Behind-the-Scenes, Part 5
July 3rd, 2008

Drumroll, please…

Nathan sprouts into a teenager. He even manages to wear clothes that aren't too lame.

Tory, however… *cringe* Everyone seems a bit underwhelmed by his choice of clothes. I don't blame them. He is looking a bit nerdy…and not in a cute nerd way.

In a moment of downtime, while Brandee fields a call from her mother-in-law (Tahlvin's mom), Jason seems to be reflecting on everything he missed in the boys' lives. *sniff* They grow up so fast.
Or perhaps he's thinking about his slut of an ex-wife, her devil of a husband and the cursed fruit of thier infidelity Emily.
I don't know…it's kind of hard to tell.

Anyway, moving on…
Three of the original four. 🙁 Kind of sad, really.

However, while Jason is having an angst fest (or perhaps contemplating murder), Nathan decides he needs a bit of a different look now that he's a teenager. That haircut he had as a kid just isn't working for him anymore.

Once Tory saw his brother's transformation, he decides to do the same and try to rid himself of his nerdy image.
(I also gave them their mother's nose so that they wouldn't look like total duplicates of their dad.)
Author's Note: I just wanted to let you know that I've gone through and updated/cleaned out links on my credits page so you should have an easier time finding things now. There were many sites in it that were no longer even around. Anyway, all fixed now! Go have fun. 🙂
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10 Responses to “Behind-the-Scenes, Part 5”
July 3rd, 2008 at 3:30 pm
Haha, I loved Tahlvin's pose in the last pic, he doesn't look anything like the serious guy he use to be 😀
And hey, Kara, which skintone and eyes Tahlvin and Brandee use?
And Cimmy, as just a cat can be, is the funniest little thing ever! 😆
July 4th, 2008 at 3:51 am
Oh….! :XO: I absolutely love how Tory and Nathan looks as teens!
They are just so hot! The chapter when they came out just doesn't do this fangirl justice! 8) Too bad that they both already have girlfriends (if they're appearance in that chapter was anything to go by since they both left in the car saying they were late for their dates…right? :?). Sigh. Why are all the hot boys taken?
July 4th, 2008 at 5:26 pm
Emily is so adorable and I love her outfit. It took me forever to find it on MTS2 but I finally got it into my game. So much drama in the Ramsey/Shadowtalon household. Can't wait to see more……
July 5th, 2008 at 3:28 am
Cimmy cracks me up, shes always doing the wierdest things. Nathan and Tory look very much like Jason…and you know how I feel about Jason 😛 *rivals Tahlvin* cough.
Keep 'em coming!
July 6th, 2008 at 7:45 am
July 13th, 2008 at 2:17 pm
Didn't one of the boys have a crush on Saena? I was looking back on the Christmas episodes and remembered about that. Are we going to be seeing Saena any time soon? Granted, I don't think she'd take advantage of the boys like that, especially now that they're hot. And what does she think of Brandee and Tahlvin getting together? I kind of miss her and her spunky-ness.
July 14th, 2008 at 8:39 am
September 1st, 2008 at 2:56 pm
Hi i've just started reading your story, but that first image of Brandee caught my eye, specially because of her pj's 😡 …i know.anyway, i would be glad if you could send me an e-mail telling me where can i found one.
Keep the great work! 🙂
September 1st, 2008 at 6:18 pm
December 8th, 2008 at 8:33 am
Was just wondering, how did you change their nose? I'm having fun reading through all the behind the scenes stuff while waiting for the next chapter of the Monster and the Maiden. I'm feeling all inspired to try this with my own neighborhood that I created.