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Just Lips Remix

August 23rd, 2008

Inspired by Pooklet's alpha edits of some of my favorite lipsticks, I decided to redo my original Just Lips so that I could use them with a wider variety of skintones. As does Pooklet, I've used Bruno's alpha from her Naturalips collection to re-edit my lips. So, a big thanks to Pooklet for the inspiration and to Bruno for allowing the use of her alphas. πŸ™‚

A comparison to show the difference between the old and new alphas.

I've expanded the collection somewhat since the initial release of this set. There are five new colors that weren't available before: Dark 01 (the original Dark 01 is now Dark 02), Dark 03, Alabaster, Dusk, Assassin.

A couple more examples:

I'm much more pleased with this collection this time around and will be able to use them a lot more. I hope you enjoy them too.


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36 Responses to “Just Lips Remix”

  1. Cassie says:

    Woohoo! An update! Thanks for these, they look very nice.


    Love 'em! Thanks again! πŸ˜€

  2. Reyoko says:

    Oh my gosh! 😯 You're kidding! That's Emmy's grand-dad?!

    Holy smokes! I never imagined him like that (then again, I was too busy imaging his grandsons…ahem… :oops:) Well, it's good now that we know what the guy Edmond hates so much looks like. I can see why… πŸ˜›

    Oh, and Brandee looks HOT in that leather suit! Do they come in teenage sizes? Cause I'm getting this fantasy with Tory and Nathan wearing them…. :XO: Oh my. Hehee~

  3. Shanna says:

    Oh these are *great* – thanks for sharing, too. I needed some "natural" looking lips & lipsticks for my Sims and these are perfect.

  4. Beverly says:

    These lips are really nice, thank you for sharing them. I just found your site recently and WOW your stories are awesome and the photography blows me away!

  5. Cadie says:

    *EEEEEEP!* An Update! Koryll is magnifique lol! Funny enough I expected him to look something like that. Anywhooo…these lips are great…pefect for my natural looking sims. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Mao says:

    Very awesome, thanks! I still use your original lips, but am happily adding these to my collection. πŸ˜‰

  7. Gayl says:

    These are just as good, even better than the originals. I have been using the natural lips on a lot of my new characters and I love them. Happily adding these to my collection!

    And is that Brandee in those shots? She looks different.

  8. Kara says:

    Thanks, guys! I'm glad you are enjoying them. πŸ™‚

    Gayl, that is Brandee in the pictures with Tahlvin and Koryll. She probably looks a bit different because she'd not wearing much makeup and I changed her hairstyle. πŸ˜‰

  9. Trina says:

    Either way – Brandee is just gorgeous! Her eyes are amazing…..

  10. Veron says:

    Awesome, I used your original lips on EVERYONE. Thanks for more to add to the collection.

    Oh, and Koryll? I do hope we'll be seeing him again soon. Hot…

  11. R. says:

    Those are some gorgeous lips. I use your first set all the time because I love how they work on all of my sims. These are going to get so much use in game.

  12. Selu says:


    where can I get the clothes of the girl and boy? I love, are perfect.


  13. Kara says:

    Hi, Selu. Which clothes are you talking about? All of them or just the clothes in the first picture?

  14. Selu says:

    Hi, Kara.. πŸ™‚




    Please πŸ˜‰

  15. Kara says:

    The outfits in the first picture were recolored from the originals by me ( and I also put them on some Club Crimsyn meshes). Unfortunately, I can't share them as the creator doesn't allow it, but you can download the original Navetsea versions.

    The Native outfit in the second picture I got from More Awesome Than You.

    I hope that helps. πŸ™‚

  16. Selu says:

    Thanks very much,

    I am sorry for the inconvenience, but I have a doubt over. I would like to know where I can get the hair of the girl of the first photo, belts and accessories bearing "glasses" in the head. and the accessory of the girl's knife in the other photo. please.

