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A Birthday Toast to Gayl

March 21st, 2010

Today is the lovely Gayl's birthday. Here is my little contribution to the celebration (that was organized by Beth).

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Warning: NSFW

snatched from S.B. and Gayl

And now it's Tahlvin and Brandee's turn to be examined. A little word of warning, a couple of the pictures are a little risqué, but these characters did start out in an erotica story so I had to incorporate a sample of that into their mosaics. There might also be a double-entendre thrown into the mix. Can you find it? 😉

I should explain that Tahlvin was born in Seattle back in 1900, at the tail end of the Klondike Gold Rush (during which Tavia, his mother, and Koryll, his father, got reacquainted). So, that's why the caption to the picture that I used as his birthplace is titled "Seattle – gateway to the Klondike". I thought a long time about using an actual photo of Seattle circa 1900, but Tahlvin has always struck me as being very modern (he readily adopts the fashion and customs of whatever era he's in) so I decided to go with the picture of present day Seattle instead.

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Photo Mosaics: Edmond and Emily

February 25th, 2010

snatched from S.B. and Gayl

So, I'm doing a photo mosaic meme again; however, this time I'm using it as tool to examine my characters (namely Edmond and Emily) in depth. This version of the meme was started by S.B and Gayl. Thanks for the brilliant idea, ladies!

It was a little more challenging than I thought it would be. I was sure that I knew my characters really well, but they surprised me with some of their answers. It was an interesting exercise and great way to put myself into their minds.

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X-posted with Half-Imagined, my bjd site

Warning:  If dolls creep you out, then I suggest you don't continue reading this post.

Author's Note:  Yep, this is the surprise I mentioned in the previous comments' sections. 🙂 Even though this photostory has dolls in it instead of Sims, since it deals with characters from The Monster and the Maiden story line, I've decided to post this here. Does this take place in the same reality? More or less, I guess. This story could be considered as taking place in the future, after the main story is over (I'll do my best not to reveal any major spoilers from the main storyline).

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New Fan Art

May 27th, 2009

I got the most wonderful surprise in my inbox yesterday: the lovely Kat sent me some beautifully awesome fan art featuring Emily and Edmond. Because neither of us could choose which version of the picture we like the best (the warmly-tinted version or the cool-tint), I've posted both of them. I've also posted them to the fan art page.

'Maiden and the Monster || Emily and Edmond' (warm version) drawn by Kat 'Maiden and the Monster || Emily and Edmond' (cool version) drawn by Kat

Thank you so much, Kat! It's so cool to see your interpretation of my characters. I love your work! :XO: