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Sims 3 Tales, Part 2

July 13th, 2009

Inara loved playing in her toy box. (I think it's cute too. I'm also really glad she's a ghost. Sims 3 toddlers are the fug! The ghostly glow hides some of that and makes her much cuter to me. And look at that view!)

Ethyn rose to the task of taking care of little Inara (and looking pretty cute while doing it). He even taught her to speak!

However, I think that Ethyn is still having a hard time reconciling the fact that Katriss cheated on him. Notice how alone he seems sitting in the living room and the sad look he shoots his ex when he thinks she's not looking.

He has given up on her though as is evidenced by the fact that he doesn't get jealous when Ransom once again haunts the house, and Katriss took full advantage of the situation.

One night while hoping that Ransom will appear, Katriss decided to do a little evil spying on her neighbors. She seemed especially intent on the Keaton house across the bay.

What could she possibly be planning? What ever it is, I'm guessing it can't be good.

(To be continued in the next post)


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11 Responses to “Sims 3 Tales, Part 2”

  1. Stephanie says:

    Great, now I HAVE to get the Sims 3. Hm.
    Are the children always fugly looking, because I even looked on other sites and they all look like melted chucky dolls. Ah well, good post anyway, great entertainment for the brain! 😀

  2. Kara says:

    Stephanie: Thank you! And, yes, I do believe that children and toddlers are always freaky looking. "Melted chucky dolls" is a great way to describe them! haha If you do get the game, have ghost babies. Ironically, they aren't as horrifying. 😉

  3. Gayl says:

    OMG first of all Ethyn in the tub…he is yummy mid life crisis and all! Wow! I am really enjoying this little trip through Sims 3. The ocean looks amazing and that house, well all of them, are really nice! Love Edmond and Emily's future abode. The location, the design, very nice. I can only imagine what Katriss has in store.

    Too bad the faces aren't less dough-boy-ish.

  4. Kara says:

    Gayl: Hi there! 🙂 Katriss is a fun character. I love the evil sims. They are so not subtle about evilness. haha

    I agree with you. I wish the faces were less dough-boy-ish. I've been having to make a conscious effort to shift my view point on them. I've come to the conclusion that Sims 3 sims are actually more cartoony than the more realistic looks (in the faces anyway) you can achieve with Sims 2. So, Sims 3 characters are more caricatures than their Sims 2 counterparts. When I look at it that way, it doesn't seem as bad. Although, it does kind of suck that I have to justify it at all. :roll: But, they do start to grow on you.

  5. Erica says:

    I love this story…I dont have the sims 3 and I dont really want it so im enjoying it through this story lol poor Ethyn..I hope he finds love cause he doesnt have it at home.

  6. Stacey says:

    Note to self: Next time you have a kid on the sims, have a ghost baby!

  7. Kara says:

    Erica: haha Thanks! It's really a silly story, but it at least helps me give my sims motivations for doing things. And, yes, Ethyn is going to go through an identity crisis because of Katriss, but I'm sure everything will work out for him in the end. 🙂

    Stacey: Ghost babies are much cooler than regular ones. Their crying can get a little creepy though as they sound like a moaning ghost.

  8. Kelly says:

    The way these screenshots were taken… just wow. I'm very impressed, I can never get myself to make an evil sim, so they all end up like mary sues. I've had the game from h time it first came out, but have only just discovered the ghost/ghost baby perk. Ethyn is just the sexiest sim male I've seen made yet! 😀

  9. Kara says:

    Kelly: Thank you! Evil sims are actually a lot of fun to play (at least I think so). They definitely feel more over-the-top and melodramatic rather than truly scary or cruel. I want to make an insane sim sometime too. My husband has Katriss in his game as well and he made her insane (in addition to being evil). It's hilarious to watch her actions.

  10. Lani says:

    okay, i have started to dream of ghosts. . .seriously kara, you're playin' w/ me subconscious mind 😈

  11. Kara says:

    Lani: Have you started to receive the subliminal messages yet? 😉


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