Screen Test: The Monster
August 16th, 2009

And now, as promised, it's Edmond's turn. And look, Stacey, no ski mask. 😉

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11 Responses to “Screen Test: The Monster”
August 16th, 2009 at 6:49 pm
Ah jeeeeezusssss, he's so pretty. Like others have said– you have a real knack for sculpting beautiful sims. I love his nose especially. Gaaaah, Edmond, you handsome fox.
If you have the time, would you consider posting a list of places you've gotten your CC for these guys from?
August 17th, 2009 at 3:46 am
Wowzer! He's absolutely gorgeous! :XO: His face has a lot of character – the short hair really shows that off, the thick brows and pointy-up nose and deepset eyes. So handsome! I especially love his 😈 face, lol!
I also really like his clothes, especially the slight texture on his jacket. It's much more interesting than having just a plain or pinstriped design, I think. And the wool on his jumper. The design tool is really fantastic when used in an interesting way – definitely my favourite new game feature. I love how you've used it!
And thanks for the CC lists, they're very useful indeed. 😀
August 17th, 2009 at 7:59 am
He looks fantastic Kara! It looks like he was not happy having the back of his neck exposed without all that long hair. Either way he turned out quite well! And his clothing choice was perfect.
I've been noticing all the CC out there for sims3 and it does make it tempting, especially seeing what people have come up with in the way of sims.
August 17th, 2009 at 12:49 pm
Yay! I can see his face! No ski mask to be seen! 😆 And that cc list is a help too, no cc seems to work in my game 😥 must be the folders… but I'd KILL to meet that sim… and he HAD to be pixilated 😮
August 17th, 2009 at 2:52 pm
Woo hoo! Emily and Edmond! I've been missing these two. They're such fun characters.
August 17th, 2009 at 7:33 pm
Okay…. if you insist on making sim guys this.. 😐 .. tempting (must refrain from using innapropriate word! :vangry: ), I am not going to be held responsible for my response…. whether it be hugging or harassment 🙁 ….
But yeah…. yougetheidea, HE'S HOT!Thank you so much for this Kara! He's such a heart throb! Ah EDMOND!
August 17th, 2009 at 7:39 pm
Kara, I was pretty sad because you changed to TS3 and I thought "no Edmond anymore" 😥 But girl, I almost screamed when I saw Edmond in his TS3 version on the frontpage.I didn't do it just because I remembered that everyone's sleeping here at home hehe 😛 But my goodness, he's still gorgeous, and no pudding face! He was my favorite character (he looks a bit like my boyfriend), and I'm more than happy seeing him in TS3. 😀
And I'm curious about the traits you gave him. 🙂
August 18th, 2009 at 2:52 pm
Ahhh what a relief that you'll continue "The Monster & The Maiden"! 😀 I'm very curious to see what comes next! 🙂
And hehe my boyfriend resembles Edmond a bit, the cheeks, the thick brows, the strong nose and the mouth.But my boyfriend's hair is wavy/curly (but long too) and he has brown eyes.And yes, I can say I'm very lucky :XO:
And I can't wait to see your BJD Edmond! 😳
August 18th, 2009 at 5:45 pm
Hell yeah!!! The long hair…you know long hair really is something you sort of miss if someone chops it off and there's the back of your neck and it is BARE. He looks fantastic! Great clothing choice too.
If Gayl makes me go to TS3 I'll do it.
August 22nd, 2009 at 3:25 am
i loved what you did to his eyes. and i have to admit i'm a fan of the first two hair-dos (um, do men call it that?) – anything in between is not for me. but *pant pant* good work. ohhh those eyes. . .i immediately noticed how he looked at me.
September 11th, 2009 at 10:03 am
He's amazing! He resembles Peter Steele in his younger years… kinda freaked out by that because I'm sure it wasn't intentional. If you wanna check out pics of him do a search for a band called Type O Negative (if you don't already know who they are that is.) 😉