Screen Test: The Rockstar
August 22nd, 2009

Have you been curious to see how Julian turned out? As some of you know, Julian is a rockstar and, like Viktor, he's also based on a doll of mine. Well, it's time for his Sims 3 debut.
And, if you're wondering what I think Julian sounds like, you can check out Julien-K's newest album.

Custom Content used for Julian:
Slider Hack: I use Awesomemod with sliders increased by 3.
Face Defaults: Aikea_Guinea Default Replacement Skintones (under "Default Replacements"; in my game, I use all her faces, plus the anatomical female body)
Body Defaults: Tummy Za's Hairy Skin Replacement (first download—body only, I use Aikea's faces)
Eye Defaults: Miniie's Bright Eyes Colorblend Replacements
Facial Hair Defaults: Stubble Replacements by RoboKitty
1. Fishnet and See-Through Shirts for Men by Vanito
2. Rock-a-Billy Male Tees (Untucked Version) by Random Noir
3. Slimmed Suspender Pants Mesh Replacement by Aikea_Guinea
4. "Let the Snow Fall" 18 Fall/Winter Fabrics (Plaid #5) by M.Calero
5. Dragon Sleeve by Robokitty
1. -In A Parallel Universe- Peggy Aug 09 Gift, converted by Bosie
9 Responses to “Screen Test: The Rockstar”
August 22nd, 2009 at 11:44 pm
his lips are so sexyc:XO: I love Julian! I think he turned out better than the Sims 2 one :halo: Good job
August 23rd, 2009 at 4:09 am
Wow, he is almost as amazing as Ransom. ::-*: :XO: 👿
August 23rd, 2009 at 4:21 am
Incredible! I love the hair – unexpected but a perfect choice. And the little sideways look you captured – wow!!! One sexy dude!!
August 23rd, 2009 at 9:10 am
He's gorgeous! But, um, isn't he wearing Talon's pants?
August 23rd, 2009 at 12:59 pm
*gasp* Out of all the characters you have made into TS3 counterparts, Julian's is spot on in my opinion! It's him! To a tee! Attitude, looks, personality, expression. OMG! And Julien-K's sound really fits! It's nice to know what his voice sounds like.
Fabulous job with all of them Kara!
August 24th, 2009 at 4:18 pm
*drools* I need to get a boyfriend that looks like you made him in TS3 😯 . Honestly, these guys keep getting more and more b-e-a-utiful ❗ ! Seriously, I;m not even going to try and guess what other guy of gorgeousness…ess….y….. that your going to make next 😉 .
Yeah. Nevermind that, I'm still kind of stunned by his lippies ::-*: . He's prettier than I am!
Once again, great effin job 8) !
September 3rd, 2009 at 1:50 am
good job! (geng ma ka: in thai 😉 )
September 24th, 2009 at 1:55 pm
I have a quick question – do you remember what lipstick and brows you used for Edmond in Sims 2? I like both for my male sims, and although I looked everywhere (umm, almost) I cannot find them. 🙂
September 24th, 2009 at 4:31 pm
Just gotta say, your sims are some of the hottest sims 3 sims I've seen anywhere! I seriously wish my game looked like yours. Makes me want to go out and buy a new computer, lol. (I'm also getting into your story too. :D)