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His stomach rumbled loudly disrupting his wandering thoughts. Edmond glanced at the sandwich that sat half-eaten amongst the papers and books on the table, but he knew that the hunger that was now cramping his stomach would not be satisfied by eating the rest of his lunch. He ran his tongue along his upper row of teeth and felt his incisors—they were longer and sharper than the day before.

Soon it would be time to feed again.

The headache that had been a low-grade throb flared into a pounding as his jaw tightened in anger. Always at the back of his mind was the hope that his previous feeding had been his last one. That in the time that he spent researching between feedings he would discover the counter-curse.

Annoyed with himself, he again counseled patience. Perhaps the next page or even the page after that of the following spell book he picked up would hold the answer. It was distracting to allow himself to get angry over what he had no control. Patience was the key. Slow and steady, non? he thought. He gusted a great sigh and willed himself to calm down.

The liquid in the flask on the worktable finally came to a boil and Edmond chanted an incantation weaving the final spell into the mixture. Soon the concoction would be ready for him to drink and he would be able to stave off his need for blood for at least a few more days. His stomach growled again and he hoped the potion would be done soon. Perhaps he should file his fangs down again while he waited.

A tingle tickled the edges of his senses. Alert, he straightened and cocked his head. The wards he had placed around his property had fired warning him of a visitor. But this tingle was different—shimmery, warm—as opposed to the intense, almost stinging, prickle that had warned him of Rafe's arrival the other day or to the dull, distant throb that notified him of the mailman's daily visits.

He blew out the flickering candle under the flask and, as another gnawing hunger pang gripped his stomach, hoped that the potion would be cool enough to drink by the time he returned.

And with that he headed toward the basement ladder. It was time to deal with this guest whose aura had sparked his curiosity.


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15 Responses to “The Monster and the Maiden: Ch. 02”

  1. Tanya says:

    Argh! Cliff hanger ending, or more precisely ladder hanging! Poor Edmond's really at war with himself isn't he – wanting to make new friends but knowing that things would likely turn out badly if he told them about his curse (or if they found out some other way) 🙁 And I wonder who his visitor will be, the maiden perhaps …? It's very interesting that whoever it is, he or she made his wards react differently. It seems to suggest that the visitor is friendly, even though the reaction was different from that produce when Rafe visited. Or of course it's just meant to make Edmond – and us – think that it's someone friendly. It could really be someone who knows how to fool the wards …. Can't wait to find out 🙂

    *puts parachute on and sits on edge of cliff*

  2. amalinaball says:

    Oh poops, I hate cliffhangers. Bah, humbug!

    I'm really feeling sorry for Edmond now – but not that sorry; let me tell you, I rubbed my neck a LOT when I was reading this, lol – and I hope this visitor is friendly. Well, even if it's not; at least it makes him feel good! Though that does make me think – maybe it's an evil person in disguise? Or maybe it's another vampire?

    I love the sets, by the way. They are all so beautiful and elegant – very French, in a way, but also really vampire-y. Stunning.

    I'll be looking forward to the next update! 😀

  3. Mao says:

    Ahhhh, even Edmond has irrational fears! And vampire or not, he can still enjoy a sandwich. He should be thankful for that, at least. 😉

    Is there a woman waiting at the top of that ladder? Hmm, hmm…

  4. Kara says:

    Well, Tanya, I will say that one of your guesses is right although I won't say which one. 😉

    When I'm writing, I love cliffhangers, so sorry for that, Amalinaball. Although, I totally understand. When I'm reading they drive me nuts (in a good way though! I like the anticipation). At least you'll only have to wait until next Monday. And, thank you about the sets. I was particularly excited to finally be able to use that alchemy set for this chapter. I've had it in my downloads for awhile now, but Edmond is the first sim that has been an alchemist.

    Yeah, Mao, I think being alone lets Edmond dwell too much on his fears. It's kind of a vicious cycle. Good thing he has sammiches. haha!

  5. Jenny says:

    omg, I can't wait to see who it is…another perfectly done chapter kara:)

  6. Jenny says:

    me again….I think the visitor is a female….yeps!

  7. lani says:

    well, the visitor better be me. . .and we better engage in something starting with S and ends with an X.

  8. Kara says:

    Thank you, Jenny. 🙂

    OMG, Lani, how did you guess?! 😆

  9. finette88 says:

    Who is this guest ? To be continued on the next episode ^^
    I want to know ! What suspense !

    Ps : Sorry if I made mistakes, but I usually speek French.

  10. Cadie says:

    A vampire that eats a sandwich? I wonder if he eats meusli in the morning too so he does crave blood as much until lunch! Im really curious as to who is at that door, you got me rattling in my chait till next monday *FINGERS CROSSED IT'S WOMAN* lani totally read my mind on what i was gonna say next!:lol:

    Another superb chapter Kara 🙂

  11. Kara says:

    I do love my suspenseful endings, finette. How else will I get you to come back and find out what happened? 😉 And your English is very good.

    And thank you, Cadie. Actually, Edmond prefers soup for breakfast. Just one of his many quirks. 😉 I think you're going to be surprised next chapter.

  12. goodbye_sun says:

    Despite his worries, poor boy does need to get out a bit more. Or maybe not, since he does have someone new and kind of tingly waiting at his door.

  13. decorgal says:

    Waaa…. you leave it at that cliffhanger you evil woman you. I'm going to guess it's a woman but who knows? I loved your attention to detail in the set- it looked very realistic and ancient.

  14. Anghard says:

    I am on pins and needles about who the mystery stranger is. I loved this insight into Edmond's thoughts, his reflections and sense of determination in trying to discover a cure for his vampirism.

    Another great update as usual.

    I'm hooked.

  15. xtinabobina says:

    Edmond is fabulous. i love cliffhangers, as one could tell by my own stories haha.


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