Behind-the-Scenes, Part 6
July 5th, 2008

Tahlvin thinks it's all rather funny. Yeah, beneath the thin veneer of civility they put on around the children, these two guys will never be friends. Both men are too much the alpha-male to back down to each other.

Tahlvin has, however, tried to mend fences with his ex-wife Sam. They may never totally recover the deep friendship they once shared, but they have managed to salvage a part of that friendship.

It seems that Tory has thanked his Dad for his present at least. He seems to be the most sensitive of the two boys, but he was also the one who made an angry face when he got his birthday gift. I don't know…I just don't understand boys. π

And so the day dawns on the twins' first day of school as teenagers. They get to experience all the joys of high school. Yay?

And who does Nathan bring home from school? Why, it's Sora! This girl is the representation of what my real life cat Sora would be like if she was a humanoid–a very cute/sweet exterior of white and pink that hides a very mischievous and rebellious streak. heehee

But, that's okay. Nathan likes bad girls.

Yep, her cuteness scores again. She knows she already has him wrapped around her finger.

Meanwhile, Tahlvin has once again been promoted. Finally, he has become an astronaut. Very cool, I think! Plus, who doesn't love a man in uniform?

Oh, and look, it's Cimmy. Maybe she isn't always batting at imaginary things like I thought she was. See the wee fly she's watching?

And that brings us to the end of the pictures, but it also brings us up to date with the beginning of "The Monster and the Maiden". The boys are actually raking the leaves the night before Chapter 4 happened.
I hope you enjoyed the behind-the-scenes look at the Ramsey/Shadowtalon household. I'll have to do it again sometime; I had fun playing them.
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26 Responses to “Behind-the-Scenes, Part 6”
July 5th, 2008 at 8:39 am
Thanks for sharing these with us Kara! :XO:
July 5th, 2008 at 9:21 am
That was definitely fun. Thank you for sharing the behind the scenes with us, Kara. π
July 5th, 2008 at 10:13 am
It was realu fan to saw Tahlvin's family. And it's cool that the new chapter will soon appeared )
July 5th, 2008 at 10:54 am
thanks for sharing these Kara:)
I know this has been asked and or brought up but where specifically can I find Tahlvin's tats?
July 5th, 2008 at 2:41 pm
And where can we find Sam's hair?
July 5th, 2008 at 2:51 pm
I throughly enjoyed that and kinda sad its coming to an end π₯ I wish my sims were ass interesting as yours…all mine do is mate, educate,mate,give birth,mate for fun,die π joy.
Thanks for sharing your behind the scenes stuff.
July 5th, 2008 at 4:30 pm
Aw, I can't believe it's over already! π I really enjoyed reading these!
But oh well, life has to move on, right?
I really liked beginning when they were all playing with the sparkles.
Tory in particular. I think I've seriously fallen for Tory.
He's just so my type! ::-*: His bro's cool, but he's just better.
His clothing style…everything really! Especially his sensitivity.
I can't wait for an update on "Monster and the Maiden".
But I've waited this long, I guess I can wait a little longer.
I hope the twins get to make an appearance again! Even just a bit.
July 6th, 2008 at 7:38 am
July 11th, 2008 at 12:00 pm
I like Tory and Nathan's clothes. Where can I find them? Love your story by the way!!! :up: π
July 12th, 2008 at 4:23 pm
July 16th, 2008 at 1:22 am
ΓΒ΄Hello π Great story! I think you're very talented π
Where did you get Emilys clothes? Ive been looking all over for it, and i cant find it π₯
Do you remember where you got it?
July 16th, 2008 at 7:46 am
July 18th, 2008 at 5:29 am
((( Where is a new chapter abaut "Monster and Maiden". I want to read it so much ((
July 23rd, 2008 at 10:03 am
Yay! Finally, a worlds apart update! This was interesting to say the least, I recall you saying something about going back to tell jason and brandee and Tahlvin's break up story. I think this was a good start! thanks lots for sharing this with us, your shots are amazing and your sims are really one of the most realistic looking ones I've since around so far, a lot of them look like well… sims. But yours look so real! You've got such creative talent in creating sims and your angle shots, really really really, your pictures are amazing! do you edit them after you take them?
I've one thing I'm not too sure about (probably cos I don't know the in and outs of the game that well yet): you said you didn't know whose the baby was when brandee was pregant cos you didn't hear the lullaby. I always had the impression that when you use the "try for baby" function, that it always works :/. Also, I thought sims can't get use the "try for baby" function on their own, it has to be initiated, could you please enlighten me? I'm confused!
but i love worlds apart btw! Taaaahllllvvviiin!
July 23rd, 2008 at 10:16 am
July 23rd, 2008 at 10:40 am
I loved all of the behind the scene pics, kara. i really loved the ones of tal amd emmy when she was just a little munchkin, they were the cutest. keep it up and i cant wait until the next story chapter. Ciao
July 30th, 2008 at 5:24 am
Howdy Kara!
Just reacting to your last comment: do you know about the pause line removing hack by Marvine?
This baby saves me a lot of cropping π
You still have to crop out the action cue if the selected sim is "in action", though. But still an awsome tool.
And to stay focussed on current matters: I really enjoyed all those behind the scenes entries. And sim Sora is just as cute as the real thing, isn't she?
July 30th, 2008 at 8:12 am
July 31st, 2008 at 3:41 pm
I love your behind the scenes! When are you going to start up the story again? Also are you going to keep writing the "A Christmas Story" and "Boys of Summer"? Because, personally, as much as I like Worlds Apart, those are my favorites. π
August 16th, 2008 at 1:02 am
Dear author, where is the next chapter ? )
August 16th, 2008 at 8:32 am
August 28th, 2008 at 8:37 pm
Oh wow, I'm a little late, but these little peeks behind the scenes are so awesome. I've always been a fan of your creativity Kara, and I'm so glad that your back. Sorely missed, you were!
September 1st, 2008 at 8:00 am
September 4th, 2008 at 5:15 am
Hey:) I think your stories are amazing! Your pics are stunning and your cc are great:D.. I have to say that Tahlvin is hooot! π Where did you get the floor, in Tahlvin and Brandees kitchen/livingroom?
September 4th, 2008 at 7:20 am
September 4th, 2008 at 9:47 am
Thank you π I'll check it…