Sims 3 Tales: Interlude
July 28th, 2009

Thornton Wolff watched his wife stride angrily across the kitchen floor, her heels clicking in a sharp staccato. She rummaged around in the cabinets then slammed a coffee mug down onto cupboard so hard that he was surprised it didn't shatter. He sighed and shook his head in defeat.
Thornton: "Fine, Ana, I give up. I'm tired of fighting with you. If that's what you really want and it will make you happy, then… Yes, let's have a baby."

Morgana: "Oh, Thornton! Are you serious? Or are you just trying to get me to shut up."
Thornton: "You know me too well. But, yes, I'm serious."

Morgana: "Thorn. You know I want a baby more than anything in the world, but it's a big committment. You just can't say you want a baby now just to get me to stop nagging you."
Thornton: "I know. I'm still not one hundred percent sure about having a kid—I really don't think I'll make a good father—but I do want you to be happy. And if giving you a baby is what it takes, then that's what I'll do."

Thornton: "Besides, the 'making the baby' part is something I can whole-heartedly get into."
Morgana: "Mmm…I'm with you on that, but…"
Thornton: "Shhh, honey…quit talking."

A few moments later…
Morgana: "You're really sure about this?"
Thornton: "I have to say I'm surprised, Ana. I can't believe you're trying to talk me out of this, especially since I've finally agreed to give you what you want. But if you want to back out now—"

Morgana: "No! It's not that. It's just…if I get pregnant, there's no going back. If you change your mind, I won't have an abortion—not even for you."
Thornton: "You don't think I've already taken that into account?"

Morgana: "Oh, I'm sure you have. I bet you've even made a spreadsheet that tracks every future possibility of having a child."
Thornton: "See, you know me too well."
Morgana: "It's not very romantic though, is it?"
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11 Responses to “Sims 3 Tales: Interlude”
July 28th, 2009 at 7:27 am
OK wait…wait…I have to go back and re-read. Thornton had an affair? How did I forget that? Old age perhaps or too many fried brain cells I guess. hehe
Laura did turn out pretty cute. She does look a lot like Thorn.
July 28th, 2009 at 7:44 am
July 28th, 2009 at 8:38 am
The Sims 3 sims look better hairy than the Sims 2 ones, it seems. I've always avoided it because they look… disturbing. Not that I'm anti-hair on males! Quite the opposite, actually… but it just never looked right. These look a lot better, but every male having the EXACT same hair pattern would drive me bonky. And blonds having black body hair, LOL!
But I digress, Thorton Wolff is not a bad TS3 sim! His wife, however, leaves a lot to be desired, haha. I'm so mean. 😮 LOL at the spreadsheet thing. My husband is the type to do that… sigh.
I love the dislikes children sims! They are so funny when you force them to interact.
July 28th, 2009 at 9:50 am
July 28th, 2009 at 11:39 am
Whoa. Wait. So you actually have to DRIVE them to the hospital to have a baby. Jesus Christ, the realism is driving me crazy. Hm. So does that mean if you have the camera outside you can hear them screaming or something…
I dunno. Great update again. I've been having a crappy week and this made me laugh :D. It sounds like a real couple.
Once again: 'Tis awesome! 😛
July 28th, 2009 at 11:48 am
July 28th, 2009 at 9:36 pm
Ooooh…. interesting.. I want to see the sims 3 version of the monster and the maiden! Perrrdy please! Maybe they can be in the backround of a pic or something- I miss Edmond! 😕 😕 😕
July 29th, 2009 at 8:42 pm
So what are you using to give the pre-made sims make-overs? Hmmm… because that would be an amazing thing to have. Yes yes.
I think it's cute that Thornton took his daughter to the park on his own, even though he didn't "want" to (the negative moodlet). It's kinda sweet, and a bit realistic. There are some parents who don't like spending a lot of quality time with their kids doing what their kid wants to do, but take them and squeeze through it just to make them smile. It's very honorable!
July 30th, 2009 at 8:33 am
August 9th, 2009 at 4:13 am
is it me or do the sims 3 guys have bigger chests?
and i agree w/ you the museum is super ugly! i like the art you chose much better 🙂
and i'm enjoying the new pics you uploaded on to your banner. (is that what it's called?)
August 9th, 2009 at 3:42 pm