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Site Maintenance

March 7th, 2015

I did some site maintenance over the last few days. There were a lot of images that were broken and not showing up, but they should now all be fixed. Please let me know if you stumble upon any other images that are broken…or anything else that may not be working.

It has been strange coming back to this site after being gone for so long. It really set my nostalgia aflame and made me miss working on my story "The Monster and the Maiden". It's a story that I'd like to come back to sometime; I'm not sure how I'd go about it though. I don't know if I would want to do just a text version of the story, although I think I'd really miss having images associated with it (even though that could be one of the most frustrating part of putting the story together) or if I continue mixing text with screenshots then do I use Sims 2 (which might not be an option if I can't find my old downloads and saves) or do I try to use Sims 3 or Sims 4 (even though that might prove to be too strange since the characters wouldn't look the same anymore). These are the thoughts that always trip me up and make me put the idea of working on my story on the back burner again.

Anyway, just thinking out loud.