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The Boys of Summer, Part 01

August 18th, 2006

I don't know what to add to this, other than this is one of my favorite Tahlvin-faces. I just happened to catch him during a candid moment as he was signaling to Hale that he was holding (is that the right terminology?). Well, whatever he did, it turned out to be the right move as he ended up winning the hand.

The next round was fast and furious. The guys were feeling more confident and the pot grew to grand proportions.

I think real money was being bet as Jason seemed quite frustrated when he finally folded.

Alec, however, was gleeful. And why wouldn't he be? He'd won the biggest pot of the afternoon. "Beginner's luck," he said.

I was crouched between the card table and a barrel, which had been pressed into service to hold one of the lamps I'd found stored in the warehouse, when Hale said to me in a sardonic voice, "Something tells me our Alec isn't the beginner he claims to be."

"Oh? What makes you say that?" I asked as I peered over the table's edge.

"Oh," I repeated, my mouth hanging open, and in my awe almost missed capturing Alec's trick on film.

It appeared Tahlvin wasn't the only Shadowtalon to have perfected the death stare. To say tensions were high around the table is putting it lightly.

I told the guys to wrap it up as I hurriedly took one last shot. It was time to adjourn to the basement of this old power station and start the next round of photos.

There was much muttering as they cleaned up the table but it seemed to me that there was also an undercurrent of relief to the proceedings. I wondered if my interruption had circumvented a fight. I'm not sure…but I do know that I'm not used to this much hot-blooded testosterone in one room at the same time. It was making me a bit giddy.

Okay, everyone, say "Cheese!"

Author's Notes:

This entire photo shoot took a long time—longer than I had initially planned—but I enjoyed the entire experience immensely. Not only was it fun to be surrounded by my guys, but it also helped me take a step back from worrying about chapter three, which was just what I needed. Now I'm refreshed, and as soon as the conclusion of "The Boys of Summer" is released I begin work on rewriting chapter three. I'm very excited and can't wait to start.

You would think that "The Boys of Summer" would be easier to put together than one of my Worlds Apart chapters. And it was, in a way. But taking the pictures proved to be harder because I had no script to tell me what pictures I needed. In fact, I had no real story in mind other than the idea that I'd invited the guys over for a meeting to talk about the direction of Worlds Apart. I also had an idea for some particular scenes I wanted to shoot, which were mostly dictated by the various sets I'd designed in the warehouse. For instance, I was dieing to shoot the basement (you'll see it in Part 02) because I liked how the lighting and set design had turned out. I just had to figure out what the guys should do down there. Also, I decorated the loft as a sort of rec room and knew I wanted to finish off our shoot up there. What better way to end a photo shoot then a party, right?

Also, a huge thanks to Eph at My Sims Reality for the shirt with "showering Emil". Emil is one of my favorite hotties, so it was an honor to wear him on my chest! *wink*

See you soon for Part 02!

Oh, but before you go, I have a few more pictures to show you…

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47 Responses to “The Boys of Summer, Part 01”

  1. A n i s s a says:

    Did somebody turn the air off or somthin' over here? It's kinda… WARM under my clothes.

    Oh that's just me? Oh ok.

    Well I also may be having heart palpatations.

    Wow. Five pages worth of snarky hotness…*gurgledrool*
    Even my thoughts are glowing. I think they need a cigarette.


  2. amalinaball says:

    Fantastic! This was brilliant, Kara, I SO envy your graphics…not to mention your guys! πŸ˜‰

    This was a great little update for me to chew on for a bit – I leave for France (a little earlier than planned) tomorrow. πŸ™ Oh well. I anticipate the next update!

