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Behind-the-Scenes, Part 6

July 5th, 2008

The party continues with a sparkler celebration. And who doesn't love sparklers? The big bonus to in-game sparklers is that the sparks don't burn me. haha

Tahlvin and Tory undergo the ritual of male bonding over sparklers…er…doesn't sound very manly, does it? Don't tell Tahlvin I said that. πŸ˜‰

Aw, Tory looks so cute here. I can really see a lot of Brandee in him.

The whole family gets in on the act.

Everyone is just so happy! The power of sparklers. πŸ™‚ It's especially cute to see Tahlvin so happy–he's usually such the dark, sexy brooder.

Jason even comes over to join the fun, although he seems more intent on playing his video game (isn't that kind of weird…a video game character playing a video game?).

In an attempt to win points with his sons, Jason gives them the hand-held console. However, he's made two mistakes: one, he was just playing with it outside so now it's kind of "used", and, two, the twins' have to share it. What?! You can't ask two teenage boys to share something like that.

Way to drop the ball, Dad. *sigh* Jason has never had good luck giving his sons' video game equipment. Do you remember his failed quest for a Playstation in the Christmas Eve Story? Poor guy. He does try, but he's just not very attuned to his sons.

To add insult to injury, his nemesis Tahlvin has witnessed his failure.

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26 Responses to “Behind-the-Scenes, Part 6”

  1. Trina says:

    Thanks for sharing these with us Kara! :XO:

  2. E. Black says:

    That was definitely fun. Thank you for sharing the behind the scenes with us, Kara. πŸ™‚

  3. Shera says:

    It was realu fan to saw Tahlvin's family. And it's cool that the new chapter will soon appeared )

  4. Jenny says:

    thanks for sharing these Kara:)
    I know this has been asked and or brought up but where specifically can I find Tahlvin's tats?

  5. BanSidhe says:

    And where can we find Sam's hair?

  6. Cadie says:

    I throughly enjoyed that and kinda sad its coming to an end πŸ˜₯ I wish my sims were ass interesting as yours…all mine do is mate, educate,mate,give birth,mate for fun,die πŸ˜† joy.
    Thanks for sharing your behind the scenes stuff.

  7. Reyoko says:

    Aw, I can't believe it's over already! πŸ™ I really enjoyed reading these!
    But oh well, life has to move on, right?

    I really liked beginning when they were all playing with the sparkles.
    Tory in particular. I think I've seriously fallen for Tory.
    He's just so my type! ::-*: His bro's cool, but he's just better.
    His clothing style…everything really! Especially his sensitivity.
    I can't wait for an update on "Monster and the Maiden".
    But I've waited this long, I guess I can wait a little longer.
    I hope the twins get to make an appearance again! Even just a bit.

  8. Kara says:

    Thank you, guys! I'm really glad you all enjoyed seeing a more personal glimpse of my Sims.

    I'm a bit strapped for time today, but let me first answer some of your specific questions:

    Jenny, I used the University tattoos from from Marvine at InSIM, plus I used some tattoo dingbats from dafont. I used some other ones too, but I can't remember off the top of my head.

    BanSidhe, Sam's hair is by Adele.

  9. Nea says:

    I like Tory and Nathan's clothes. Where can I find them? Love your story by the way!!! :up: πŸ˜†

  10. Kara says:

    Thank you, Nea! I can't really remember where I downloaded the twins' clothes. I know I got Tory's scarf from Sim's Artist Union (SAU). I might have gotten the outfits from SixSixSims…I can't give you links to either site though as they are currently down.

  11. Trine:) says:

    ´Hello πŸ˜€ Great story! I think you're very talented πŸ™‚
    Where did you get Emilys clothes? Ive been looking all over for it, and i cant find it πŸ˜₯
    Do you remember where you got it?

  12. Kara says:

    Thank you, Trine. πŸ™‚ Emily's clothes are by Animera @ MTS2.

