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Sims 3 Tales, Part 3

July 15th, 2009

Ethyn stopped by the public pool after work one day hoping to waste some time before a big interview that he had at City Hall later in the evening. He thought it quite strange that only men were there. Not a woman to be seen anywhere. Hmm… The guys were nice though and he had fun. It had been so long since he spent a carefree afternoon not moping about Katriss and their ruined relationship.

(I thought it strange and funny too. Seriously, there was not one female on the lot while he was there. By the way, he's one of the guys who was holding his breath underwater. He was challenged to a contest, which he lost. But then, he has not athletic skills at all so that makes sense.)

He did call one of his friends though to see if there was some sort of special community event going on at the pool though. She told him that, according to the newspaper events sections, it was either a Gay Pride gathering or a meeting of the local Elks club. Or maybe, Ethyn suggested, it was both.

Not long after that, Katriss called him and asked if he'd stop by the Keaton's on his way home. She had a gift she wanted him to drop off. As Ethyn had an interview he couldn't, but he promised to go first thing the next day. Marty Keaton was an old friend that he hadn't seen in a long time so he was excited for the visit.

Katriss though was starting her plan to break up Marty and his wife both of whom had thwarted one of her evil schemes when she was a young up and coming henchman to the previous evil emperor. Revenge would be sweet!

She actually felt a little guilty about involving Ethyn in her plan, but she knew that Marty would be the weak link since he had had a crush on Ethyn before he married his wife. So, Ethyn would be the perfect bait.

Also, perhaps if she could get Marty and Ethyn together then Ethyn would finally move out and she could live in a home without her ex-boyfriend staring at her sadly, sighing or even grumbling whenever she came into the room. Yes, she had to admit it had been fun making him suffer, but it was time she moved on. Not only could she destroy Marty and his wife, but she was close to fulfilling her plan of resurrecting her lover! So close…she could feel it her bones. And, once he was resurrected, she wanted her house to be full of her family only.

So, Ethyn delivered the package the next day and Marty was very glad to see him.

Ever the hopeless romantic, Ethyn was starved for a loving glance and kind words—it had been so long since he had been on the receiving end of anything but scorn and insults. So, when Ethyn greeted Marty a little more lustily than perhaps he should have, and when Marty returned the greeting in the same manner, Ethyn quickly caved to temptation.

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9 Responses to “Sims 3 Tales, Part 3”

  1. BanSidhe says:

    I hope you do continue for purely selfish reasons. I have really enjoyed these. It makes me want to play Sims 3 … until I try to load it and the screen is still all wonky. I really need to find the fix for that.

  2. Kara says:

    BanSidhe: Thank you! I most likely will continue it. At least for a little while. I spent the last few days adding some new pre-made lots to my neighborhood and putting the final touches on some sims.

    What exactly happens to you screen? Does it happen during the loading screen or after?

  3. gayl says:

    This is by far one of the more enjoyable Sims3 presentations I have seen. Your characters are really nice looking (even though they have doughy faces) and as always your storytelling is entertaining! I hope you continue (although I miss Edmond)

  4. Leaine says:

    I think Katriss kind of scares me now xD But please, continue this story ! First Sims 3 story which I actually find amusing, instead of wanting to throw the ugly characters into a pool and drown them.. (Which is also the reason why I haven't got the game yet, since I would scream at my sims uglyness instead of playing.. ) But I would honestly say, this actually makes me tempted to buy the game! If only the sims could be a little prettier.. (And sorry for my bad english xD)

    And since I'm already writing this comment, I thought I should mention that I absoulutley love your stories! (The Monster and the maiden, specially(?)! ) Can't wait to see more of Edmond and Emily 😉

  5. E. Black says:

    I agree wholeheartedly with Gayl. I've seen some TS3 stuff and this by far is the best one. <3

    I'm actually glad that Katriss is with Ransom too. Poor Ethyn though, a tool for Katriss to wield. Poor boy. I hope the maid can give him a little tender loving woohoo to ease the pain. ^_^

  6. BanSidhe says:

    It is funny how much Katriss looks like her bjd counterpart … she is not a happy mold, but you have definitely gotten the facial expression down cold!

    And as soon as it loads, there are little "symbols" all over the page that continue through loading and into the game. It is playable, but really annoying. I have not changed any settings or hardware, so I am having a hard time figuring out what the heck is going on with it, and working too much to put much time into figuring it out.

    And my Sims are WAY uglier than yours!

  7. BanSidhe says:

    And they are more green/pink/purple squares than symbols. I just logged in again to see if it was still happening since I just restarted the computer this morning. I wonder if the video card is going wonky? Everything else seems fine though …

  8. Kara says:

    Gayl: Thank you! I've continued to refine the characters (even some of the NPCs that my characters have come in contact with) and I think I've managed to get rid of all the puddin'. haha Or perhaps I've just gotten used to it. I'll have to let neutral eyes form a non-biased judgement. I've also been taking tons of pictures. So, yes, I guess I'll be continuing for a little while at least.

    Leaine: haha Yeah, Katriss is a little scary. I feel sorry for the sims that have to live through her reign of terror. 😉 I agree with you too. One of the most frustrating things about this game is making good-looking characters. I've been continually altering mine a little since I first made them. I think I'm finally satifisfied with the way they look. I couldn't have done it though without Awesomemod, it contains a hack that allows for greater control over the sliders and allows you to "editsim" in the game. Very important if you don't want your sims to look like pumpkin heads.

    E. Black: Thank you! I think Katriss' manipulations have turned Ethyn into a romance sim. He seems to be trying to rebuild his confindence through having affairs with everyone now. Of course, Katriss is having a wonderful time since, being an evil sim, she finds pleasure in other sims' suffering (really, she gets a positive moodlet saying exactly that…evil sims are twisted. haha).

    BanSidhe: Yep, I had Katriss sitting in front of me when I created her sim. The frowny mouth and arched brows are the most recognizable parts, I think. She's such a grumpy/evil doll.

    Hmm…without actually seeing it, it sounds like you are having graphics card problems. I've had similar problems in the past. If it is the graphics card, then it might get continually worse when in game, but may continue to work fine when you are just surfing the 'net. Blah…how frustrating!

  9. Raine says:

    Oh PLEASE continue >..< I fact I played Sims 3 for the first time yesterday on the computer of my brother (since mine is too old for this game) since he was in Cologne for the day (I'm from Germany)… Sadly this is rare as he is a WoW-addict and doesn't leave the computer very often-.- so I have to get my share of Sims 3 somewhere else… you make me dream about the interesting things I'll try the next time I get to play. ^^


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