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Sims 3 Tales, Part 1

July 11th, 2009

Like any good former succubus, she played along with me at first making me think I was in control, but I later found out it was only because my plans of having her become Emperor of Evil coincided with her own nefarious plans.

Although, for being evil, she certainly enjoyed taking a "wicked bath" with her rubber ducky. (I wish I could recolor him black and red. haha)

Becoming the Emperor of Evil required a lot more physical exercise than she thought it would though. She ended up working out after every work shift. Usually, she went to the gym, but sometimes she would just jog around various parts of the city. It was a fun way to explore and to find shiny things (gems and rare seeds) to bring home.

In the meantime, Ethyn was busy working on becoming a journalist. He wrote probing articles, in-depth reviews and even the occasional novel. 😉

It wasn't all work and no play, however, and things were progressing just as I had planned.

That is, until Katriss started frequenting the graveyard after work.

It was there that Katriss made it known to me that she had become human to save a tortured soul condemned to wander the earth for eternity—a human whom she had fallen in love with in Dreamland, where creatures of myth, such as herself, exist, before he was murdered in an unfortunate swimming accident. His name is Ransom Clavell.

Unfortunately, his death had made him forget her so she had to start her courtship over from scratch. (And, OMG, it took freaking forever to get their relationship maxxed. Ghosts haunt the graveyard only between about 10PM and 5AM, I think. Ransom never seemed to appear until midnight and, even then, he didn't appear every night. Plus, Katriss worked until 2AM. So, it was hard getting their schedules to coincide.)

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12 Responses to “Sims 3 Tales, Part 1”

  1. Kiwi says:

    Yup I got curious too and recently purchased the Sims 3. Unfortunately my ancient computer's graphic card will not support the game :vangry: So it will be awhile til I can play.

    Glad to see you're still alive and on the Sims! Lol I went back recently and re-read all the old Worlds Apart and Alternate stuff. Good memories… thanks for the update!

  2. Shera says:

    Glad to see your post again ) I liked sims 3, but it game good only for game not for stories. But landscapes are awesome ) I hope you understand me )
    And…when will you post the next chapter your amazing story ? I can't wait to read it )

  3. Stacey says:

    I have the sims and have made a legacy myself on it. I just don't like how sim children look a little like frogs (if you know what I mean) and the options for hair and clothes are scarce! I can't wait for the custom content to arrive, there are a few things floating around, but I twitch in anticipation while waiting! I suppose the game is still new, so I'm not going to get pushy!

  4. Kara says:

    Kiwi: Yeah, the Sims 3 really requires a high performance graphics card, unfortunately. I hope you're able to get one soon. I really need to get on the ball with working on my next chapter! Glad you enjoyed re-reading stuff though. Thank you! 🙂

    Shera: I agree. It's hard to do stories with it since we don't have access to pose/animation boxes yet. It makes it extremely difficult to get the sims to do what you want them to do.

    I'm not sure when I'll get the next chapter posted. I don't want to promise anything and then fail to deliver. Hopefully sooner rather than later though. *crosses fingers*

    Stacey: Ugh, I know! Sim toddlers and children really got hit with the ugly stick, didn't they? It makes it hard to want to play them at all. Ghost kids aren't too bad though as the glowy bits seem to distract the eye make them more fun to look at. haha

    And, yes, it's hard going back to vanilla Sims after being spoiled with the 31-flavors of Sims 2. I too keep having to remind myself that I must be patient. But, it's hard! 😮

  5. Beth says:

    What you've done with the TS3 sims is pretty amazing. You've managed to temper that balloon animal look they all seem to have.

    I remember getting extremely bored with the TS2 gameplay. Sort of doubt I'll spend $$ I don't have right now to get TS3 for gameplay alone, and that seems to be all it's really good for right now. I do lust after the landscaping, but better to walk outside and look at the actual trees than buy something I doubt I'd use much :).

    thanks for doing this!

  6. Beth says:

    You've actually managed to make them look a lot less like balloon animals! They look good!

    I'm not going to put the $$ into something I can use only for gameplay – can't justify it – but it's interesting to see what people are doing with it.

    Thank you for doing this and taking the time to share general perceptions about how useful TS3 is, well at least for now!

  7. Chelsea says:

    have you started the next chapter of the monster and the maiden?

  8. E. Black says:

    @Chelsea, I'm sure she'll work on it when she's ready. Patience is a virtue.

    @Kara, I still haven't purchased the game. I'm probably one of the few people who probably won't. I'll live vicariously through everyone else who is playing it. I'm too spoiled by TS2.

  9. Kara says:

    Chelsea: The chapter has been written for a long time now actually. And as hard as it was to write it, it's even harder to psych myself up to take the pictures for it. Sometimes, knowing how much work I'll have to put into it to get good pictures is very overwhelming. Ironically, if this was a text-only story, I would have finished it by now.

    E. Black: Oh, yes. Sims 2 has spoiled me as well. I'm continually comparing the two. As I mentioned in my review, I actually prefer the game play in Sims 3 though. I always got bored playing in Sims 2. But, Sims 2 just has so much in the way of custom creations that almost anything can be done with it story-wise. However, when Sims 2 was first released, it wasn't nearly as entertaining to me as Sims 3. However, I think Sims 2 and Sims 3 can exist peacefully side-by-side on my hard drive. I really do use them for different purposes after all. 😀

  10. Kara says:

    Beth: I'm so sorry that my tempermental spam moderator ate your comments. I forgot that I have to keep a sharp eye on it. Anyway, they've been restored. 🙂

    And thank you! I'm still learning to make sims with the new CAS system. It's quite a learning curve. I do have to remind myself that my first Sims 2 characters looked rather lame too until I got used to the controls.

    And, yes, if you're not interested in playing the game at all, then I don't recommend getting the Sims 3. I've come to the conclusion that I really like having the option of both games. I get my gaming fix from Sims 3 and I get to satisfy my creative muse with Sims 2. But, I must say, I like being able to play the Sims. I'm totally a gamer girl (as is testified by my still rampant obsession with WoW).

  11. Lani says:

    well, i'm behind. sigh. i thought i signed up for email updates but alas these things go awry, don't they?

    i'm glad to see you're busy tho :p

    love your stories, i'll catch up soon, xxoo, lc

  12. Kara says:

    Don't worry about it. This is just a quick story anyway—nothing complex at all. So, you're probably not missing much. haha

    As for the email notifications, I'm not sure what's up with that. I sometimes don't even get them myself. *is annoyed* Did you resign up after I accidentally deleted the subscribers a while ago?


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