  3. VJ says:

    *tsk, tsk, tsk…Now what was John think of you letting Alec rest his head on your leg? *grins*

    Hmm…of all your guys I'd have to say that Jason's photos were the best. He's got a very sexy stare and a laid-back demeanor. Be a dear and put in a good word for me. (Never mind what my hubby will think!) *wink

    Anyhow, great photo shoot! Your pics have attracted a lot of attention among my colleagues. Better get back to work! :o)

  4. Eph says:

    …"so it was an honor to have him on my chest! *wink*"

    lol That was an inspired line! πŸ˜‰

    Anywho, why must I always be late to these things??? *flails*

    *composes self*

    Ahem! Kara, you are brilliant and inspiring — this get-together with you and your boys is so much more than a photoshoot; it has depth and detail. Lately, all I've been able to do is slap pictures together in a post and then I'm done. *winks*

    This is just fantastic, on so many levels, not to mention positively ecstasy-inducing. My mind's spinning (and more) so much I can only lay back and let your boys —um, men — take over! My God, Tahlvin's a Taurus — I adore Taurean men. *tries to behave* πŸ˜‰

    Last but definitely not least — you are lovely and always a joy to look at. I love the surrealness of the situation too, where we get to kibbitz with our boys — er, men [Emil's just whispered to me that I should start using the proper term from now on. Course, he's getting just a teeny bit jealous because of my reaction to your men, but that's another story. ;)]

    And there's a Part 2??? OMG, I can't wait!

    *faints, but not before saying, "You made my morning that much brighter."*

  5. Eph says:

    OMG, a fellow New Order fan! πŸ˜€

  6. Kara says:

    Anissa: hehe Now you know how I felt during the ENTIRE time of shooting! I kept hoping John wouldn't wander over. I didn't want to explain to him why my face was flushed.

    Amalinaball: I really hope you have fun in France (why the sad faces when you mention it?). We'll be here when you get back. πŸ˜‰

    VJ: Well…John wasn't there, and what he doesn't know… πŸ˜‰ I passed on your compliment to Jason. He smiled up at me, those dangerously sexy eyes twinkling, and said it was nice to hear that Tahlvin wasn't the only one with fans. He also said to say "Hi" to you. :mrgreen:

    Eph: *blush* Thank you so much! The guys made it a fun shoot. I can't wait to show you Part 2…the talented finger appears. hehe πŸ˜‰

    And don't worry, just relax, I've discovered that my men like to be in charge. πŸ˜‰ And I too adore Taurean men…John is one too. I'm surrounded by bulls! haha

    I really enjoyed this photoshoot where I got to interact "personally" with my guys. I'm going to have to do this with my gals too. Brandee and Saena were a bit put out that I didn't invite them to this little meeting. So, I'm going to have to make it up to them sometime down the road. πŸ˜‰

    Oh, and tell Emil that if he gets too jealous, I can comfort him.

    Tahlvin: "No…not going to happen."

    Or not…

  7. Jade says:

    Kara, you already know what I think of you and your work, but I will say it here, too.



    Bring on part two of the hotness!!

  8. Alyssa says:

    Im so excited!!!!

  9. Jenny says:

    Wow, Kara, that was awesome:D…my god they are hot, and your graphics card is beyond…perfection!!! I try to check in every week or so and this was definitly a treat!!! thanks for the eyecandy:)

  10. Emm says:

    Ok, this was just hot!!! I am so jealous of your sim-self who get to spend all that time with the guys. If I was her I would have trouble keeping my hands of Tahlvin..yumm

    I have a question..how do you place sims that close together, like when Alec was resting on your leg. When I try to do that my sim ends up ABOVE my other sim, instead of beside it. I use the move_objects cheat btw.
    I would really like to be able to place sims really close together and not having them standing on another sims head! Any advise?

    Love your story!! It's beautiful and I can't wait 'till chapter 3.

  11. Kara says:

    Jade: :mrgreen: Thank you so much! I was surprised to see a comment from you here as well. But I love comments, so I appreciate it. More hotness is forecast for later this week. πŸ˜‰

    Jenny: You're more than welcome! Any excuse to work with my boys…er…men(!). (Sorry, Tahlvin…I'm trying.)

    Emm: Oh, I didn't totally keep my hands off Tahlvin…but it was completely innocent! I swear. You'll see in Part 02. hehe

    I use the "move objects on" cheat as well and have the exact same problem as you with one Sim snapping to weird positions on top of the other Sim. Frustrating, isn't it?

    Sometimes if the Sim I'm moving around snaps to the other Sim, I find that by moving the other Sim I can get closer without the snapping taking place. For example, in the picture where Alec is resting his head on my leg, I had to set my sim-self as close as I could to Alec but then pick him up and move him the rest of the way. I hope that made sense.