  13. Shera says:

    ((( Where is a new chapter abaut "Monster and Maiden". I want to read it so much ((

  14. cleo says:

    Yay! Finally, a worlds apart update! This was interesting to say the least, I recall you saying something about going back to tell jason and brandee and Tahlvin's break up story. I think this was a good start! thanks lots for sharing this with us, your shots are amazing and your sims are really one of the most realistic looking ones I've since around so far, a lot of them look like well… sims. But yours look so real! You've got such creative talent in creating sims and your angle shots, really really really, your pictures are amazing! do you edit them after you take them?

    I've one thing I'm not too sure about (probably cos I don't know the in and outs of the game that well yet): you said you didn't know whose the baby was when brandee was pregant cos you didn't hear the lullaby. I always had the impression that when you use the "try for baby" function, that it always works :/. Also, I thought sims can't get use the "try for baby" function on their own, it has to be initiated, could you please enlighten me? I'm confused!

    but i love worlds apart btw! Taaaahllllvvviiin!

  15. Kara says:

    πŸ˜€ Thank you, Cleo!

    You're right, the lullaby does always play if they get pregnant with the "try for baby". In my case though, I didn't hear it as I was playing with the sound off. So, even though I initiated their "try for baby" interaction, I wasn't sure if it had been successful or not. Unless they get pregnant every time you do the "try for baby"? I'm not sure as I really don't play that much.

    And, yes, I do usually edit my pictures. I always crop and resize them (they start off as 1600×1200 and still have the red pause frame around them). Then, it depends. For these, I didn't do anything else. For the ones in my main stories, I sometimes tweak the color (if I think the lighting is too yellow and want a cooler cast) and brighten the picture (sometimes the shots come out a bit dark since I use the Radiance Mod in my game). Sometimes I'll even sharpen them slightly, but not usually.

  16. Mesha says:

    I loved all of the behind the scene pics, kara. i really loved the ones of tal amd emmy when she was just a little munchkin, they were the cutest. keep it up and i cant wait until the next story chapter. Ciao

  17. Dektora says:

    Howdy Kara!
    Just reacting to your last comment: do you know about the pause line removing hack by Marvine?
    This baby saves me a lot of cropping πŸ˜›
    You still have to crop out the action cue if the selected sim is "in action", though. But still an awsome tool.

    And to stay focussed on current matters: I really enjoyed all those behind the scenes entries. And sim Sora is just as cute as the real thing, isn't she?

  18. Kara says:

    Hi, Dektora. πŸ™‚ Yeah, I've tried that mod before. Unfortunately, I just couldn't get used to not having the red pause line…I'm totally reliant on it to let me know that I've paused my game. haha Also, I recrop my images with or without the line as I rarely get the pictures setup perfectly while in the game. I guess I just like making more work for myself. :roll:

    And, thank you! Sora is a cute force unto herself. heehee No matter how she appears she is cute. πŸ˜‰

  19. Rosie says:

    I love your behind the scenes! When are you going to start up the story again? Also are you going to keep writing the "A Christmas Story" and "Boys of Summer"? Because, personally, as much as I like Worlds Apart, those are my favorites. πŸ˜‰

  20. Shera says:

    Dear author, where is the next chapter ? )

  21. Kara says:

    I'm working on it. I have a few other things I have to finish up first though.

  22. Veron says:

    Oh wow, I'm a little late, but these little peeks behind the scenes are so awesome. I've always been a fan of your creativity Kara, and I'm so glad that your back. Sorely missed, you were!

  23. Kara says:

    Aw, thank you, Veron. That's very sweet. :XO:

  24. Trine says:

    Hey:) I think your stories are amazing! Your pics are stunning and your cc are great:D.. I have to say that Tahlvin is hooot! πŸ˜€ Where did you get the floor, in Tahlvin and Brandees kitchen/livingroom?

  25. Kara says:

    Hi, Trine. Thank you! You know, I can't at all remember where I got the floor. If I had to guess, I'd say Holy Simoly. It may not be there, but they have some great wood floors nonetheless.

  26. Trine says:

    Thank you πŸ™‚ I'll check it…


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