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It was Inara's first day of school. Though she was nervous to meet her classmates, her appetite didn't suffer at all. Her mother had made her favorite food for breakfast. How could she no to that?

Katriss: "And what are you going to do if you end up getting bad grades?"

Inara: "Hack the school computer. But how hard can school be? I am a genius, after all."

Katriss: "More like a smart ass."

Inara: "Takes one to know one!"

Inara thought it odd that she was the only kid on the bus. Apparently she was the only one on this route.

But, at least it gave her a little more alone time before she was surrounded by the horde of kids at school.

Ransom started his day studying the heavens and found a blue dwarf star. He noted it's coordinates in the sky and notified the amateur astronomer's association. They even let him name his new discovery. Ransom had never been good at naming things, but this time he didn't hesitate. Really, what else do you name a blue dwarf but "Smurf"?

Kate Pistachio had found tabloid journalist interested in hearing her first-hand account of Ethyn Regret and Marty Keaton's affair. She had a meeting with reporter this afternoon, so she had to finish her duties quicker than usual. She couldn't wait to spill all the sordid details. There was nothing she liked so much as gossiping.

(Author's note: I gave Kate a much needed makeover. Take a look at her before picture. Yikes!)

Unfortunately, the damn house chose today to fall apart. Puddle after puddle seemed to taunt her as she tried to mop up the spreading water. Hopefully the reporter wouldn't mind if she ran a little late.

After school, Inara's new friend, Tobin Keaton, invited her over to play.

Tobin seemed nice. But Inara thought he had the most atrocious taste in clothing. Watermelon shorts? Really?!

Oh, well. At least he had his own video game system in his bedroom. That was cool!

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6 Responses to “Sims 3 Tales: Wishes, Part 02”

  1. HydraKitten says:

    Lovely storyline yet again! It's nice that Marty's being responsible (although I'm partial to Ethyn…there's just something about him <3).
    Seeing a grown man cry like that, I'm all o_O

  2. Kara says:

    Hydrakitten: Thank you so much! 😀 I agree with you about Marty. I think it's the fact that he's such a big, tough, manly and masculine man; and then to see him so vulnerable…it tugs on my heart strings.

  3. Stacey says:

    There is something about that situaton that just doesn't seem realistic to me… if I had been Justine, Ethyn would be dog meat! And as for Marty… well, kets just say he'd have an… unfortunate… "accident".

  4. Kara says:

    Stacey: haha! I must say, I don't think I would have been as forgiving either. Justine, for all her hot-headed-ness, is a good sim so she's able to forgive people easier. 😉

  5. Mao says:

    I'm totally reading things out of order, but it suits my whacked-out way of doing things! Holy crap, that's the most rational conversation I've ever seen between the wife, the cheater, and the brazen hussy (or… whatever the male version of that is). For some reason, I envisioned the scene from Rocky Horror where everyone says each other names twenty million times, LOL!

    Also? "I'll hook your gravestone up with some choice words." ROFL

  6. Kara says:

    Mao: haha I know! I was totally expecting a knock down fight, but apparently a good sim doesn't fight without a lot more provocation. Personally, I'd think having my husband cheat on me would be provocation enough!


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