The Monster and the Maiden: Ch. 03, Part II
February 11th, 2008

Without thinking, he murmured under his breath and the gate popped open. Suddenly he found himself standing before the girl. Seeming startled by his sudden movement, the girl backed up a couple steps.
His hand shook with longing to reach out and grab her hand so he could study her tattoo more closely, but he settled on simply staring.

Emily must have noticed his scrutiny for she said, pride coloring her words, "It's my new tattoo. Daddy gave it to me on my seventh birthday. It makes me an official member of his clan."
"Shadowtalon?" asked Edmond. His voice sounded strained to him.
"Yeah, that's right. How did you know that? Do you know my dad?"
"Not personally. But I know his father."

"Grampy?" She pulled a face. "Well, he doesn't like me to call him that." Deepening her voice, she tried to mimic a male voice as she intoned, "'Don't call me Grampy, man'ar dath. I'm not some old, wrinkly human to answer to that. You may call me Aman'ni, or even Koryll if the elven tongue is too complicated for you.'" She rolled her eyes and when she again spoke, her voice was normal. "He can be silly like that."
Oh, oui. Dear, silly, ol' Grampy Koryll. So, this little one was the dark elf's granddaughter.

His stomach again cramped with hunger reminding him of its need for nourishment soon. He narrowed his eyes in speculation as he gazed down at Emily. Mon Dieu, she was Koryll’s granddaughter…
A touch of light-headedness warped his vision for a moment as he realized the opportunity fate had gifted him this day. He took a deep breath to temper his mounting excitement.
"Perhaps I was too hasty before," he said, his voice slipping into a seductive purr that he had never heard before. He wondered at it a moment then reached behind himself and touched the fence muttering the word under his breath that released the wards and opened the gate.

As the gate swung open, Emily tilted her head, a slightly dazzled expression on her face.

