Sims 3 Tales, Part 1
July 11th, 2009
My thoughts about Sims 3:
A couple of weeks ago, my curiosity got the better of me and I ended up buying the Sims 3. It's not a replacement for Sims 2 at all, but it's a lot of fun to play. Actually, I'm having more fun playing it than I ever did Sims 2. Sims 2 has always been more a canvas for me—a means to do my stories—than anything else. As of yet, Sims 3 is nowhere near replacing Sims 2 in that capacity for me.
As many other reviewers before me have said, my favorite part of Sims 3 is the scenery and the ability to travel into town and other lots seamlessly (without endless and annoying loading screens of Sims 2—my Sims never travelled off their lots in that game). The Create-a-Style tool used to change the color and patterns of the clothes, furniture, wallpaper, etc. is pretty cool. My only problem is I'm already starting to get sick of the furniture and clothing meshes that are available since I seem to be reusing the same ones over and over again. I just have to keep reminding myself that Sims 2 had even less content when it was first released. It's so hard to go back to square one! haha
And now onto my major complaints: Firstly, some of the game play, although fun, can ultimately be a bit shallow. The opportunities/quests presented to the Sim are kind of repetive and don't always make sense (i.e. someone contacts your sim to have her grow 3 perfect apples even though that sim is already a higher level gardener than your sim. So, why would that sim need your sim to grow fruit for him?).
Also, I hope in future updates that memories are reintroduced. The current moodlets that last from an hour to several days don't really seem to have any lasting impact on the Sims' lives. I wish they could remember the significant moments in their lives. Another thing I wish for is chemistry, so you know when your sim is attracted to another sim. Yet another wish is that something else would be done with all the collectibles that you can have your sims collect. It was fun to run around getting them at first, but there is no real incentive to get them beyond a few simoleons.
The sims themselves aren't bugging me as much as they used to since I've downloaded custom skins and eyes. They aren't as beloved nor do they look as good to me as my Sims 2 characters, but I'm starting to grow attached to some of them nonetheless. I do love their hands though. The Sims 2 fingers always ruined the more realistic look of the sims.
Also, taking pictures of the sims is a chore and a half without all the pose hacks that I've come to depend on in Sims 2. So, Sims 3 isn't usable for telling my stories beyond those of a legacy type. I'll be sticking to Sims 2 for all my storytelling needs. 🙂
Anyway, I look forward to seeing what mods and items will be appearing for Sims 3 from the Sims community. I already cannot live without the Awesomemod.
12 Responses to “Sims 3 Tales, Part 1”
July 11th, 2009 at 12:45 pm
Yup I got curious too and recently purchased the Sims 3. Unfortunately my ancient computer's graphic card will not support the game :vangry: So it will be awhile til I can play.
Glad to see you're still alive and on the Sims! Lol I went back recently and re-read all the old Worlds Apart and Alternate stuff. Good memories… thanks for the update!
July 11th, 2009 at 12:56 pm
Glad to see your post again ) I liked sims 3, but it game good only for game not for stories. But landscapes are awesome ) I hope you understand me )
And…when will you post the next chapter your amazing story ? I can't wait to read it )
July 11th, 2009 at 4:27 pm
I have the sims and have made a legacy myself on it. I just don't like how sim children look a little like frogs (if you know what I mean) and the options for hair and clothes are scarce! I can't wait for the custom content to arrive, there are a few things floating around, but I twitch in anticipation while waiting! I suppose the game is still new, so I'm not going to get pushy!
July 11th, 2009 at 9:24 pm
July 12th, 2009 at 8:35 am
What you've done with the TS3 sims is pretty amazing. You've managed to temper that balloon animal look they all seem to have.
I remember getting extremely bored with the TS2 gameplay. Sort of doubt I'll spend $$ I don't have right now to get TS3 for gameplay alone, and that seems to be all it's really good for right now. I do lust after the landscaping, but better to walk outside and look at the actual trees than buy something I doubt I'd use much :).
thanks for doing this!
July 12th, 2009 at 8:51 am
You've actually managed to make them look a lot less like balloon animals! They look good!
I'm not going to put the $$ into something I can use only for gameplay – can't justify it – but it's interesting to see what people are doing with it.
Thank you for doing this and taking the time to share general perceptions about how useful TS3 is, well at least for now!
July 12th, 2009 at 11:48 am
have you started the next chapter of the monster and the maiden?
July 12th, 2009 at 7:10 pm
@Chelsea, I'm sure she'll work on it when she's ready. Patience is a virtue.
@Kara, I still haven't purchased the game. I'm probably one of the few people who probably won't. I'll live vicariously through everyone else who is playing it. I'm too spoiled by TS2.
July 13th, 2009 at 7:29 am
July 13th, 2009 at 9:58 am
July 29th, 2009 at 1:37 am
well, i'm behind. sigh. i thought i signed up for email updates but alas these things go awry, don't they?
i'm glad to see you're busy tho :p
love your stories, i'll catch up soon, xxoo, lc
July 30th, 2009 at 9:17 am