The First Baby
November 24th, 2004

…and use the potty. When I don't use smart milk, I'm only able to teach the toddler two out of three of the toddler's aspirations. However, it doesn't really matter if you are unable to teach one of the three aspirations, it's not like they won't know how to use the potty when they become children if you don't teach them to use the potty as a toddler…although, that would be kind of funny…and sad. hehe
A gameplay note: I ended up having to teach Atticus to walk when he wasn't hopped up on smart milk and Joe wasn't wearing his thinking cap. I tried it with the smart milk and thinking cap at first, but for some reason, Atticus never seemed to make any progress in learning to walk at all. I'm not sure why. Joe was in "platinum" for aspiration points, and Atticus was in "gold." So, I tried teaching him without the "buffs" and he seemed to learn to walk very easily as well as quickly. Very strange. A bug maybe? I've had it happen at the Feratu household as well (when I tried to teach their baby to walk).

While Atticus was a toddler, I couldn't afford to build a new bathroom. So, when Atticus would need a bath, I'd buy a tub, clean him and then return the tub until the next time he needed a bath. Poor kid.
As you've probaly noticed, Joe was the primary caregiver of Atticus. At this time, he was still a professional party guest and, since he only worked on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, he had a lot of freetime to take care of Atticus while Katrina was at work.

This screenshot serves absolutely no purpose other than it's just cute. I love how the toddlers look when they snuggle their parents. I mean, look at Atticus' little hands clasped around his dad's neck. hehe

Woah! It's time to grow up again! They grow up so fast. *sniff* 😉

A little quality family time. If memory serves, Joe is studying up on mechanical, and Katrina and Atticus are learning to cook.

I'm trying to have Atticus learn as much as possible while he's a kid since he seems to learn at an accelerated rate (is that true, or just my perception?).

Now that Atticus is a child, I was actually able to afford to add on a bathroom (to the back of the house) and do a little redecorating.
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November 24th, 2004 at 10:40 am
what a cute house! i still haven't experimented with having babies and making them grow up yet. i'm missing out on all that. i'm enjoying all the "growing up" in all the legacy stories that i've been following.
November 24th, 2004 at 12:40 pm
Your house is adorable. I wish I had built mine smaller now, but since I had that big lot I thought I might as well make use of it. I don't landscape as much as I should…however you did have a Fortune Sim so you're probably landscaped to death 🙂
November 24th, 2004 at 12:50 pm
Aww, Atticus is a cutie! Love the house, too. It just looks so cozy. Mine's a sprawling mess.
About teaching toddlers to walk, I've had that same problem with the thinking cap + smart milk — apparently it's a bug, as the skill bar just keeps resetting itself instead of filling up all the way. I hope they give us that patch soon…
November 24th, 2004 at 1:19 pm
Another wonderful part of the legacy. I really like the name Atticus because it's so unique and special. I admire your housebuilding skills…
November 24th, 2004 at 1:36 pm
I'm glad everyone likes the "design" of the house so far. Thank you! It's the first house I've built in the game (I usually download houses) and I feel like it's just cobbled together of additions that I add on when I happen to have some extra money. 😆
November 24th, 2004 at 1:46 pm
Wow. I like Atticus. I think we have a genius on our hands. Great start. 8)
November 24th, 2004 at 2:15 pm
Cool stuff, sis!! Love the story and watching them get together and grow up. Very cute house!! 🙂
November 24th, 2004 at 4:08 pm
See, your legacy family seems to be thriving. I tried it last night and the only NPC my "female" liked was the mailman. He was broke (only added $1,000 simoleons) and he was butt ugly. LOL! She proposed to him and he ran away never to be seen again. LOL! I gave up!
Your legacy family is adorable too, btw. 😆
November 25th, 2004 at 1:35 am
Aww I love toddlers! they're so cute! Is it just me or did you change the outside wallpaper of your house? and yeah for some reason toddlers/children learn so much faster than adults! One of my kids form anotehr family has got I think about 7 creative skills as a child, it's really strange. Btw, do the adults still follow the old routine for learnign skills like 1 hour for 1st skill point, 2 hrs for 2nd skill pt etc?
November 25th, 2004 at 8:08 am
Yep, I did change the outside wallpaper. It was yellow before. I needed a change. 🙂
Actually, I'm not sure how the stats break down for adults learning. But, from observation, "1 hour for 1st skill point, 2 hrs for 2nd skill pt etc" sounds about right.
November 25th, 2004 at 8:41 pm
😛 im so stupid i didnt even notice how long it took to get skill points.all i knew is that the more skill points the longer it takes.:shock:
November 29th, 2004 at 5:14 pm
don't feel bad, coolguy, i didn't know either. i have a couple sims that finally maxed out a skill each. it was taking forever, but now i know why. LOL i enjoyed just watching them work towards this goal.
November 30th, 2004 at 3:38 pm
DId you know that if you type motherlode in the cheat box you get $50,000? Or are you the type of people that like to earn money on there own?
December 1st, 2004 at 8:02 am
Oh, I am completely the type of person who uses "motherlode" to get all the money I want. lol I'm shameless (and I like having nice houses from the beginning). The only house I'm playing without the money cheats ("motherlode" and "kaching") is the Legacy Challenge household.
December 2nd, 2004 at 4:50 pm
i love usin motherlode.its fast yet easy.
December 3rd, 2004 at 2:55 pm
i use motherlode too. every house of mine has $999,999,999 :oops:. But i went to the internet and saw motherlode and so me and my friend created a $281,000 dollar house so we typed in motherloed but we spelled it motherloed (no idea why we didnt see it). so we typed kaching 280 times before our moms told us you spell it motherlode! and we typed in K-A-C-H-I-N-G not copy and paste it with Ctrl V. so we laughed and we did more rich families and that is how my rich families tradition got started.
December 5th, 2004 at 3:52 pm
❓ I didn't know you could make babies grow up faster…hmmm…
Ha haha. My toddlers do seem to spend most of their time in their nightclothes too. My sims are usually too tired to change them, kids are soo demanding and cute!:grin:
December 9th, 2004 at 5:57 pm
always with the pajamas.