Tahlvin and Brandee as Dolls?
November 30th, 2007
Update Dec. 04, 2007: Gah! Finally, my computer is back up and running! I was going to bitch-and-moan about the trials of reinstalling and about stupid anti-virus software, but instead I'm just going to rejoice that I have a working computer. Yay!

Well, I'm going to do it. I'm going to get some ball-joint dolls to represent Tahlvin and Brandee. I first had the idea to do this project in July when, on an impulse, I purchased a head that reminded me of Tahlvin. I've since discovered that creating dolls to represent a particular character is actually a lot harder that just getting a doll who can be whatever you want. Mostly, this is because you have to have a lot of patience to wait for all the customizations involved. Anyway, if you're interested, I've gone into detail about the whole process on my BJD site.
In other news, the last piece for my new computer was delivered just a half an hour ago. Yay! So, I think my husband will start constructing it tonight. I have the feeling this is going to take awhile as he is going to be putting together a water-cooled system, which is something he's never done before. But, still, I suppose I should wrap this up and finish backing up my harddrive. Wish us luck! Well, wish John luck, he's the one building it! haha
3 Responses to “Tahlvin and Brandee as Dolls?”
November 30th, 2007 at 8:35 pm
Good Luck, John!
Kara, your bjd hobby is very interesting. I am curious to see this Tahlvin Doll. He is such a unique Sim. He really seems real to me.
Did you make him yourself?
December 1st, 2007 at 5:34 am
Yummy, Tahlvin as a doll …. I'll whizz over and read the full story shortly.
Good luck to John, and good luck with getting everything transferred once the building's finished 🙂
December 6th, 2007 at 1:34 pm
Wow, I want a new computer so badly. -drools- I envy you so much right now. 🙂 But anyway, I can't wait to see your Tahlvin and Brandee dolls. That sounds really cool! I sadly do not have the skill or patience to do the sorts of things that you do (at least not yet).
I haven't decided what I want to learn about in college, but hopefully I decide soon because I'm already almost a Senior in High School! Golly gee. People never really believe that I'm not at least 26, especially online. Ha ha… perhaps it is because I do not type "lyk thiz so ill c u l8er" and because I am always discussing things that adults tend to discuss. That and I watch classic sitcoms and Christmas movies from around the time I was born, or even earlier!