    Oh…you have "boolprop snapobjectstogrid false" turned on too, right? That doesn't stop your Sims from snapping to each other, but it does make it easier to finely position things.

  12. lorna says:

    omfg… your sims are just wow! i love them! excellent work! nice to see you still around! been sooo long! need to catch up!

  13. eva says:

    AGAIN, LATE. GEESH. I should program my computer to alert me when you post a new thingy-ma-jig. Which won't happen because I am entirely too lazy. Which is why I haven't checked your page in quite some time. Haha, But WOW AM I glad I did. Tahlvin… nothing needs to be said there. I wonder who he spends his free time with…..haha. And That movie Amelie, i just saw some part of it and since it was the middle I didn't watch it but It's coming on again and I think I may watch it. But..Tahlvin.. We both like fall…a match made in heaven. Haha, riggght. But on to the second page….HOOOTT. Even though Tahlvin and hale weren't around…still hot. Alec has the bestest eyes ever..And Jason does too. But there's something about his green eyes that..yea. And Why is Jason lying on your LEG, MARRIED i thought you said. For A decade. And now you want to go and ruin it for one night of fun!! Haha, not really. I would do it too, even though I'm not married and never had a boyfriend..but I've got my whole life for that. The boys..I mean guys..are so funny. And you too. Well of course you have to be because you came up with the whole scenes..ok..me shut up now. Until I finish reading page 4. And while reading page 4 I had an epiphany. I mixed Alec and Jason up. I think Alec is the blond dude and Alec is the Green eyed sexy one. Sooo, previously I switched them and yes, I'm too lazy to change it now. πŸ˜€ Mmmhhh, Wonderful hotnees. I need a boyfriend. Getting all giddy over computer generated hotness. Atleast they will never dissapoint me. Haha. And Kiwi is Extremely talented. If I weren't so lazy I might've thought of that. And Sorry for the extremely long post but I was entirely too bored and your page always brings me happy thoughts. And umm…is the next chapter going to be about how big the guy is blocking Brandee? Of course not, how dare I think such bad things. I wouldn't mind if you decided to though. Man I suck, I think my hormones are all screwed because I'll be 17 in like a week and a half. Quiet down little ones. Anyway, sorry to disturb you with my demented brain. Can't wait for next update!

  14. eva says:

    And while re-reading my comment…I MESSED up something. So let me clear it up..A"nd while reading page 4 I had an epiphany. I mixed Alec and Jason up. I think Alec is the blond dude and Alec is the Green eyed sexy one." Jason is the green eyed one. Okkk, me stupid.

  15. Kara says:

    Lorna: Welcome back, and thank you! I have a lot planned for the future of the site so I hope you keep checking it out.

    Eva: haha Love reading your comments! And you really weren't late at all, I only posted it on Friday. Plus, it's easier for me if everyone doesn't comment at once as I can spread my replies out a bit. (Yes, I'm lazy too.) πŸ˜‰

    And, hey, can I help it if a hot guy decides to lay his head on my leg? No, I think not! I just have to go with the flow. I wouldn't want to make any of my actors mad. πŸ˜‰

    Oh, and "Happy Early Birthday!" Seventeen, huh? I sorta remember seventeen. My last year of high school and last summer before I started college.

  16. Emm says:

    Thank you for the advice. I'm gonna try once again, but my sims are so stubborn, they just love standing on eachothers heads…
    Actually the snapobjects cheat doesn't seem to work in my game, must be a bug, I've tried everything!! Is there something I should be doing after activating the cheat, like hitting a special button? Nothing seems to work, my objects are still stuck to the grind..

    Anyways..can I come live in your game? Please? I could totally "entertain" Tahlvin in his time off…hm..think I need to stop writing now..need cold shower…

  17. daysies says:

    ooh, boy… boys, Kara! those guys are hawt!!! πŸ™‚ *fans self* i can't wait until your next chapter. bring on more of the hotties. πŸ˜€

  18. daysies says:

    just curious… whenever you have time, could you give us the body shop breakdown of these pretty boys and yourself? they look so life-like… i'm just in awe. πŸ™‚ *still fanning self* i can see you're a big fan of Enayla's skins… i just love the detail she puts into them.

