The Monster and the Maiden: Ch. 04, Part I
February 18th, 2008

Two human teenage boys, their faces so alike that Edmond thought they might be twins, came out of the house as he and Emily started up the front walk.
"Oh, look who finally decided to come home," said the boy with the checkered scarf arranged artfully around his neck.
"You're in so much trouble, Sis," said the other twin in the striped sweater.
"I am?" asked Emily sounding as if the prospect had not even crossed her mind until now.

Both of the boys darted suspicious looks at Edmond as they halted in front of Edmond and the girl.
"Who's this, Em?" the scarf bedecked twin asked.
"Your boyfriend?" added the other, a scowl darkening his face as he eyed Edmond.

Even in the dim outdoor light, Edmond could see Emily's face flush scarlet. "Shut up," she hissed at them.
"…er…Bonjour, I am Edmond le Strange," said Edmond, his tongue thick with awkwardness as he held out his hand and realized how inappropriate it must look for an unfamiliar grown man to be bringing home a young girl. He tipped the corners of his mouth into a slight grin and hoped the boys were not hotheaded like some young males could be.

The boys glanced at each other and then the one in the striped sweater took Edmond's proffered hand and gave it a quick shake. "I'm Nathan and this is my brother Tory."
Tory bent his head in greeting to Edmond and then nudged his brother in the ribs. "We gotta go, bro."

Nathan nodded in answer then said, "We'd really like to stay and see how this all plays out but we're already late in picking up our dates."
"See you, squirt."
"Don't let Mom and T send you to bed without any dinner."
"Take it easy, Mr. Strange."

Edmond again gritted his teeth in annoyance as the twins laughed in unison and headed towards their car.

