The Veladorns Meet the Feratus

October 19th, 2004

(Note: There is a family that appears in this story that I haven't introduced to yet—the Feratus. They are currently living in a temporary house in the neighborhood until something more suitable becomes available. I'll post their biographies as soon as I find a house for them to permanently live in.)

You're such a cad, Thalan.

Briza wiped her brow and placed the last book on the shelf. Phew! Finally, the unpacking was finished. She stood up and surveyed her new home. Behind her, she heard a soft chuckle and warm breath fluttered the hair at the nape of her neck. She shivered.

"Well, well…what have we here?" the husky voice of her new husband whispered in her ear. She spun around just as she felt a sharp pinch on her rear. Thalan had a wicked gleam in his eyes.

Briza takes Thalan's mischief in stride.

She giggled and playfully slapped his hand away. "You're such a scoundrel, Mr. Veladorn."

"It's your fault, Mrs. Veladorn. You like scoundrels. I'm only trying to live up to your expectations of me."

Thalan leaned forward and placed his hands on the stained-glass window behind her, trapping her between his arms. "You can't escape, my pretty."

Briza's heart lept in anticipation as his lips lowered towards hers. She tilted her head up to meet him.

Ding dong!

Thalan's head jerked up as the doorbell rang again. "By the seventh level of hell! Who's calling this early?"

"It's not early, Thalan. It's lunchtime."

"Hmph! Well, whomever it is certainly knows how to kill a mood. Shall we ignore them? Maybe they'll go away?"

"Just answer the door, my love. We can continue this later." Briza gave him a quick peck on the lips and then ducked out from under his arms.

Thalan meets Nos.

Thalan grumbled as he opened the door. His breath caught in his throat when his eyes came to rest on the palest man he'd ever seen…that was still alive anyway. Behind the man stood a woman who was just as pale and another man who looked only slightly more alive.

"Good afternoon," said the pale man in a voice thick with an accent that Thalan couldn't place, "allow me to make introductions. I am Nos Feratu" He bowed his head slightly then cupped a hand around the elbow of the woman and pulled her forward to stand beside him. "And this is my wife Mina."

Mina beamed a dazzling smile at Thalan. "Welcome to Pirate's Cove," she said in a soft voice that was almost hypnotic.

Then Nos waved a dismissive hand at the other stranger who stood scuffing a boot-clad foot in pebbles of the cottage's walkway. "And this is Spike." Nos' lips seemed to sneer as he spat out the name.

Nos cocked an eyebrown at Thalan. "And you are?"

Thalan raised an eyebrow in answer. What strange neighbors! He cleared his throat and said, "I'm Thalan Veladorn. And this," he glanced toward his wife who hovered in the doorway, "is my wife Briza."

Briza dipped in a shallow curtsey. Thalan noticed something flare to life in Spike's eyes as the man stopped kicking pebbles and looked up at Briza. Thalan felt his jaw clench.

"Be welcomed to our home," said Briza.

"I do not suppose you are up for a game, Thalan," said Nos, his reptile-like eyes seemed to spark with a evil light.

Thalan frowned but didn't want to appear as an ungracious host. "Uh, sure. We can play some chess if you're up to it."

"Lead on."

Thalan glanced over at Briza who gave him a little shrug then nodded in encouragement.

What's that over there?

As the other two guests followed Briza inside, Thalan led Nos around the side of the house to a chessboard that stood in the center of a wooded area. "Pick a side," Thalan ground out. There was something about Nos that made him wary. He just wanted this day to be over with so he could be with his wife.

Nos sat down and Thalan joined him. They set their pieces on the board and started to play. Deciding that today wasn't going to be a total waste, Thalan steered the conversation toward the export business that his family ran. Maybe he could get Nos to invest in their new venture.

Nos interrupted his sales pitch and pointed at something. "Hmm…interesting. I have never seen a bird of that color before. I wonder what kind it is?"

Thalan followed Nos' finger.


"I don't see anything," said Thalan as he turned his attention back to the board. "Perhaps it already flew a—"

What the hell do you think you're doing?!

He saw Nos quickly move his hand away from the table and Thalan noticed one of his key pieces was missing. "What in the seven hells do you think you're doing?!"

"What do you mean?"

"You were cheating!"

"I do not have to cheat to beat the likes of you." A sneer crossed Nos' face.

Go away, Nos!

"All right, that's it. I'm asking you nicely to please leave."

"Is that the way you handle losing? Send your guest away when he has you trapped?"

Thalan practically snarled. "Leave now!" Thalan met Nos' narrowed green eyes and his mouth went dry at what he saw there. It took all his courage to not lower his gaze. It was almost like he was staring down a rabid animal.

Nos dipped his head. "If that is your wish." He stood and turned to leave. But not before Thalan saw a smirk twist the pale man's lips.

Thalan's shoulders slumped in relief when Nos finally disappeared from view.

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4 Responses to “The Veladorns Meet the Feratus”

  1. chattykathy says:

    Wonderful, Kara! I loved every word! How neat that you brought Spike into the picture. How interesting the entire Feratu family showed up at once to greet the Veladorns. It just has to be your new video card because your pictures are spectacular!!!

  2. Jen says:

    That was awesome! Thalan is the coolest, and Nos is positively freaky. He looks really evil when he's cheating at the chess game. 🙂 Your stories are wonderfully creative!

  3. Daniele says:

    :!:WOW! Although I am not usually one for reading science fiction or futuresque type stories, I was very drawn to your writing. You keep your audience captivated and I found myself wishing for more. Wonderful job…keep up the great work!

  4. Desiree says:

    Kara, this story is awesome!!! Beautifully written.