The Monster and the Maiden: Ch. 03, Part I
February 4th, 2008

"Can I come in?" her voice piped and her aura seemed to shimmer across the edges of his senses again. He shook his head wondering if it was some side-effect of his increasing need to feed soon.
Perhaps thinking he had shaken his head to deny her entry, she again spoke, "Why not?"

He walked down the porch steps and the cobblestone path toward the front gate. It was uncivilized to shout when the situation no longer warranted it. Coming to a halt directly opposite the girl, the gate still separating them, he said, "And what makes you think I would invite a little girl, who I do not even know mind you, into my house?"
She tilted her head and appeared to be thinking. "My name is Emily," she said, and crossed her arms, a smug look on her face.
"And I am Edmond. But perhaps you should call me Monsieur le Strange. It is more proper that way."
Several times, she tried to wrap her mouth around the French syllables of his name and only ended up mangling his beautiful native language. Finally she settled on a pronunciation that worked for her. "I'll just call you 'Mr. Strange'."

Gritting his teeth at her Anglicization of his name, he responded, "Then I shall call you 'Emmie'."
Her dark eyes flashed in annoyance. "No, you won't. My name is Emily."

Edmond tapped his finger against his lips. "Can you at least say 'monsieur'?
She tried a couple more times with him coaching her along.
"That is close enough," he finally said. "So you shall call me 'monsieur' and I shall call you Emily."

"Okay," she said, a bright smile lighting her face as she stepped up to the gate and stood there as if she were waiting for him to open it.
"Well, we have been properly introduced, but I am still not going to let you into my home."

Emily glared at him, frowning.
"Glaring at me is not going to change my mind."
Stubbornness was etched into every surface of her face and he had to struggle not to laugh. "A boy at school dared me to come to this house and talk to you," she said.
23 Responses to “The Monster and the Maiden: Ch. 03, Part I”
February 4th, 2008 at 6:10 am
I love Emily! She's so cheeky. And Edmond is more patient with her than I would have expected. Especially since he considers himself a monster.
February 4th, 2008 at 6:16 am
You're right, Emily wasn't the kind of maiden I was expecting! I think she took Edmond by surprise as well π She's very persistant isn't she, and not really all that she seems methinks (because of the way the wards reacted)? I wonder how Edmond will reply to her question ….? I'm loving the direction this is moving in, especially with Edmond's attempts to put off his feeding for as long as he can π
*finds parachute and sits on the edge of the cliff again*
P.S. I hadn't realised that the gate had changed! And if it's any consolation it takes ages for BV to load on my computer as well – I guess that's the price we have to pay for animations and lovely trees π
February 4th, 2008 at 7:53 am
February 4th, 2008 at 10:07 am
Ahhh, I'm not so surprised! I remember the first time I saw Brandee, she was a little girl, and then there was Tahlvin… π
I really loved their dialogue. Edmond does his part well, but Emily isn't having any of it. She's a persistent child, and not afraid of vampires? This will be interesting. I wonder what he'll say.
As for BV, I couldn't say if it loads slower. Too much CC. It takes 15 minutes to load the game regardless of how much RAM I have or what EPs I have, lol. I've noticed the door problem, too… but it seemed to fix itself? I dunno, I need to pay more attention to this stuff.
February 4th, 2008 at 10:09 pm
So much for EdmondΓ’β¬β’s Γ’β¬Εget away from my house kidΓ’β¬Β rant, Emily was not having any of it. Big A for effort on her part, she did try just about every tactic possible to get through that gate. They are both so incredibly resolute, that even though she was not what I anticipated would be his maiden, they are made for each other.
February 4th, 2008 at 10:43 pm
wow, that was a surprise! but I loved it, love her persoanlity and she is a cutie-patootie as well…great update Kara:)
February 5th, 2008 at 8:25 am
AHAHA, the maiden! (here's me thinking of a tall brunette woman who'll tickle Edmonds fancy π )Emilys just awesome, her character reminds me of me sort of, a very curious little-un π
I hope her and Edmond become friends, it'll make a really good but wierd relationship. π This story gets more and more interesting!
p.s The outfit Emily's wearing, if you can, could you tell me where you found it please? It is really cute
February 5th, 2008 at 8:26 am
Another great chapter. Emily is so cute and I love her interactions with Edmond.
February 5th, 2008 at 8:59 am
February 5th, 2008 at 11:36 pm
The conversation between Emily and Edmond was very well written. The characters particularly play off each other really well and I can already sense that Emily will perhaps teach Edmond something he is lacking in character.
BV does do an awful lot of weird things I've noticed. The walk through doors and floors and other sims is pretty common, at least in my game.
Great update. Already, Emily enchants me, completely and utterly. She's brave and she's stubborn.
February 6th, 2008 at 9:37 am
February 8th, 2008 at 7:29 am
I don't exactly know what Emily's role is in this….what exactly is a maiden again? Haha, sorry, but I don't think I've ever come across the term in a story. I could look it up, but only you know the real meaning of the term in context of this story. Um…I do love Emily. She reminds me of myself. Our mannerisms are so identical, I would guess that you were spying on me to create her.
February 8th, 2008 at 7:56 am
February 9th, 2008 at 12:25 am
Eek, I don't remember getting the email for this although I probably did and was so busy I forgot. I'm glad I checked your site just in case. I was right about the female part but completely off the mark about about it being Emily. I really like her- she's so zesty like girls should be. π I can imagine that she'll be a very interesting 'alterego' (or whatever her role will be) to the monster.
I didn't notice at all about the gate. I know what you mean about making small decisions like that- we writers/directors agonize over the tiniest of details but I think for the most part, the audience doesn't notice the things we worry about. Sorry BV is an irritant. I ended up reverting all the way back to OFB for my computer. I really want Seasons installed but hey, we have to perserve our current projects.
February 9th, 2008 at 9:06 am
February 10th, 2008 at 7:46 pm
I am loving the maiden! Although she wasn't what I expected! Kind of headstrong and precocious!
Note: I have found that ending all the processes running in the background except explorer.exe and taskmgr.exe have sped up the process of loading my 7 GB of CC!
February 11th, 2008 at 8:12 am
February 17th, 2008 at 10:50 am
This is a great story, especially the last part, the contrast of the vibrant Emily and Edmund is really interesting. I was a little worried the story would become a just a tedious romance, but you have a few aces up your sleeve it seems, nice.
About BV and the doors, if you decide to install BV again, sometimes when I get doors or windows that look like the wall's going through them it helps just to add a wall right next to it straight out (then you can delete the wall again) usually works on single doors and windows for me.
February 17th, 2008 at 11:19 am
February 17th, 2008 at 4:57 pm
I was scrolling down to see what other people had written, and realized that we had the same name. (Well, Kara is quite a good name, if I do say so myself) ^^
Anyways, I wanted to tell you that I love your story so far; Emily isn't the typical "Mary Sue" character–she definitely has a mind of her own. And I really adore the settings that you have created…
arrrgh, the cliffhanger! Alright, you've got me hooked. Now I'll never be able to stop reading >.<
February 18th, 2008 at 9:31 am
February 18th, 2008 at 11:02 am
lol I'm a "care-ah", too… leads to interesting nicknames, doesn't it? (Care-bear, haha)
errr… former is the first one, isn't it?
Yeah I really like it… but I was reading the extra boys story now, and I'm really loving that one. ;D
February 18th, 2008 at 11:15 am