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Behind-the-Scenes, Part 3

June 29th, 2008

There are still many pictures to come. I hope you're not getting bored. I should have done this a long time ago!

Tahlvin set up Cakey Lee's bed in Emily's room. Cakey is the guard cat. 😮

First day of school! I love her rain coat.

Cimmy spends the last moments of her kittenhood curled up on one of the kids' homework (probably Tory's…he hates doing homework). So cute!

Cimmy is a big girl now.

Brandee and Emily spend quality time together.

I think Brandee got bored so Emily ropes Tory into playing dolls.

Yep, the kids like to play. I have a lot of happy memories myself of playing with my sister when I was a kid. Ah, good times!

Cimmy rolls around looking cute in a bid for attention.

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9 Responses to “Behind-the-Scenes, Part 3”

  1. Tanya says:

    I give in! One of my sims will have to get a cat if they're all as cute (and crazy) as Cimmy 🙂 It's great that Emily and boys get along so well. And shots of Tahlvin will never be boring :XO:

  2. Kara says:

    heehee Tanya! No one can resist the cute. 😉 Actually, Cimmy is in your game already. You just need to call Pet Adoption (under services, I think?). She's one of the kittens available in the adoption pool.

    And, I agree, I never get sick of looking at Tahlvin. :XO:

  3. Shera says:

    I don't like pets in sims. I think they borring. But your cat ,ake me change my mind )) Do you know about The Sims 2: Apartament Life?

  4. Kara says:

    Shera: I think the pets are fun…I just have them behave as normal pets and maybe train them in a few tricks, but they don't have jobs or anything. They are basically there for the Sims to have fun and socialize with.

    And, yes, I've heard of Apartment Life. I'm not sure if I'll be getting it (I never got Freetime) but it looks really interesting.

  5. Cadie says:

    Freetime is not as bad as I thought it would, there are some really cool things in it such as the exercise bike and the sewing machine ( I loves me a sewing machine 😀 😀 ) and the whole second aspiration and growing with friends thing is pretty cool, however the hobbys system is really annoying as its somewhat limited, but i love the whole writing of custom made books and blogging! Oh yeah and the work out clothes are cute too. But pfft, I guess it is an EP could live without like Bon Voyage, though I loved the landscape in that.

  6. Kara says:

    Cadie: Freetime actually looks really interesting to me. I'm just working up the courage to install Bon Voyage though so I'm a bit behind the curve. haha One step at a time, I guess. I don't really play the game all that much, so it's the objects that always interest me the most.

  7. Reyoko says:

    That cat is so cute~ 😆
    Your cat does crazy stuff too? I wonder why cats are so crazy at times…
    My own cats are so crazy (and both are gay with each other :XO: )

  8. Kara says:

    haha I think it's part of the job description for cats: must be crazy.

  9. Reyoko says:

    Too true! 😮
    They just aren't as adorable and lovable if they aren't so. hehe.


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