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Rolling Stone Special

For those of you who are curious about my newest sim Julian Nomad and his background, I've posted the first chapter of a new photostory on my doll site. Tahlvin is in it too. :XO: I hope you enjoy it.


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6 Responses to “Weathering the Scandal, Chapter 1”

  1. Daniella says:

    He is soo cute 😆
    but i just wanted to point out –
    Julian's nose piercing in his BJD version and his sim version is not on the same side
    well umm i'm sorry for beind a pain in the ass cause i'm just crazy about your writing! 🙂

  2. Kara says:

    Hi, Dani! Yeah, the nose ring is on the wrong side. Unfortunately, he nose ring that the sim Julian is wearing only comes on the left side, and I'm not going to change the bjd Julian's nose ring to the other side as it looks odd to me. It doesn't bother me though; it's not like the sim Julian and bjd Julian look identical anyway. They are more just the representations of the same character. 🙂

  3. Lani says:

    New look to your website? Or am I losing my mind?

  4. Kara says:

    Lani: What would you say if I said you were losing your mind? haha No, you're right. I did redesign my site. 😉

  5. Gayl says:

    OK wait…Ethyn Regret…did I miss something or is that a relation to Alec?

    *goes back to re-read*

  6. Kara says:

    Gayl: Good eye! 😀 Alec is actually Ethyn's older brother. You can read a little about his relationship to Alec here. (I really need to update that page to include my other dolls. Also, I no longer have Dominik, the other doll listed there.)


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