Outtakes—Prologue 01
June 14th, 2006
Outtake Omake:
These are outtakes from the necklace photo shoots:

I think Alec was giving Jason a headache. Notice that Jason still has his old skin here.

Tahlvin is rather boring in this pic, but I think it's cute how Hale looks like he's lost in his own little world.
Note: Some of the outtakes from the first prologue one were not included in this post because they contain spoilers. So, they'll be posted with the prologue two outtakes. Er…wait…on second thought, maybe they will have to wait until I post chapter one outtakes. I don't want to spoil anything!
Prologue 02 Progress:
Just to give you a little update as to how work is progressing on Prologue 02: I have about three more pictures to take. Yay! And then I have to go through and clean them all up. Guys…there are a little over 50 pictures for this chapter! Which means there were about 300 pictures that I took and had to cull. Oh, there are a few great outtakes for this chapter too (I was laughing my ass off). I can't wait to show you.
Anyway, I hope to have Prologue 02 done (if not posted by) my birthday. But, if it's at least done by the 24th then I'll be stoked.
13 Responses to “Outtakes—Prologue 01”
June 15th, 2006 at 6:58 am
You even made family pics to hang on the walls! 😮
You really think of everything. 😀
I liked the flying chips. I wonder why you didn't use that pic in the story? 😀
June 15th, 2006 at 7:37 am
I just found your site by chance clicking links to story sites. I have to say that you have been bookmarked and I am waiting patiently for your next chapter.
-Your attention to detail is amazing! All of your pictures are great, but there are only a couple that stand out from the crowd. Here's why: The picture of Brandee's room has two posters of Barbie and the Rockers and a Jem Poster. Obviously those were extremely popular in the 80's and it plays into your 1987 set. It's one thing to have awesome sets, it's another to be able to take us to another era in a single picture. (hmmm…I still remember the barbie and the rockers song and will probably be humming it for the rest of the day)
June 15th, 2006 at 8:16 am
Jasmine: hehe
Yeah, I don't know why I was surprised when the chips appeared in midair like that. I guess I didn't realize that the food appears in the fridge before your Sim opens it.
VJ: Thank you for bookmarking the site! *blush*
I was wondering if anyone besides my sister would recognize the Barbie and the Rockers posters! I think Jem was more popular because she had the TV show, but then Barbie is Barbie—she's always popular.
Anyway, I wanted Brandee to be a little girl of the 80's and what's more 80's than Jem, The Rockers and Care Bears (for girls anyway)? Thanks for noticing the details.
D'oh! Now you've made me think of the Rockers theme song. It's funny how I remember almost all the words for it. My sis and I played that tape over and over again. (Our dolls put on LOTS of concerts…usually in conjuction with Jem and the Holograms, The Misfits, and The Stingers.) Oh, well…when I get sick of it I can always replace it with the Jem theme song. 😉
June 15th, 2006 at 8:24 am
Wow! You did an excellent job! I love Brandee's room and all the 80's stuff.
June 16th, 2006 at 5:51 pm
I love all of the details you've included, especially the idea of school pictures on the wall! Great job, and thanks for sharing. 🙂
June 18th, 2006 at 3:24 am
As someone once said, "God is in the details." I wish I knew for sure who to attribute that to because it's very true in this case. This is a wonderful set of outtakes, in every sense of the word. And oh my, I can't help but drool over your male sims. 😉
June 18th, 2006 at 6:53 am
Amalinaball: Thank you! I'm such a child of the 80's…hehe.
Christin: It was my pleasure! 🙂 Do you remember those old school pictures from the 80's that were shot with a black background where you would be smiling at the camera but then they'd superimpose your face off to the side where you're looking into the distance? Kind of cheesy…I hated mine anyway (but then I didn't like most of my school pictures). Anyway, I made one of those for Brandee. I wonder if they still do those anymore? haha
Eph: Aw, thank you! I had fun making all the little extras. It was also a great learning experience—i.e. learning to use SimPE and Body Shop to make my own custom objects.
And, my male sims thank you too! They're strutting around like peacocks now. 😉
June 19th, 2006 at 1:06 pm
I noticed some of the family pictures already in the first chapter and i thought "wow that's so neat" haha its fantabulous. The pictures are all very beautiful and i noticed the posters in the background of Brandees room and they meant nothing to me, not because i dont like it, only because i dont know what they are. I remember thinking if they were real but having been born in '89, i didnt experience the rave of the '80's haha. I can't wait for the next chapter loaded with pictures, which will of course kill my computer but i dont mind. I can always get a new one haha. Andconvince my parents to update to dsl or broadband..probably not but its ok haha. Anyway i loved this outtake, it helps me to know that you are still there and active unlike all of the other bloggers that i obssessed over, and that saddened me haha.
June 19th, 2006 at 5:19 pm
I did love the '80s details. Man what a difference a few years makes. So sad when your first memories aren't of My Litle Ponies and the Care Bears but Ren and Stimpy instead. Sigh.
But what I really wanted to know was how Brandee got off the lot. I kept thinking – did she have to take a taxi? Can she just do that?! How's she accomplishing this stuff it is sooo real!
June 20th, 2006 at 7:57 am
Eva: I hope this next chapter doesn't kill your computer too badly! At least once the pictures are all loaded, it should be easier to read the chapter the second time around.
I'm glad you enjoyed the outtake. As you said, it helps you know that I'm still active. That was the plan. Since it's relatively easy to put together these outtakes, I've decided that I will put one out about two weeks after I've released a main chapter to give my patient readers something to look at and just to let you know I'm still alive.
Lizzie: Ah…I remember Ren & Stimpy too… I had just started college when they came out. 🙁 *feels old* But I still buy a My Little Pony every now and them when I'm overcome with their cuteness. *feels younger again* 🙂
As to Brandee going off her home lot: well, that either involved cheating or clones. When she is walking down the street past the various houses in her neighborhood (each of which has someone living there), I used the InSIMenator to teleport her onto the lot.
The forest lot and the ruins lot each have clones of the original Brandee (which is pretty funny when one of the other Brandees walks by whatever lot I happen to be on.)
June 20th, 2006 at 1:30 pm
Brandee looks great I love all of her diffrent hairstyles ;D
June 21st, 2006 at 7:27 am
Bre: Thanks! I had fun picking out all the hairstyles she would wear. I ended up having to recolor all of them so that they would all be approximately the same shade of dark brown.
July 14th, 2009 at 7:47 pm
Hello, I know it's been a couple of years but I'm hoping there is more of this girls story. Please let me know if you have completed this as I would love to read it. Your'e a brilliant writer. 😀