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Behind-the-Scenes, Part 4

July 1st, 2008

About half way through the pictures now…I told you there were a lot!

I wonder what the message on Tahlvin's undies is supposed to signify. "'Only the Brave' eat my cooking." "'Only the Brave' try to talk to me in the morning before I've had my first cup of coffee." Or "'Only the Brave' try to get in my pants"… Um…I'm spending way too much time thinking about this. 😳

Back to the innocence of youth. Er…except for the fact that it looks like Cimmy (on the far right) is partaking of the 'nip again. *shakes head* It's going to be the death of her. (*gasp* Heavy-handed foreshadowing???)

Nathan is being a good boy and doing his homework. I actually think he did Emily's homework for her too. What a good older brother!

Oh, and here's Emily doing Tory's homework. Such a smart girl! Her own homework is just too easy for her. And where's Tory?

Hmm…well, crap…looks like Tory killed the cat. He should be ashamed–killing cats instead of doing his homework. Or maybe the poor kit died from too much catnip… I told you it would be the death of her. πŸ™

haha No, just kidding! She's just playing dead. It's one of her newest tricks. Sorry for the (lame-ass) red herring. πŸ˜€

You know…I think it would be really hard to have a dad that looked like Tahlvin. Ick…I don't even want to think along those lines too much. I know I'd never want him for a dad. πŸ˜‰

Poor Emily…at least she has Edmond to fill her adolescent fantasies. Hmm… *drifts off into my own adult fantasies*

Anyway! Back to the innocence of youth. Of the twins, Nathan is the one to who Emily is the closest.

OMG, Tory! What are you wearing? Don't you think that looks a little…um…girly? I'm starting to wonder about you.

And, uh, Tahlvin? Should you really be letting your little girl stand out in the street like that? I thought you were more protective.

Nathan is looking adorable in blue. It seems he has better taste than his brother.

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14 Responses to “Behind-the-Scenes, Part 4”

  1. Cadie says:

    Ahaha I love the first pic and I mostly agree with the latter statement πŸ˜›
    I think you should send Cimmy to cat Rehab, she's like hooked on catnip its unbelievable, and I did think for like two seconds that Cimmy was dead πŸ˜₯

    I feel sorry for Emily too, though…EEEEKKK! Imma shutup now 😐

  2. Cadie says:

    Forgot to mention, AWESOME UPDATE keep 'em coming :up:

  3. Lisa says:

    *pants* Is it hot in here, or is it just Tahlvin?

  4. Jenny says:

    great pics Kara:D
    Can't wait to read it when you are finished!
    question, I can't remember if Jason was ever up for download? or is there someone similar looking to him??? thanks!!!!!
    My main character in my own story needs a new leading man:)

  5. Kara says:

    Cadie: Thank you! That was a mean trick I pulled, but I couldn't resist. And, I think you're right. Cimmy should go to rehab posthaste! haha

    Lisa: heehee So, it's not just me…phew! πŸ˜‰

    Jenny: The only Sim I've offered for download is Lord Carfax. Not sure if you knew that already, or if he's even what you're looking for, but there it is. πŸ™‚

  6. Trina says:

    I love these snapshots Kara! And if you're a dork about Tahlvin then I'm really pathetic!! πŸ˜€

  7. Reyoko says:

    Kara: OMG, Tory! What are you wearing? Don't you think that looks a littleÒ€¦umÒ€¦girly? I'm starting to wonder about you.

    Are you thinking what I think you're thinking? Cause I'm thinking of something along the time of what I think you're thinking.
    Am I making any sense at all? πŸ˜• I don't think so. Just ignore me. hehe.

  8. Kara says:

    Trina: Well, we can be pathetic dorks together then! πŸ˜€

    Reyoko: You totally make sense. Maybe because we are on the same wavelength here. πŸ˜‰

  9. Reyoko says:

    Hehe. Maybe, maybe. πŸ˜€
    Nathan is definately 100% (or close to it) straight. Don't know why but he is.
    But Tory…hm…that's a question I'll leave up to you to answer. hehe.

  10. Trine says:

    Hey again:) got a question more:P how do you get the 'Gunmod Radiance Light' to work? I really don't understand it… Hope you can help πŸ˜† Still, fantastic stories πŸ™‚

  11. Kara says:

    Trine, the Radiance Mod from MTS2 has detailed instructions in the post. dDefinder (the creator of this version) answers questions in the comments' section of the post as well. I'm really not the best person to ask about this type of technical stuff. heehee

  12. Trine says:

    Thanks:).. I'll try it, but it does look a little complicated to me 😑

  13. Kara says:

    It's really not too bad. dDefinder does a really good job with the instructions. Good luck! πŸ˜€

  14. Trine says:

    Thank you πŸ™‚


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