Leaning against the gate to keep it open, he crooked his finger beckoning her to follow. "Entre, ma petite. Let me show you my house."
* * *
Author's Note: Well, as some of you may have read in the comments for the previous post, I once again uninstalled Bon Voyage. I use the Radiance Lighting mod in my game and it was having some weird effects in BV. For instance, Tahlvin's ears seemed to be lit by a separate light then the rest of his body (i.e. they were brighter). I tried getting rid of the lighting mod, but I just don't like the look of my game without it—everything looks too bright. So, as I'm unwilling to live without the Radiance Lighting Mod right now, I decided to uninstall BV, which is really a shame since I love the animations and trees. 🙁
I though maybe I could easily install and uninstall BV as needed, but it turned out to be more complicated than that. Uninstalling is a lengthy process as I have to manually uninstall all the games and muck around with the registry, which is scary (the automatic uninstaller doesn't work for some reason on my computer), and then reinstall everything up to Seasons. It's a pain in my ass! So, farewell, Bon Voyage, I wish you could have stayed longer.
Also, thank you so much to Dektora for help with the French in this chapter. Any mistakes that remain are purely mine.
26 Responses to “The Monster and the Maiden: Ch. 03, Part II”
February 11th, 2008 at 4:34 am
Uh-oh! This looks like one of those times when Emily really should have kept her mouth shut! 😉 But I knew I recognised that tattoo! Tahlvin has the same one, right? Is he some relation to Emily?
I still like Edmond as a character, but I swear that if he tries anything on her then I won't like him as much. But I like him a lot, so that means he'll still be found under "Awesome" in my little categoric brain. 😀 But she seems a pretty canny little kid, does Emily – I'm sure she can handle herself pretty well. Maybe she's a decoy or something, sent by her grandfather? Maybe she is her grandfather – in disguise? (Okay, I'm getting an image of her popping open and an old man stepping out of her head – like in Scooby Doo!)
February 11th, 2008 at 7:15 am
*squees* Sorry – thinking that Tahlvin's going to pop up has that affect 😉 When it was first mentioned that Edmond's master had the name Bladestorm I should have realised that he was an elf *kicks self* I'll stick my neck out and take a guess that Emily is Tahlvin's daughter, or possibly Hale's? Last week I did notice a certain feature that Emily shares with another of your female characters, but I won't "jump the gun" on her mother's identity just yet!
Hmmm, what is Edmond plotting for Emily? Whatever it is, he's going to be in hot water when her dad or Koryll finds out …. I'll be away next Monday so I'll miss the update, but I can guarantee that as soon as I get home on the Friday I'll be over here like a shot to catch up!
Sorry that you've had to uninstall BV 🙁 Hopefully the next expansion pack will fix some of the issues with BV, and you'll be able to reinstall it and carry on using the lighting mod? I've never used that, but my biggest issue with BV is the fact that I have to delete the cigen, groups cache and accessories cache every so often, otherwise the game won't start.
February 11th, 2008 at 7:57 am
I have no words…))) It is so awesom and beautiful, that I lost all my knowledge of English. Edmand is so hot! )))
February 11th, 2008 at 8:09 am
February 11th, 2008 at 10:23 am
Oh, dear. Emily… don't go in there. You really, really don't want to go in there… I don't like that suddenly agreeable turn his tone has taken.
And that tattoo begs the question as to -who- is this mysterious little girl's parents? She looks a tad familiar, but she's a child, so who can say. I hope you'll let us know at some point in this installment, though. 😉
February 11th, 2008 at 11:02 am
I couldn't resist commenting this time. Her father's name is Shadowtalon and that's Hale's and Tahlvin's names. MAYBE in this alternate universe, Sam never died and she had a baby–Emily! I always overthink things, so don't mind it. What a coinky-dink it was that she is Koryll's grandaughter.
February 11th, 2008 at 12:48 pm
stand in director (lani) to edmond: i'm thinking old woman in hansel & gretel. i'm thinking child slave labor for emily. maybe we introduce a younger brother for you to snack on. i'm thinking kit-kat bars and gobstoppers. . .okay – action!
February 11th, 2008 at 1:01 pm
omg, excellent chapter Kara…, I can't wait to see where this goes and hopefully meet these other characters:)
February 11th, 2008 at 2:05 pm
February 12th, 2008 at 2:34 am
Kara ) And I can't wait to read the next chapter ))
February 12th, 2008 at 9:00 am
It seems we have the same issue with our games (I have to manually uninstall too because the games aren't even in my Add/Remove Programs). Those BV trees are definitely awesome, that would probably be the only reason I'd buy the game.
Game issues aside this was a wonderful update. Emily is an easy character to like. Her stubbornness is an amazing trait. I do hope that Edmond will not do anything bad to her.
February 12th, 2008 at 3:39 pm
OMG… is emily the daughter of a certain human and a certain elf that we all know a very much love? I'll so laugh if im right. Does this mean we get a good look a Mr. Smexy a.k.a Tahlvin??? Cant wait till next week now
*slaps self with keyboard*
STOP IT… IM PROCASTINATING! Im supposed to be doing my assignments 😆 I have like a billion and one things to do 🙁 High school sucks.
February 12th, 2008 at 6:18 pm
I am sorry to here about Bon Voyage, but really you are not missing much. There is a Radiance Lights version that for Bon Voyage at MATY in the peasantry. In case you did not know…
You are such a gifted storyteller. You are the only Simmer I know of that can take numerous photos of two Sims talking between a fence and make it not only interesting but compelling!
Dang, Kara, go kiss yourself, you are that good! 🙂
February 13th, 2008 at 9:31 am
February 14th, 2008 at 4:54 am
(Hum, seems I'm no longer on the mailing list… Must subscribe again before the next update)
I never though about connecting this story to existing characters. I like the theories flying around about the identity of Emily's parents. After all, we still don't know who Tahlvin's father is and the "uncle line" seems like something Hale could say… Even more exited about the future updates now :p
And again, you are very welcome. As you are paying the french lessons with titsy bits of infos concerning the rest of the story 😉 People who are already on the edge of your seat, please fasten your seat-belts…
February 14th, 2008 at 7:38 am
February 15th, 2008 at 12:40 am
i love your stories. you should really have like a graphic novel or something. you're that good.
February 15th, 2008 at 2:17 pm
Omigosh – you really weave such intriguing stories! I am really enjoying this one even though I miss World's Apart. Please keep them coming!!
February 15th, 2008 at 9:34 pm
Kara, I am using Feedburner…I like it so far as it includes a way for folks to subscribe very easily to a feed using many different services as well as an email subscription service – all free.
February 16th, 2008 at 4:01 pm
I just read all your chapters and am completely enthralled with your story. Not certain if I have missed something…is there a previous story to this? Anyway I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to more.
February 16th, 2008 at 4:09 pm
Feeling like a complete idiot…found it and reading it now…sheesh.
February 16th, 2008 at 4:29 pm
February 17th, 2008 at 11:38 am
Kara – are you on WOW often? I ask because a co-worker of mine mentioned that I would love it after he found out that I play the Sims but I'm a little leary. I tried Second Life and it was difficult to navigate and I didn't know where to go or even anyone to ask. If I were to try WOW, what tips can you give me?
February 17th, 2008 at 12:03 pm
February 22nd, 2008 at 11:50 am
Forgot to say when I commented on Chapter 4 Part 1 earlier, but that's very good news about the ball jointed doll Tahlvin 🙂 I think I'd be nervous as well, but I'm sure he'll look awesome! If only we could have a real Tahlvin 😉 We'd have to clone him though, as there'd be a high demand!
March 6th, 2008 at 6:47 pm
I missed this update.
Ah, so the coincidence of Emily's grandfather as Edmond's master brings about some interesting possibilities. Although I can't imagine Edmond not feeling remorse if he does decide to use her. He seems very human in terms of his morals and feelings to an extent.
Excellent chapter.