    I'm sorry, my English is pathetic, but I do not speak this language. I am Spanish. Certainly their images, creations and stories, are staggering.

  17. Kara says:

    Gracias, Selu. And your English is fine. πŸ™‚ Hablo un poquito Español solamente. 😳

    First picture: hair by LaPink, goggles by Avund, belt by me.

    The knife in the other picture is actually a part of the outfit.

    Have fun!

  18. Selu says:

    Muchisimas gracias!!! :halo:

  19. Jevina says:

    Hey, I love your stuff, and I was wondering if you recolored the dreads on Tahlvin's dad, if so I was wondering if you had planned on uploading it anywhere, I'm sure a ton of people would love to have that recolour in their games. I hope so, if not it's still nice to look at anyways.

  20. Kara says:

    Thank you, Jevina! And, indeed, I will be releasing the dread recolors that Koryll is wearing. I'm glad you like them! πŸ˜€

  21. Jevina says:

    Sweet, I can't wait. But I will.

  22. Nixy says:

    Ooh gorgeous!

  23. oolongteadrinker says:

    The lips, they are divine! Must have!
    Speaking of, where did you get the AWESOME clothes in the top pic? They'd be perfect for my sci-fi special ops sim.

    I'm pretty much seething with jealousy concerning your simmies. They're the hottest I've seen in a long time. Male or female, they're absolutely yummy.

    Which confuses me….
    I've said too much.

    Excellent work! (please post more of your story! GOING THRU SERIOUS WITHDRAWAL)

  24. oolongteadrinker says:

    oops. (reading comments). All caught up now. Nevermind about my silly questions!

  25. Kara says:

    haha Well, that made answering you easy then. πŸ˜‰ And thank you so much for the compliments on my Sims. I'm really pleased that you like them. Also, hopefully your withdrawal symptoms aren't too severe. I should have a cure coming up for you in a few more days. πŸ™‚

  26. Beth says:

    absolutely adore these. Gorgeous work. The detail and the color on the lower lips in particular…really beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. Since Gayl and I work together and share characters, it was about time I thanked you properly. Your work is, of course, stunning.

  27. kaskurgi says:

    Thank you for sharing these lips with us they are wonderful! Also I was curious about the outfits; I know someone asked earlier about them and I was wondering since Aikea's policy on sharing has changed if you were planning to upload them? Thanks a ton again!

  28. Kara says:

    kaskurgi: Actually, while the meshes are by Aikea, the textures for the outfits are by Navetsea and, as far as I know, his policies haven't changed, so I still can't share the outfits. I'm sorry. But, I'm glad you like the lips. Thank you for downloading them. πŸ™‚

  29. Will says:

    Kara I love these! I use them constantly on my guys! Thank you for making them. Your talent makes all of our games better.

    Where can I find the eyepatch in the first photo? I love it!

  30. Kara says:

    Thank you, Will! The eyepatch mesh is from MTS, if I remember correctly; however, the texture is a personal recolor I did.

  31. Will says:

    Any chance of me being able to talk you into sharing the recolor? LOL

  32. Kara says:

    If I can find it, I'll put it up for download.

  33. Will says:

    Cool! Thank you!

  34. Strange Tomato says:

    I love these lips! I've been using them for a while now, so I thought I'd drop by to thank you.

    I haven't been able to find your policies for sharing your cc. Would I be able to include these on a sim for download? You would be given credit, of course.

  35. Kara says:

    Thank you so much! I'm so glad you find them so useful. πŸ˜€ And, I don't have any strict policies or anything. Have fun with them!

  36. Eris says:

    Wow, I just discoved these AMAZING. I love your characters they have such unique features, I would ask you to upload them but you have probably been asked that a million times and want to keep these tasty creatures to yourself πŸ˜€ I just wanted to pop in and say, as a fellow writer, that I love your writing style! It's very distinct and easy to get snatched into the story. I hope you keep writing sims stories, I hope you get this!


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