  19. e2b says:

    I love how you manage to get Talvin to bite his fingers! πŸ™‚ That's just so seexxy….*fan self* Love this update. Great work….

  20. Airelda says:

    Kara – I just found your site through a post at N99 that highly recommended your stories and your photography.

    To say I am completely blown away by the incredibleness of this entire site is a massive understatement. Your illustrations aren't just pictures – they are ART! And your stories prove what an incredible gift you have for the art of storytelling.

    But most of all I wanted to say that when I read your latest story – the Boys of Summer I experienced chills of recognition – all the way over here in Australia. We are two people literally Worlds Apart, yet I know from reading your latest stories that there is someone out there very much like me. The way you have brought your characters to sim-life – characters that have had a life in your imagination for years and years – is something I do too. One of the things I love about the Sims is that I can actually see my imaginary characters (who are real to me) living and breathing with my own eyes instead of with my mind's eye. As long as I can remember I have had entire imaginary worlds existing inside my head. I can access that world anytime I want and I pick up on my stories from where I left off last time. The characters in my stories have been with me so long they feel almost real to me. When Sims1 came out for the first time these characters had an existance outside of my own head. Now with Sims2 it is even more wonderful to have these characters exist somewhere where you can see them interract with each other and of course yourself too.

    When you metioned the chills you got when your character Tahlvin sat next to you and you were able to interract with him through Sim-life, I felt a shiver of recognition. Through playing my characters as Sims I can say I've felt that exciting, mysterious, uncanny feeling too.

    Wow there is someone else out there in the world like me! I don't normally mention the ther worlds up in my head to most people but I just had to tell you about this because I know you will understand and not think I'm crazy!!

  21. Kara says:

    Emm: hehe I think Tahlvin would be A LOT of fun to entertain. πŸ˜‰

    That's strange (about the snapobjects cheat not working). The only thing I do is type "boolprop snapobjectstogrid false". I'm pretty sure I don't have to activate anything else to make it work. Maybe make sure you're spelling it correctly?

    Daysies: *laughs* I think I'm going to have to start offering complimentary fans when I post pictures featuring my guys. Or fire extinguishers. πŸ˜†

    And your wish is my command…I included the "shopping lists" on the first page of this post. I had orginally meant to include it, but then forgot. I think it must have been selective memory loss. It's a lot of work to write that out. I think next time I'll skip the links. πŸ˜‰

    e2b: I know! Yummy, isn't it? I about died when he bit his finger. I saw him do it voluntarily once before, but I never knew what action it was associated with. So, I was excited to find that Squinge's Hula & More mod included the action. I can't remember what it is called off the top of my head though.

    Airelda: Welcome to the site! And, wow! *warm fuzzies* Thank you so much for the lovely compliments. I appreciate them more than you could know. :mrgreen:

    And how awesome is it that you understand exactly what I meant by having a chill when my sim-self interacted with Tahlvin! (And how eloquent you are in expressing your understanding.) We're not crazy! hehe

    I think one of the things that draws me to Sims 2, is that it's a canvas for my imagination. And I'm lucky to have an active one. Although, sometimes the drawback to that is I have so many story and project ideas that some have to be put off while I concentrate on the current ones I'm working on. As Jade said to me the other day, "[s]o many stories, so little time…".

  22. Airelda says:

    "Although, sometimes the drawback to that is I have so many story and project ideas that some have to be put off while I concentrate on the current ones IÒ€ℒm working on."

    I am the same, Kara! The Sims as a canvas for the imagination – that is such a wonderfully eloquent way of putting it! I adore the fact that not only can you tell any story and play any character in this magnificently open game, but you can completely customise the game to suit yourself too.
    When I have time to play I really have to debate with myself how to spend the time. Do I want to create new outfits for my sims, create some new wallpaper or colour a furniture set for their houses? Or should I work on organising my game so it works better? Or I might just spend my time playing but I have so many different families, neighbourhoods and stories to tell all of which I am really interested in that it is really hard to decide which one to pick.
    I also love posting sim stories to my favourite forums but that all takes time too. So with this game it's the case of having too many fun, imaginative and wonderful things to occupy your time rather than too little!

