are very talented dear. HAha, I hope its sooner than later also. although its evil, I wanna see more teasers. Cant wait. And that sim looks kinda hot…but anyway. Its wonderful. I can't wait for the next semi-weekly update! Haha.

  2. E-Liz says:

    I have to say, that is a truly stunning teaser! I'll miss all the old families but this Worlds Apart story is gonna be even better!
    By the way, that Sim actually looks, erm, human. Freaky. But cool.

  3. amalinaball says:

    Dang it! Kara, it's not just your up-coming story that's teasing me! Y

  4. Kara says:

    Well, it's nice to know my teaser had the desired effect! It's fun for me too…I like the chance to see what my characters look like in pictures.

    And, yes, he does almost look real, doesn't he? It's interesting how much more "realistic" my characters look for "Worlds Apart" as compared to my characters in previous stories. It's all thanks to the talented creators out there.

  5. Janice says:

    whoa! U'd finally bad after a yr of haitus! Your new blog looks looks awesome! I'll definately be checking back since u teaser definately looks intriguing. looking forward to it 🙂 been one of your fans since sim 2 blogging began 😀

    well good luck with everything

  6. Eph says:

    Hi, I found your site while browsing through the links @ Serendipity Sims and wanted to say I think your teaser pic is just too awesome for words! I also wanted to thank you for including my MTS2 link in your list of Credits. 😀

  7. Kara says:

    Janice: Thanks! I'm really glad to be back.

    Eph: I'm glad you liked the pic. I adore the digital art at your site. It's fun to see what you'll come up with next. Also, thank you for creating your great paintings.


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