Ordering the Chaos
February 14th, 2006
Updated: 02.21.06
I'm currently in what you might call the "Pre-Production Phase." I've been busily downloading and installing objects, houses, lots, skins, etc. I'm also slowly outlining the story and figuring out what characters I need. This past weekend, I customized a skin from SimCribbling that will be worn by the main male character. I really like how it turned out.In an effort to impose some organization on the chaos of pre-production, this is what I have left to do:
Finish downloading and installing everything!- This is gonna take a while. Update: Is this ever really done? I always seem to be downloading more.
Modify/customize the theme for this site.- I actually have two templates that I really like so I may end up doing both. It's cool that WordPress allows you to change between themes if you want. I just need to figure out how to do it. Update: Done!
Come up with a title for my story!- I'm having a lot of difficulty with this. The working title is "Urban Myth." Some other titles I've been considering are "Myth Worlde", "Consensual Worlds", "Into the Fantasy". I'm horrible with coming up with titles. I do know that the tagline will be "slip into another reality." Update: I finally came up with a title that isn't too cheesy!
Decide whether or not to rename this site.- Of course this all depends upon me coming up with a title for the story first. Since I'll be focusing exclusively on this story and not other Sim stories, I've tossed around the idea of renaming "Confessions of a Simmer" to whatever the title of my story turns out to be. Update: I figured out a compromise.
- Create neighborhoods and downtown areas.
- So far I'm leaning toward the Veronaville map for my neighborhood. I seems to be exactly what I'm looking for what with the river running right down the center of it and all…I like how that clearly demarcates the sides as this aspect will be important to my story. I need to find some custom downtown maps.
- Write out script for the prologue.
- I already have the basic idea for this in my head. I just need to flesh it out.
- Cast the actors!
- One of the most important parts, I need to create the look of my characters. I anticipate this taking a while as I'm picky and want my Sims to appear as I envision them.
Once all this is done, I'll be able to begin taking the pictures. Wow…so much to do.
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