  23. daysies says:

    thanks so much for the shopping lists! you have such great taste! plus, it's always fun to find out new sites get great content for us downloadaholics.

  24. Emm says:

    Ok, you must have some kind of magic powers! And I'm not talking about the fact that you can turn ordinary sim picures into the most beautiful art, but the fact that you somehow got the snapobjects cheat to work in my game. You have no idea how many times I've tried to make it work! So today after reading your answer I decided to try it once again and suddenly it works.

    So I'm starting a new religion..Karaism..
    everyone is welcome!

  25. Kara says:

    Airelda: You sound like me. I have so many things I want to do with/in the game that I have a hard time deciding where I should focus my energy.

    For instance, like now, I'm working on designing a new character when I should be getting "The Boys of Summer, Part 02" ready to post. Oh, well. I've been trying to get this particular character's look just right for the last few weeks and suddenly, yesterday, I was inspired. It's going to take a lot of custom tweaking to get him to look right. But, that's half the fun. I also started creating another character (hmm…just realized that most of my characters are male…haha) and I'm sure it will take me a few weeks to get his look right as well. I guess Body Shop has become a sort of a sketch book where I refine my designs.

    Ha! I totally went off on a tangent. See…I'm easily distracted. I flit from one project to the next and don't accomplish much on any of them. :roll:

    Daysies: You're very welcome and thank you! As a fellow download-aholic, I love finding new sites to feed my cravings too. πŸ˜‰

    Emm: haha! πŸ˜‰ I'm glad it finally worked for you! It'll give you much more control over where to set things down.

  26. Airelda says:

    "IÒ€ℒve been trying to get this particular characterÒ€ℒs look just right for the last few weeks and suddenly, yesterday, I was inspired. ItÒ€ℒs going to take a lot of custom tweaking to get him to look right. But, thatÒ€ℒs half the fun."

    I agree totally! When I made my simself I not only had to make custom hair but custom eyes, custom make-up and a custom outfit too!

    Here's a link if you want to check out the customised sim-me!


    I also wanted to ask you if you were a member of Simpixels and Graphics sim forum? If not, I highly reccomend it as a wonderful place to visit and to show off your creations etc. Most of the members there are very creative and imaginitive and we love sim stories! It's run by Lyran and Fia. I think you will find lots more kindred spirits there! I would love to see you there so we can hang out some more! It's my favourite sim-place to be!


  27. Kara says:

    Airelda: Ohmigosh! I love your selfSim! She's adorable! You did a great job on her. :mrgreen: I looked through the rest of the pics there as well and couldn't help but notice your guys. They are quite hot! I always appreciate a hot guy (or guys).

    No, I'm not a member of Simpixels. I have a hard time joining communities (Sim or otherwise) as I'm quite shy and it takes me awhile to overcome my shyness when around new people. I usually fall into lurker-mode and can never seem to get out of it.

    Oh, and you said "kindred spirits"…I was trying to think of that term the other day. Very "Anne of Green Gables." πŸ™‚

  28. tabbs says:

    Cool pics. I still need to read the story but I love looking at your awesome, amazing pictures first πŸ˜€

  29. Airelda says:

    "I have a hard time joining communities (Sim or otherwise) as IÒ€ℒm quite shy and it takes me awhile to overcome my shyness when around new people. I usually fall into lurker-mode and can never seem to get out of it."

    Kara – yes I believe we are kindred spirits in the true Anne of Green Gables sense of the word! I am also very shy deep down, but there is something so special about Simpixels….it suits me just perfectly. It is a very small community (not like N99 which is also a favourite forum but overwhelmingly large), and I would say that I have found many kindred sim-spirits there. Everyone is wonderfully kind and nurturing to one another and there is no better place to show your stories and pictures and projects to get lots of positive feedback and encouragement. The people there will remember your stories and characters and ask about them. They really care! The power and magic of imagination is alive at that place! There are so few places like that in a world where most adults seem to forget how to keep their imaginations alive. It's just really special….
    I do hope you will check it out. I'd love to get to know you better and it's hard to do on blogs!

