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March 29th, 2009

Okay, I've confirmed that I am indeed an idiot. I want to apologize to all those people who signed up through Feedblitz to be notified whenever I update the page. I totally deleted everyone's subscription today (I'm not even sure how…I could have sworn I was deleting another account). 😡 I'm so sorry.

If you would like to continue getting notified by email when I update my site, please sign up again. I promise not to make the same mistake again. :roll:


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2 Responses to “Announcement”

  1. paganpoetry says:

    Oh Kara, don't say you're an idiot, we all know you're not.If you were an idiot you wouldn't write so many wonderful stories with so interesting characters 😉
    About Julian: he's gorgeous!He really translated well into a sim.I love his BJD version too!
    About the BJD story: I never thought that such an interesting story could be made with dolls!This kind of dolls are not popular here in Brazil, to tell the truth nobody knows about them, but now that I know them…I'm in love :XO:
    About Edmond's skintone, that I asked you about it last time I commented: oh, I didn't recognize the skin because Viktor Gray's skin seems so silverish and Edmond's looked different…I thought that you had changed the skintone to make Edmond.
    Well, pardon me for being talkative, and keep up the great work! 🙂

  2. Kara says:

    Thank you, pagan. 🙂 I know I'm not really an idiot, but I was so annoyed at myself for doing that. haha

    I know I've seen at least a couple of Brazilian collectors of BJD dolls on Den of Angels (a BJD forum). So they are out there even if there aren't a lot of them.


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