The Monster and the Maiden: Ch. 07
April 11th, 2009
Note: you can reread the previous chapters if you need a refresher on what's going on.
Warning: Partial nudity near end so this is probably not work safe.

Power of Love: A Music Storyboard
April 1st, 2009
I kind of made a music video, or perhaps music video storyboard would be a more appropriate term (because I just don't have the time to make a real Sims' video). You can consider it a video for "The Monster and the Maiden". It's also a chance to see Julian perform and to hear what I think he sounds like. And, yes, Edmond really does play the guitar. He's not just pretending for the video. In fact, you may have seen a guitar and a violin scattered about his house. They aren't just clutter.
If you'd like, open this link in another window and have it playing as you look through the pictures so that you can hear Julian sing. 😉
The Rock Star
March 28th, 2009
You guys will be glad to know that I'm working hard on the next chapter of "The Monster and the Maiden" (at least I hope you will! 😳 ). I needed another Sim to play a small part in an upcoming scene so I decided make my rock star character (and ball-joint doll) Julian Nomad into a Sim.