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Teaser 03

April 22nd, 2006

Teaser 03: Jason

Ugh! I had a hard time with this one. You know how it is: you keep trying to make something work but it doesn't quite "click." Well, that's what happened this time around. I went through five other backgrounds for this teaser but none of them looked quite right. Finally, I created the background you see in the picture above. I'm still not entirely pleased with the results, but I'm sick of tinkering with it plus I have other things I need to work on. At this point, it's a relief just to get it on the site!

Anyway, it's Jason's turn to tease you now.

I mentioned in my last post, that Jason had a rather drastic makeover—he has a new skin as well as new eyecolor. The other day I was in the game checking out the look of his new skin in comparison to his old one. It turned into a photo session:

Jason smiles.

Jason posing.

The teaser image is the zoomed version of the above picture.

Sexy devil.

And I'll leave you with that. 'Til next time!


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16 Responses to “Teaser 03”

  1. Eva says:

    Wowww..hot. Haha when is this story coming out?!?!? I love your updates. They always give me something to look forward to. You are fantastic.

  2. Ephy says:

    *dies* I'm so in love with his eyes and mouth; I can't stop looking at them and thinking… 😉


    Anywho, I go through the whole thing with the backgrounds too, complete with the entire tearing-out-my-hair bit. Still, I love what you've done with this teaser pic — it still looks fantastic. 😀

  3. amalinaball says:

    Oh my! He looks so…dastardly! But kind of cool in his way.
    I'm looking forward to this story!

  4. christin says:

    Wow, he looks incredible! Your makeover definitely gave him a lot more visible personality. He's very handsome. 😀

    And I agree with Ephy, your intro screen looks great. 😀

  5. Kara says:

    I'm glad all of you have like his makeover so much. He looked fine with the other skin but, as Christin said, he has "a lot more visibile personality" now. (Thanks, Christin. That's exactly what I was trying to do but was unable to articulate it. haha)

    Ephy and Christin: Concerning the teaser pic: Thank you for your kind words. 😀 I think I'm too much of a perfectionist at times, so if something I make doesn't live up to my vision I had in mind for it, then I get annoyed with it. But there are also other times when I just need to stop tinkering with something (the less-is-more philosophy) and let it go. It's that way with both my art and my writing.

    Ephy said:

    *dies* I’m so in love with his eyes and mouth; I can’t stop looking at them and thinking…

    Oh, don't I know it! He gives me chills…in a good way. 😉

  6. Kim-The Sis says:

    Yep, Sis! You out did yourself–He is a severe hottie! 🙂

  7. A n i s s a says:

    Whoa. That last shot of him is killer. If looks could… Hes just so realistic I cant stop looking at him!

  8. Kara says:

    Anissa: I have that problem too. 😉

  9. Naomi says:

    He is hot hot hot!

  10. Amber says:

    Hey he is so hott!!where did you find his eyes and mouth?

  11. Kara says:

    Amber: Thank you! Jason thanks you as well. 🙂

    His eyes are a blend of two other eyes that I liked and so aren't available for download, but you can find similar ones by downloading Enayla's skins. His lips are also a blend of two other skins—one from SimCribbling and one of Chaz's skins (Jessica Stam, I believe)—and so it's only available for personal use as well. But hopefully you can find something similar at one of those links.

  12. Decorgal says:

    Woah…I know I'm late on this one but you have a talent for making Sims. He looks so realistic and absolutely gorgeous but in a conniving kind of way. Please let me know if you'd ever consider lending him for movies! LOL

  13. Kara says:

    Decorgal: Thank you so much! I admit, I’m sort of biased towards my characters, so it’s really nice to have others appreciate them too. 🙂

    And (allow me a few moments to gush) I LOVE your AinD series! I have them all on my computer. I was at your website the other day (I’m a shy lurker…) and I was so excited to see that you’re in the process of working on the 4th episode. Yay!

    Concerning Jason, I’m sure he’d be thrilled to be in a movie (oh…I hope he doesn’t demand more money). I don’t offer my characters for download, but if you’re really interested in him, I’m sure we can work something out. He can be contracted out to your production company just like they did in the old days of film making. haha 😉

  14. Lyoki says:


    I can't wait! The expressions on his face are so human its freaky…that smirk he has in one of the photos….

  15. Kara says:

    Lyoki Ah, yes…Jason… I can't wait until he appears in the story either. I almost wish I could skip ahead a few chapters just so I could work with him. But then, the story wouldn't make much sense. hehe 😉

  16. Jen says:

    Your blog is definitely inspiring – makes me want to see what I can do with my sims! Jason is especially striking. I was wondering, though – what hair mesh are you using? Finding spiky-haired meshes that don't look like Bart Simpson is tough work.


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