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Behind-the-Scenes, Part 5

July 3rd, 2008

It's the dawning of a big day at the Ramsey/Shadowtalon household. Brandee is dreading it, but Tahlvin is ready to face the day…of course he has the most awesome words of wisdom stiched onto undies to rely on when these types of crisises arrive. 😉

Even the cats seem a bit on edge.

Psst…Cimmy…whatever is going on I think your food bowl is safe.

Brandee fortifies herself for the day with a good stiff drink of…Guinness? Well, it was the only alcohol in the house. It will have to serve in a pinch.

The moment has finally arrived. The twins' birthday could not be put off any longer. You may notice the other two guests in attendance–Jason and Sam–and perhaps now you might realize why Brandee and Tahlvin might be stressing out just a bit. But, the boys wanted them here, so…

The adults manage to get through the first few awkward moments and focus instead soley on the boys. It is their day after all.

No one even cares that they all look like complete and utter dorks as they cheer the boys on. (Seriously, even Tahlvin, my coolest sim, looks like a dork here. The birthday animations are so funny. I love little Emily's jumping especially.)

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10 Responses to “Behind-the-Scenes, Part 5”

  1. taddykins says:

    Haha, I loved Tahlvin's pose in the last pic, he doesn't look anything like the serious guy he use to be 😀
    And hey, Kara, which skintone and eyes Tahlvin and Brandee use?
    And Cimmy, as just a cat can be, is the funniest little thing ever! 😆

  2. Reyoko says:

    Oh….! :XO: I absolutely love how Tory and Nathan looks as teens!

    They are just so hot! The chapter when they came out just doesn't do this fangirl justice! 8) Too bad that they both already have girlfriends (if they're appearance in that chapter was anything to go by since they both left in the car saying they were late for their dates…right? :?). Sigh. Why are all the hot boys taken?

  3. Trina says:

    Emily is so adorable and I love her outfit. It took me forever to find it on MTS2 but I finally got it into my game. So much drama in the Ramsey/Shadowtalon household. Can't wait to see more……

  4. Cadie says:

    Cimmy cracks me up, shes always doing the wierdest things. Nathan and Tory look very much like Jason…and you know how I feel about Jason 😛 *rivals Tahlvin* cough.
    Keep 'em coming!

  5. Kara says:

    Thank you! 😀

    taddykins, both Brandee and Tahlvin wear skins that I blended myself. Brandee's skin is a blend of SimCribbling (Louis/Ren), RenSim and Teru-K/Ephemera. Tahlvin's is a blend of Enayla, KnightSkyeKyte (sp?), and willstefan. As for their eyes, Brandee uses Helaene's Starstruck eyes, and Tahlvin is using some of Enayla's eyes (one of the early ones you could download with her skintones). For both sets of eyes, I use RenSim's Confutatis sclera mask. 🙂

  6. Choco says:

    Didn't one of the boys have a crush on Saena? I was looking back on the Christmas episodes and remembered about that. Are we going to be seeing Saena any time soon? Granted, I don't think she'd take advantage of the boys like that, especially now that they're hot. And what does she think of Brandee and Tahlvin getting together? I kind of miss her and her spunky-ness.

  7. Kara says:

    Indeed, it was Nathan who had a crush on her. Saena doesn't live in the same country. She's been overseas teaching ESL in Japan and only returns to The States for holidays. As for what Saena thinks about Tahlvin and Brandee getting together, I'm sure she supports whatever her friend decides. Of course, she's also had a crush on Jason since forever, so…

  8. Coco says:

    Hi i've just started reading your story, but that first image of Brandee caught my eye, specially because of her pj's 😡 …i know.anyway, i would be glad if you could send me an e-mail telling me where can i found one.
    Keep the great work! 🙂

  9. Kara says:

    Hi, Coco. Brandee's pajamas are made by Tantra at TSR. 🙂

  10. Trista says:

    Was just wondering, how did you change their nose? I'm having fun reading through all the behind the scenes stuff while waiting for the next chapter of the Monster and the Maiden. I'm feeling all inspired to try this with my own neighborhood that I created.


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