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Nostalgic Saturday

March 11th, 2006

Author's Note: The rest of the pictures don't have any accompanying story text, however just hover your mouse pointer over the picture and you'll get a little description of what is going on.

Author's Note: It's kind of sad that I no longer have these Sims anymore. Oh, well…just know that Kara and John marry and live happily ever after…mostly…life isn't a fairytale, but at least they get to weather the difficult times with the one they love.


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3 Responses to “Nostalgic Saturday”

  1. Jen says:

    It was fun to read about the Hillocks again and see John grow up. It's too bad we won't get to see Kara and John live happily ever after, but I'm really excited to see what coolness you have in store for us with Worlds Apart. 🙂

  2. amalinaball says:


    It's nice to see the Hillocks again. Shame we won't be following them all – I'd have liked to have know how the whole Josh-Sea relationship worked out. Oh well.

    How great it is to think that you're restarting with a fresh story. I know it'll be awesome! Best of luck!

  3. E-Liz says:

    Kara, thanks for that Hillock story, I hope that John had a fantasic wedding 🙂 I think I'll miss the Strudels the most, they are just so sweet!
    Meanwhile, I'll keep checking for this new story, it sounds great.
    And a lesson is learnt in all of this. "John found out just how different a gas pump and microwave are."


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