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Progress Report

March 20th, 2006

I'm trying to do (semi) weekly updates just so you know that I'm still committed and excited about this project. It's just taking a lot more time to get this thing rolling than I thought it would. At first I was annoyed and depressed with how slow my progress has been, but then I realized, not only am I having to plan out a story (which takes awhile on its own) but I'm having to plan the sets, cast the "actors", furnish the wardrobe, create objects, recolor skins and hair, etc. At least it won't be like this for each chapter, most things will be able to be reused. I'll only have to worry about writing and doing sets.

I hope I haven't built up this story too much in your minds though. I mean, I'm really exicted about it, but I still have some kinks to work out. And perhaps it won't even be "your cup of tea." That's the insecure writer in me poking her head up. Haha! Go away, insecure writer! We don't need your kind around here. Besides which, you're supposed to be thinking of scenes and conflicts to write about.

I installed OFB last week. I haven't played it much, so I don't know if there are any problems with it. So far, so good though. *knock on wood* At least all my cheats are compatible. I also used Loverat's descriptive icon set to organize most of my downloads into in-game collections. That should make finding stuff easier. Although, I have a feeling it may prove to be a pain in my ass keeping it up-to-date when I download new objects in the future. Hmm…just had an idea… Maybe I can disable all my old downloads with the Clean Installer, extract my new downloads into my download folder, start the game up (in which only the new downloads will appear) and then shuffle the new objects into their respective collections. Then I can reenable all the old downloads. I wonder if that would work? I'll have to try it out.


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5 Responses to “Progress Report”

  1. amalinaball says:

    Go Kara! Don't worry too much about the story – I just know that it will be great when you get it done, and to achieve maximum wow-factor you need the chance to go with your own flow and relax a bit.
    I'm really anticipating the next story!

  2. Eva says:

    Yay! You are back. You are my idol. Well..you were until you abandoned me. Haha jk. But you really are. I just dont enjoy writing stories, but your whole blog thing just keeps me interested. And it was the first blog that I ever read. But yea, I like the idea of a semi-weekly update. That way i can know that you havent given up on me. Haha but yea. Im really excited. Oh and OFB patch just came out today so you might wanna check it out. Cant wait for next update. Oh and what kinda video card do you have. And how much RAM does your computer have? Nosey little me. Yea sorry haha. Thanks@

  3. Kara says:

    Thanks, girls! It's nice to know that you have such faith in me. 🙂

    Eva: I actually stumbled across the OFB patch before I had even seen anything about it. I guess it was serendipitous. As to my computer specs…hmm… I have 1GB of RAM (I want to get 2GB) and my video card is a NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT.

  4. ash says:

    have you tryed takeing your comp in to a specialist

  5. Kara says:

    Ash: I'm confused… Are you referring to the computer problems I had way back in December 2004? If so, I've since taken care of it. My husband was able to figure out what was wrong. It turned out to be a stick of bad memory.


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