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Strip Down + Comic

May 12th, 2006

Since I've been updating at least once a week lately (and it's now been well over a week since I last posted), I thought I better at least poke my head in and let you know that I haven't dropped off the face of the earth or anything. Of course, once the story starts I won't be updating weekly. Most likely I won't be on any set schedule at all—I'll just be updating when each chapter is done. Will that be weekly, bi-weekly, monthly? I don't know. I guess the best answer I've come up with is: it will be done when it's done. I thought about trying to adhere to a schedule, but then what if I'm then unable to maintain it? You'd be disappointed and I'd be annoyed with myself for failing to meet a deadline. And that just starts a cycle of suckiness.

I've made great progress this week though. I actually wrote the first four chapters/scripts. I was only going to write the first chapter and get started on taking the pictures that are to accompany it, but I was on a roll and wanted to get my ideas written down before I forgot them. Last weekend, my husband and I spent all of Saturday afternoon talking about the "Worlds Apart" universe and how its technology, politics and businesses were structured. It was great fun. I love world building—it's hard work but it's rewarding.

I'll probably be doing a little site maintenance soon. I've already cleaned up my links a bit. They were looking a little long so I pruned them down to include only the ones that I frequent with the most regularity. I'm also considering consolidating all the Pirate's Cove stories into one category. So instead of there being separate categories for "Strudel Family," "Hillock Family," etc. they will all be file solely under "Pirate's Cove." In addition to "Pirate's Cove," the following categories would remain: "Downloads," "Game Stuff," "Site News," and "Worlds Apart." Yep, spring cleaning fever has even touched my website. And, after all, isn't spring cleaning all about tiding up the crap you've accumulated over the year(s)?

There's a topic I've been meaning to talk to you about and it concerns the "rating" of my upcoming story. In the past, I would say this site has been mostly Rated G with perhaps a little PG territory explored (although I don't really think so). "Worlds Apart" will mostly be Rated PG but will definitely be veering into R territory now and then. So, if you're of the age that isn't supposed to watch a Rated R movie you may want your parents to screen these stories before you read them. I'm an adult though and I want to write stories that interest me, which means "Worlds Apart" will, from time to time, be including contextual violence, nudity, and (gasp!) sex. This does not mean the story is going to be a blood bath or hardcore in anyway but it will include adult people in adult situations. All posts that consist of such subject matter will have the following warning preceding the post: "This post is for mature audiences only as it contains extreme violence, nudity and/or sexual content." The sad thing is I don't feel like I'd need to even broach this topic if I was only going to be including violence every now and then. But people seem to freak out about nude skin and loving acts between people. So…you've been warned.

There are no teasers this week as I didn't have time, but I do have a little "Worlds Apart" comic strip that I thought you might enjoy. It originated from an idea I had a few weeks ago when I was taking pictures of Jason's makeover. I have this huge picture of Emil (of My Sims Reality fame) in the same room where I've taken all the makeover and necklace pictures. Let me just say, he's quite easy on the eyes. And, apparently, Brandee feels the same way I do:

Worlds Apart comic strip

My sister helped with the dialogue. Although I did manage to come up with Tahlvin's witty reply (!), I've discovered that while I may be a writer, my talent doesn't extend to comic strip dialogue! So, thanks, Sis! Also, thank you to Ephy of My Sims Reality for creating such a yummy and interesting poster boy and for being an inspiration to me.


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8 Responses to “Strip Down + Comic”

  1. Kev says:

    I'm getting kinda psyched about your project! How lucky for me to stumble back into your site when you are about to go live with new work. I like the eyecandy on this one too…neat stuff there. 🙂

    And don't even think it will stay PG very long. I mean, look at they way these people dress…and all their piercings and body art. It just begs for some rated R action. 🙂 hehehe

    Can't wait to see how it all turns out. 🙂

  2. amalinaball says:

    Oooh…the longer you make us wait, the better it will be. Your sims are all totally gorgeous!

    I love reading about complex sim-worlds. It makes everything so realistic and interesting.

    Good luck with this project!

  3. Kara says:

    Kev: 😉

    Amalinaball: Thank you! I like complex worlds too. There are so many directions I can take the story when there is a world that has a solid foundation.

  4. Naomi says:

    I just love reading all your stories! Can't wait 2 hear more.

  5. christin says:

    Cute comic. 😀 And we'll all be waiting when you're ready to reveal the stories. 😀 I'm learning myself that it's better to take your time with projects & finish them to your satisfaction than to rush them. Even though I always feel better when I finish something, I'm realizing I feel _even_ better when I give myself the time I need to finish it just right. 🙂

  6. Ephy says:

    Kara, if your teaser excited me, your plans are exciting me even more! I admire attention to detail, and world-building certainly is going to demand that — it's great that you're having fun going through the process. All in all, I believe this story of yours is going to be worth the wait and will have me riveted to my seat. Lots of positive energy for the writing and simming (Christin has great advice) and thanks bunches for the shoutout! The comic is adorable! 😀

  7. Kara says:

    Naomi: Thank you! *blush*

    Christin: Yes, you've hit the nail right on the head! Slow and steady wins the race, right? (*cringe* I'm just a font of cliches this morning. Eep!) Anyway, it's always nice to know that people understand.


    Lots of positive energy for the writing and simming…

    Thank you so much! I'll definitely need it.

  8. Naomi says:

    Good luck on your project!


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