"Now I don't want to go inside," said Emily.
In the driveway next to them, the engine of the boys' car roared to life.
"You are going to have to sooner or later. You cannot live in the yard," said Edmond.
She looked around as if the idea did not sound that bad to her.
24 Responses to “The Monster and the Maiden: Ch. 04, Part I”
February 18th, 2008 at 7:06 am
I was wondering if it was Tahlvin… cool… but… hey, wait a minute, are the stories connected? 'Cause if they are, that's quite the soap opera! They make beautiful babies, though.
Edmond certainly looks the part of a vampire in the dark. It's softened and made a bit comical by Emily, but I'm sure he's not one to laugh at. I love how she's dragging him home like a lost puppy. I half-expect her to say, "can we keep him?" Even though I know that won't happen. There will be hell to pay once Tahlvin has his say, I'm certain.
I love the extra picture! You can almost feel poor Emily's sudden apprehension. You're in troouubllee now, girly.
February 18th, 2008 at 8:00 am
haha I knew it! Emily kept reminding me of the pictures of Brandee you put up when she was a little girl.
Anyways, I'm growing to love this story. At first I was a little anxious for the next chapter in Worlds Apart but now I'm addicted to this one.
I'm not one to consider sim guys to be 'hot' since they are just pixals, but you do make quite interesting and realistic looking sims, far better than any i could create. Also, your stories are one great way to avoid studying for midterms in college (i'm such a slacker)
ok, done gushing… thanks for the update
February 18th, 2008 at 8:36 am
Oh, so that explains a lot. Emily is Tahlvin's little girl, huh? Awesome – his genes are fantastic! And yes, I think Emily really does resemble Brandee as a child. Lucky kid, she's going to grow up gorgeous!
Wow, Nathan and Tory grew up looking so HOT! I remember thinking Nathan was a little cutie, and though Tory looks great too, I think Nathan still holds the "favourite twin" status in my sad old heart. 😀 I love twins (maybe because I am one), and I really like how the boys have similar features but aren't identical.
Does this mean Brandee broke up with Jason in your game? And Tahlvin with Sam? Or did something else happen? Gosh, I'm nosey!
I really love the lighting in these pictures! The first few at the bus stop with that creepy guy leering over at them were great. And the detail of your sets are another really lovely feature.
February 18th, 2008 at 9:08 am
February 18th, 2008 at 9:39 am
Aaah! The image for the chapter title is just gorgeous! Along with every other one, of course. I love your attention to detail– *sigh* — no words, no words. 😀
February 18th, 2008 at 10:07 am
Great update, Kara. Your eye for detail is excellent. 🙂
(and don't you love those scarves that were released on SAU…one of my boys wears the red and black one also. ^_^ )
February 18th, 2008 at 10:21 am
Kara, I don't know how you do it…how you make everything seem so real. I am always striving for your level of creativity and still fall flat on my face! LOL! 🙂
February 18th, 2008 at 12:39 pm
this is where i laugh 'coz I WAS RIGHT! I knew emily was brandee and TAHLVIN (aagh gotta love that elf 😀 ) 's daughter coz she has brunette hair, like brandee ( and sam had blonde hair), and she had a few features from tahlvin, like the skin, so yay me for being right. God how sad am i??
Anyways WOW brandee's kiddies have really grown into sexy teenagers (jason did good) and I love the whole middle-aged mom look brandee hs going, she look really pretty, especially in the second last pic, her pose is like so realistic. Edmond and Tahlvin, pixelized sex on a screen!
I love the simple yet effective detail you put into this entire chapter.
This is my favourite chapter so far CADIE WANT MOOORE, please 🙂
February 18th, 2008 at 12:46 pm
omg! awesome Kara…wow…I'm a bit slow I guess, I didn't suspect that they were her parents…Brandee and Tahlvin look amazing by the way!
February 18th, 2008 at 1:17 pm
February 18th, 2008 at 1:53 pm
damn that was good. i can just feel the antispation of what tal is gonna say lmao its gonna be good
February 18th, 2008 at 4:32 pm
Wonderful update. The camera angles really add to the sense of location and emotion in the scenes. And the lighting was extremely effective.
I definitely related these characters to your Christmas series but I am scratching my head as to what happened to Jason. The twins grew up nicely! Not even going to comment on Brandee, Tahlvin, and Edmond. It would just come out as babbling, they are so amazingly gorgeous.
February 18th, 2008 at 4:34 pm
I'm loving all the new characters that we are being introduced too- even the two teenage punks. 😀 I already don't like the elf but we'll see where you take us with his character. I really liked Emily's diary entry- it was so cute down to the handwriting and I must say I'm adoring her more with each chapter.
I'm looking forward to the next one, as always.
February 19th, 2008 at 5:03 am
I do so look forward to these. Edmond is so failing at being in charge; Emily does manage to get her way (well, at least with him). I was wondering if this might end up tying into other stories in your universe.
February 19th, 2008 at 6:03 am
I really love the interaction between Emily & Edmond. He wants so badly to distance himself from everyone around him, but Emily is not going to let him push her aside!
February 19th, 2008 at 10:13 am
February 19th, 2008 at 2:06 pm
If these stories are connected, what ever happened to Tahlvin and Brandee's significant others?!?
February 19th, 2008 at 2:17 pm
February 22nd, 2008 at 7:28 am
Holy thunderclouds – Tahlvin! *swoons* 😉 Now that that's taken care of, great chapter (or Part 1 I should say)! I'm glad I was right about Emily's parents 😀 And the twins have grown up gorgeous. When I re-read the Christmas story a few weeks ago I saw that you'd mentioned that something was sort of going on between Tahlvin/Brandee and Jason/Sam, which is why I thought that Tahlvin was Emily's dad (she's got her mum's teeth).
I love the way Edmond tries to be strict with Emily, but is also trying not to laugh at some of the things she says 😀 And it was very good of him to take her home (and not bite her of course). Finding out what happens now that Tahlvin has met him promises to be very interesting, especially as he's not very happy with Emily getting home so late …. Looking forward to Part 2! 🙂
P.S. Emily and Edmond look great in the extra picture – it's a lot of fun waiting to see what our sims do when something happens "off camera"
February 28th, 2008 at 8:45 am
I love how you have a child and a vampire getting along well. It's quite different.
& I can't wait to read more.
& I love the last picture. Are you going to make wallpapers for
The Monster and the Maiden?
February 28th, 2008 at 3:42 pm
March 3rd, 2008 at 7:12 am
It was aweson. Edmond as hot as usual. Emy…she looks like a real girl. Sorry my english again )
March 6th, 2008 at 6:33 pm
A fantastic update. This chapter just flows so well. I feel a tad sorry for Edmond. It doesn't look too good bringing a little girl home at such an hour. Her brothers are intriguing though.
Beautiful screencaps and narrative as always. Looking forward to seeing what happens next with the elf.
Hope everything is ok….
October 21st, 2008 at 11:13 am
this is probably the prettiest Brandee has ever looked! Wow!