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Behind-the-Scenes, Part 4

July 1st, 2008

Awww! Okay, moment over. Now get out the street, you two. You're stressing me out!

Surrounded by kitties, does it get any better? (Well, I guess if you hate cats, it does.)

Uh, oh…I feel like we're intruding on a private moment.

Maybe we should leave them alone?

Oh, my…is it getting hot in here? Or is it just me?

Er…I got nothin'. My brain just short-circuited.

heehee :XO: I'm such a dork when it comes to Tahlvin. Really…it's kind of embarrassing.

Another "aww" worthy moment. *sigh* So romantic!

Author's Note: As I write this (Friday June 27th…yay for working ahead!), I'm happy to say that I'm finally nearing completion of a big project that I've been working on…no, not my story. πŸ˜› Over the last few weeks, I've been slogging through my download folder culling custom content that I rarely, if ever, used (OMG, such a boring task). I think I was up to about 12,700 items. My game was taking about 5 minutes or so to load…eep! I still have a few folders to go through, but I think I'll be able to finish up today. I wonder how much I was able to get rid of? (Edited to add: I got it down to about 9,300).

Anyway, the reason I'm doing this is because I want to try out Bon Voyage once again. I've found a new version of Gunmod's Radiance Light that is supposed to work with it (which is one of the main reasons I opted out of using it last time), so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I also downloaded a crap-ton (not an official system of measurement but it should be…heh) of Castaway Stories-ripped items (post #21) for Sims 2 (thank you for the links, Tanya!), which will most likely be replacing all the CC I managed to cull from my game. *rollseyes* I want to make a Castaway neighborhood in my main game. Plus, I want to get back to work on my story!


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14 Responses to “Behind-the-Scenes, Part 4”

  1. Cadie says:

    Ahaha I love the first pic and I mostly agree with the latter statement πŸ˜›
    I think you should send Cimmy to cat Rehab, she's like hooked on catnip its unbelievable, and I did think for like two seconds that Cimmy was dead πŸ˜₯

    I feel sorry for Emily too, though…EEEEKKK! Imma shutup now 😐

  2. Cadie says:

    Forgot to mention, AWESOME UPDATE keep 'em coming :up:

  3. Lisa says:

    *pants* Is it hot in here, or is it just Tahlvin?

  4. Jenny says:

    great pics Kara:D
    Can't wait to read it when you are finished!
    question, I can't remember if Jason was ever up for download? or is there someone similar looking to him??? thanks!!!!!
    My main character in my own story needs a new leading man:)

  5. Kara says:

    Cadie: Thank you! That was a mean trick I pulled, but I couldn't resist. And, I think you're right. Cimmy should go to rehab posthaste! haha

    Lisa: heehee So, it's not just me…phew! πŸ˜‰

    Jenny: The only Sim I've offered for download is Lord Carfax. Not sure if you knew that already, or if he's even what you're looking for, but there it is. πŸ™‚

  6. Trina says:

    I love these snapshots Kara! And if you're a dork about Tahlvin then I'm really pathetic!! πŸ˜€

  7. Reyoko says:

    Kara: OMG, Tory! What are you wearing? Don't you think that looks a littleÒ€¦umÒ€¦girly? I'm starting to wonder about you.

    Are you thinking what I think you're thinking? Cause I'm thinking of something along the time of what I think you're thinking.
    Am I making any sense at all? πŸ˜• I don't think so. Just ignore me. hehe.

  8. Kara says:

    Trina: Well, we can be pathetic dorks together then! πŸ˜€

    Reyoko: You totally make sense. Maybe because we are on the same wavelength here. πŸ˜‰

  9. Reyoko says:

    Hehe. Maybe, maybe. πŸ˜€
    Nathan is definately 100% (or close to it) straight. Don't know why but he is.
    But Tory…hm…that's a question I'll leave up to you to answer. hehe.

  10. Trine says:

    Hey again:) got a question more:P how do you get the 'Gunmod Radiance Light' to work? I really don't understand it… Hope you can help πŸ˜† Still, fantastic stories πŸ™‚

  11. Kara says:

    Trine, the Radiance Mod from MTS2 has detailed instructions in the post. dDefinder (the creator of this version) answers questions in the comments' section of the post as well. I'm really not the best person to ask about this type of technical stuff. heehee

  12. Trine says:

    Thanks:).. I'll try it, but it does look a little complicated to me 😑

  13. Kara says:

    It's really not too bad. dDefinder does a really good job with the instructions. Good luck! πŸ˜€

  14. Trine says:

    Thank you πŸ™‚


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