Sims 3 Tales: Wishes, Part 01
July 24th, 2009
So, later that day, Marty was indeed waiting to greet Ethyn at his arrival home from work.
Unfortunately, the maid, Kate Pistachio, seemed inordinately curious about the interactions between the two men. The more rational part of Ethyn's mind noticed her attention and warned him to be cautious. He was a media star and Marty an up-and-coming football star. If she chose to go to the tabloids…
But, his baser instincts and the need for a warm, caring body in his arms, overrode his caution.
Lost in the sensations of one of the best kisses he'd ever received, Ethyn didn't even notice when the repairman showed up to repair the TV.
He was a little put out, however, when Kate just happen to stumble into his bedroom/everyone-else's-study room at a most inopportune time. Again his rational self urged him to be more circumspect, but he just shrugged his misgivings away as he once again turned his full attention to Marty.
For his part, Marty was completely enamored with Ethyn. He had been, in fact, for many years now. Seeing the handsome man every night on the evening news had been torture for Marty knowing that he would never get to know Ethyn like he really desired. But, somehow he was here…with Ethyn. He couldn't believe his luck.
Still, he knew what he did was wrong. If Justine ever found out… And what about his poor son Tobin? He shuddered to think what would happen. God, that was the problem, wasn't it? He wasn't thinking. He could never allow this to happen again.
Ransom noticed that Marty hung around the house long after Ethyn had left to interview some politician down at City Hall. He assumed the man was trying to put off going home to his wife.
Ransom shook his head and studied the distant, indifferent stars through his telescope. He didn't want any part of the catastrophe that he saw coming. Still, he couldn't deny that it was kind of interesting to observe Katriss' plan unfolding. It was definitely starting to take on a life of its own.
Katriss had a big night planned but, before she climbed into her limo, she paused on the walkway and looked back into her house. The tiniest twinge of doubt niggled at her and, for a brief instant, she wondered if perhaps Ransom was right. Maybe she should just leave the Keatons and Ethyn alone. She shrugged the feeling away and chalked up her doubt to the stress of the job she had slated for this evening.
9 Responses to “Sims 3 Tales: Wishes, Part 01”
July 24th, 2009 at 7:58 pm
Wow first post again!
Hm… /:I
Seriously this made my day Kara. Just… awesome. And it's great to see Ethyn finally getting some affection of his own, poor guy finally has something to smile about now, :D. I can't wait for the next one! Eeee :o!
By the way, the interactions in TS3 are phenomenal (did I spell that right :x… phenaw…pheniiiimenjdfk). Seriously when I saw Katriss reading to Inara, I was in shock at how realistic that looked!
Just that I'd add that in… ๐ณ
July 24th, 2009 at 8:55 pm
Yes, I agree with you Stephanie. The interactions are so realistic. There are only a handful of things that I dislike about The Sims 3. (One of the major things being that I can't switch from family to family as I please without losing Lifetime Rewards/Points/Whatever/etc.)
July 24th, 2009 at 11:05 pm
Oooohh… Inara's a little hacker! Maybe she will take after her mother…
July 24th, 2009 at 11:46 pm
"Your time has come, little one. Prepare yourself for your last dayรขโฌยฆof toddlerhood! Mwahahaha!"
If my mother said that, I'd probably run screaming xD
This chapter kills me with all the lovely man bods *sigh*.
July 25th, 2009 at 8:18 am
July 27th, 2009 at 10:16 pm
Heeheehee, I am going to avoid installing anything custom until I can use my (that's right, I FINALLY got one) new computer. I got a really amazing desktop instead of a laptop, and I am so glad I did. 23" LCD flat screen display, 1 TB hard drive, 8 GB memory, 1 GB Nvidia GeForce 9400 video/graphics card, and a few other nifty things. ๐
I have a feeling my game will run like a dream as soon as I get my compy up and running.
July 28th, 2009 at 7:46 am
July 28th, 2009 at 8:45 am
HA! I love Katriss lounging on the bed in her swimwear and sunglasses. She is wonderful–I love evil sims!
Some of the TS3 interactions are nice, but most are just bad copy/pasta from TS2. You can tell they did very little to try and fix the animations to route with the more complex TS3 models, especially when eyes roll back into their head for half the duration or their hands are like several inches away from where they should be. ๐ I know most of the new interactions are the same thing pasted over and over, but I do like the ability to "Thank for cooking" and "announce" things. Makes for good pictures. ๐
I can see you're having the photobucket issue. They are compressing images now, which is bogus. Even Pro accounts are getting hit. I've taken to hosting my photos at They give you 3gigs or so of space for signing up for a blog. /grumblegrumble lousy photobucket…
July 28th, 2009 at 9:42 am