Sims 3 Tales: Wishes, Part 01
July 24th, 2009
** News Alert — World Held for Ransom…Again. **
Broadcasting live from Fort Gnome Military Base
12:00 AM
The Emperor of Evil, also known as The Leader to those in The Organization, once again held the world at ransom. The identity of this person is still unknown, but this is the third time in as many months that the Emperor made the world quake in terror and yet again the Leader of the Free World caved in to her demands. Tune in again at the bottom of the hour for more exclusive and in-depth coverage of this latest development.
Alone, Katriss stepped out of the base, her minions having already departed. She was satisfied that she'd once again successfully demonstrated her brilliance and might to the world. But, in truth, it was really too easy. The Leader of the Free World was a wimp and a push over. This was getting boring. At least she had her newest revenge scheme to hold her attention.
Back at home, Ransom once again found his thoughts turning toward how he should tell Katriss about his wanting to go into law enforcement. He tried not to worry about it too much though. After all, he did have other things to occupy his time.
For instance, Inara had finally learned to use the potty. He was proud of his little girl. He was never around during his son Buster's childhood, so he was making amends now that Katriss had given him a second chance.
On her way home from the military base, Katriss made her driver stop at her old house. She hated to think that the vegetables and fruit trees that she'd left behind when she moved would go to waste. So, she tried to stop by every now and then to harvest them.
Then she just wandered through the streets of the quiet city and enjoyed the silence. It was a rare treat for her. Before she'd become The Leader, she'd jogged these same streets alone while others slept the night away. Sometimes, she missed her private time.
But, it was wonderful to return home and have someone to share her success with.
Ransom: "Since you're in such a good mood, I have something I want to talk to you about."
Katriss: "Okay…shoot."
And so, he told her about his dream.
Katriss: "Oh, but that's more wonderful than you can ever know!"
Ransom: "Really?"
Katriss: "Definitely! I'll finally have a man on the inside! Well, one that I can trust anyway."
Ransom: "Hmm…I hadn't thought of that. Maybe they won't want me then."
Katriss: "It's not like anyone knows I'm The Leader. Well, anyone outside this household…and only a select few in The Organization. But, still! The silly cops around here haven't made the connection. They just think I'm a small-time player. Maybe they will think that by hiring you, they can keep a better eye on me.
"Do me a favor though, love."
Ransom: "Sure, what is it?"
Katriss: "I'll have The Organization lay low for a while. Give the police a chance to get careless. Then, you can go ahead and apply for your job. I want to confuse them a little. Make them wonder about the real reason you're applying for work with them. Okay?"
Ransom: "Your mind is as twisted as frickin' maze. It makes my head hurt trying to keep up with you. But, I guess that's why I love you, Kat. Of course, it helps that you're sexy as hell too."
Katriss: "Aw, you say the sweetest things, Mr. Clavell."
A few days later…
Katriss: "Your time has come, little one. Prepare yourself for your last day…of toddlerhood! Mwahahaha!"
9 Responses to “Sims 3 Tales: Wishes, Part 01”
July 24th, 2009 at 7:58 pm
Wow first post again!
Hm… /:I
Seriously this made my day Kara. Just… awesome. And it's great to see Ethyn finally getting some affection of his own, poor guy finally has something to smile about now, :D. I can't wait for the next one! Eeee :o!
By the way, the interactions in TS3 are phenomenal (did I spell that right :x… phenaw…pheniiiimenjdfk). Seriously when I saw Katriss reading to Inara, I was in shock at how realistic that looked!
Just that I'd add that in… ๐ณ
July 24th, 2009 at 8:55 pm
Yes, I agree with you Stephanie. The interactions are so realistic. There are only a handful of things that I dislike about The Sims 3. (One of the major things being that I can't switch from family to family as I please without losing Lifetime Rewards/Points/Whatever/etc.)
July 24th, 2009 at 11:05 pm
Oooohh… Inara's a little hacker! Maybe she will take after her mother…
July 24th, 2009 at 11:46 pm
"Your time has come, little one. Prepare yourself for your last dayรขโฌยฆof toddlerhood! Mwahahaha!"
If my mother said that, I'd probably run screaming xD
This chapter kills me with all the lovely man bods *sigh*.
July 25th, 2009 at 8:18 am
July 27th, 2009 at 10:16 pm
Heeheehee, I am going to avoid installing anything custom until I can use my (that's right, I FINALLY got one) new computer. I got a really amazing desktop instead of a laptop, and I am so glad I did. 23" LCD flat screen display, 1 TB hard drive, 8 GB memory, 1 GB Nvidia GeForce 9400 video/graphics card, and a few other nifty things. ๐
I have a feeling my game will run like a dream as soon as I get my compy up and running.
July 28th, 2009 at 7:46 am
July 28th, 2009 at 8:45 am
HA! I love Katriss lounging on the bed in her swimwear and sunglasses. She is wonderful–I love evil sims!
Some of the TS3 interactions are nice, but most are just bad copy/pasta from TS2. You can tell they did very little to try and fix the animations to route with the more complex TS3 models, especially when eyes roll back into their head for half the duration or their hands are like several inches away from where they should be. ๐ I know most of the new interactions are the same thing pasted over and over, but I do like the ability to "Thank for cooking" and "announce" things. Makes for good pictures. ๐
I can see you're having the photobucket issue. They are compressing images now, which is bogus. Even Pro accounts are getting hit. I've taken to hosting my photos at They give you 3gigs or so of space for signing up for a blog. /grumblegrumble lousy photobucket…
July 28th, 2009 at 9:42 am