  30. amalinaball says:

    I love the guys. They're all lovely. πŸ™‚ I dunno why, but

  31. amalinaball says:

    …sorry about that, my sister pressed 'ENTER', grrr…anyway, I think Alec is my favourite. And how did you get Hale and Tahlvin so muscular in their arms?

  32. Kara says:

    Amalimaball *waves* I see you're back from France. I hope you had a good time. Tahlvin and Hale (as well as Jason) have their clothes to thank for their muscular armsÒ€”it's all part of those particular meshes by RabidAngel.

  33. Jade says:

    I just want to chime in and say the Airelda is a sweetie pie and Simpixels is a very cool and kind place!

  34. lorna says:

    kara… I'm eating chocolates here watching this post and getting a umm pardon my english ansious! or hyper… more Tahlvin and Jason.. plz^^

  35. Mandie says:

    I am still completely blown away by how realistic your sims look! They honestly look like real beings and that they could just leap right out of the screen and into real life. And I love your idea for this entry! Very different and creative! I can't wait till part two!

  36. Kitty Demonika says:

    Powerful and sexy. Absolutely awesome work! It's really nice to get to know your characters better. Thank you for the wonderful insight! I enjoyed every bit. ^_^

  37. Alimah Kali says:

    I found this site through MTS2 and boy am I happy to be here.

    By the Gods, woman!! These beings are beyond gorgeous… they're exquisite! And Hale…. Ohhhh goodness gracious… He says his best feature is his hair… That hit a huge nerve in me because I'm an absolute SUCKER for guys with long hair.


    I'm off to read "Boy of Summer 2" now… *le siiiigh*

  38. Kara says:

    Alimah: Welcome! *waves* I'm so glad you stopped by. And thank you so much for the compliments we (the guys and I) really appreciate them. Hale sends a special thank you. πŸ˜‰ And don't forget to check out the Words Apart story (part 01 and 02) so you can meet the characters in their element.

  39. Alimah Kali says:

    Aaaah! D'oh! Didn't realise there was a Part 02 done. (>.

  40. Jason says:

    verynice,I wonder if you are as gorgous as your work…lol πŸ™‚

  41. ilknur says:

    this work is very cool i like the story:fantastic.i want to ask a question:can i download the sims?if i can where i can download them.i want those sims at my game they are very cool.:P

  42. Kara says:

    Ilknur: Thank you very much! As for downloading my Sims (copied from the FAQ): "No, IÒ€ℒm sorry. I wonÒ€ℒt offer any of my characters that appear in my stories for download. Everything that IÒ€ℒve made available for download can be found in the Downloads section."

  43. Yasmin says:

    Eeer, is Tahlvin single? πŸ˜€

    Joking. That would be creepy.

    I love the questionnaire idea!

    Keep it up.

    Love love x

  44. sephora says:

    I've only just found this site but I've read all the stories and I'm really really hooked.The stoies are brilliant, the photos are too!!
    There's just one thing I wanted to ask: if Tahlvin and Hale are brothers why is Tahlvin the only one to have fangs?

  45. Kara says:

    Sephora: Welcome! I'm glad you've been enjoying the stories so far.

    As to why Tahlvin has fangs and Hale doesn't: you'll find out the details later on in the story but I will say that although they're brothers they have different fathers. πŸ˜‰

  46. Elena says:

    Hey Kara, I really love your stories… you are amezing! I was wondering if you can tell me who did you get the CAS screen Backgroung Item.. I dunno how to call … I hope you understand..

    Thanx… and can't wait for the Chapter 5 πŸ™‚

  47. Kara says:

    Hi, Elena πŸ™‚ Thank you so much! I thought I had gotten the backdrop at MTS2, but I can't seem to find it there. Part of the problem is I can't think of the correct term for it either so I may not be searching right. haha! I'm sorry I wasn't more helpful. I'm pretty sure I don't even have it in my game anymore (I can't remember seeing it for a long time), but I'll try to take a look and see if I can find it next time I load the game.

    Edit: Nevermind, I finally found it. Yay! You can get it here at MTS2.


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