WANTED: Billy Goats Gruff
July 9th, 2007
First of all, new site designΓ’β¬βyay! Also, due to some mindless trolling, I've had to add some extra security measures to the site: I increased the severity of Spam Karma to "Total Beeatch" and I will also be moderating everyone's first comment to the site (if you've already commented on the site then I don't believe this will happen to you, but just a head's up). If you're having trouble with your comments getting through, then please contact me through my spiffy new contact form.
Secondly, where the hell have I been since January? Well, in addition to playing WoW (got my draenei hunter to level 70! Now I'm working on a blood elf warlock…only at level 25 so far), I've redecorated our bedroom and got sucked into a couple new hobbies—photography and ball-joint dolls (BJDs—check out bjd_wtf if you have no idea what the hell I'm talking about).
Here are a couple of pictures of the new guys in my life:
This is Ethyn Zander Regret, he's a Dollshe Hound.
And this is Dominik Engel, he's a Unidoll Jace.
Well, enough of that. I won't bore you with any more pictures of my dolls.
Okay, I lied. I'm going to show two more…because I can.
Enough stalling, I'm gonna get back to work on chapter one. No, I didn't forget! I'm about 3/4 of the way through taking pictures for it. It's been a major pain in the ass so far. Hopefully, now that I've taken a (very long) break, the pictures will come easier.
11 Responses to “WANTED: Billy Goats Gruff”
July 9th, 2007 at 12:27 pm
LOL this is too funny! I've been considering getting into this hobby as well, but with redesigning Barbie-type dolls. Glad to see another option…these look much more interesting! Have to check out the BJD site!
Also glad to know you're still alive π
July 9th, 2007 at 2:38 pm
I clicked the wrong link in my favorites and ended up here, just to discover that you made a new layout and updated your site, now that's timing. Glad to hear from you again and to know that Worlds aparts is still on the table. Yeah!
Hum, funny, you're not the first simmer I know who also enjoy taking BJD pics. I'm talking about retired sims 2 movie maker Straycat (http://simply.skinnystraycat.com/) who also takes gorgeous pics of "her boys" (http://gskye.skinnystraycat.com/)
Good luck on finishing up chapter one. Can't wait to hear from Mission bay…
PS: are the rotating banners bits of teasers, or just general artsy pics not at all related to the story? They look great any way π
July 9th, 2007 at 3:17 pm
I found your site about a week or so ago and got sucked into your story. I'm glad I saw this update because I had been sad that your most recent update was in January. I'm excited for your next update on World's Apart :-).
July 10th, 2007 at 5:16 am
I'm so glad to hear that you haven't fallen off the face of the planet! When you post chapter 1, I'll probably have to go back and re-read to refresh my memory.
July 10th, 2007 at 7:57 am
Eeek! And just when I thought, "Ag, Kara probably doesn't play the sims any more…" here you are! π
My cousin collects BJDs, too, though they're not very easy for him to get hold of (yup, him – he's gay and works for a doll-shop, which is how he found out about them). They look kind of Manga-ish – have you seen the ones on MTS2 for our Simmies? They're brilliant.
I'm glad you're back, and I hope you can release the next part of World's Apart very soon. π
July 10th, 2007 at 9:19 am
The new site design looks awesome! I think it's fun to change things out once in a while (in my case, about 2x a year). π I especially like Jason up top there.
So many of us go through phases where we abandon Sims for a while but lots of people don't come back to it. I'm glad you're of the 'come back to it' variety. Btw, your pics of the boys looks great!
July 10th, 2007 at 1:40 pm
I usually check your site for updates every time I'm online, and even though my sims blog has had a link to your site for ages, I've never commented until now *blushes* It's good to know that you're still working on Worlds Apart – I know how difficult it can be to keep things going due to the real world – and I'm looking forward to a new Tahlvin fix π
July 10th, 2007 at 9:35 pm
Yayness! You have returned! It's funny 'cause I was thinking about your site a couple days ago and wondering what happened to ya. I also thought you might've stopped playing. I unfortunately had not much of a choice but to let go of my Sims game. It was taking up far too much space. Guess that's what I get for being such a download whore. LOL.
Those ball-joint dolls look fantastic! Usually they scare the hell out of me because I just always thought they were odd looking. I love what you've created though! I hope you'll be sharing more shots with us. π
Anyway, it's great that you're finally back and I happily look forward to your kick ass stories. And, of course and without fail, I needz me some mo' Hale!
July 11th, 2007 at 3:22 am
Hi there, welcome back. We all need a break sometimes, and a new hobby to go with it. Photography is awsome though, I studied it for 3 years and it was truely a great experience. It makes taking pics in any environment a whole lot more fun.
Im really looking forward to your next update, I've missed your awsome story. I love your dolls btw, very cute. I almost thought it was a sim pic for a moment, and wondered how you achieved that look lol!
July 17th, 2007 at 12:51 pm
I missed your posts about your new boys. They're lovely. I've been into BJDs for awhile now just have to cough up the cash to start investing in them.
July 17th, 2007 at 9:33 pm
Kewl Dolls! What are their size? Like Barbie or life-like? I use to collect Barbie until my hubby threw them away, bastard (lol) but since I have The Sims I can use them as my dolls! How much are they? Yes, I'm being nosey…ha ha!
Kewl Pics!