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Plans for Christmas

December 1st, 2006

Edited 12.09.06:
And…the poll is now closed! That was actually a close race. I'm very surprised. I thought one of the guys would get a significant majority of the votes but Hale won by only ten votes. However, since so many of you showed your support for Alec (I voted for him too…I'm a sucker for the underdog) he'll be making a special appearance in the story.

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, I managed to get distracted from writing my story. I'm blaming it all on the fact that my copy of the Holiday Stuff pack arrived in the mail. Since installing the pack, I've been busy decorating the Ramsey's vacation cabin in the mountains for Christmas. I've been having so much fun decorating that I've decided the Ramsey's should host Christmas at their cabin this year. So far they've invited Brandee's best friend Saena (whom I have yet to introduce to you) and their neighbors back in Mission Bay Tahlvin and Samantha.

They have room for one more guest but I've been having trouble deciding who to invite. So, I've decided to leave the choice to you. Should they invite Hale, Tahlvin's brother, or the newly madeover Alec? Who would you most like to see? Hard choice, eh?

May the best man win!


Totally off topic, but have any of you ever played Animal Crossing for the Nintendo DS? Oh my, it's so addictive and fun…for some unknown reason. I've tried to explain the game to people and it comes off sounding silly, until you play it that is. I was devasted the other day when I found out that one of my animals was moving out of town (he needed to pursue some intensive training for an upcoming situp competition…hehe). But I think I somehow managed to talk him into staying. Phew! Please tell me I'm not alone in my love (and addiction) for this game?

Anyway, now back to our regularly scheduled programming.


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15 Responses to “Plans for Christmas”

  1. Alicia says:

    I used to be absolutely infatuated with Animal Crossing.. but I had only rented it for a Nintendo Gamecube and it had to go back to the video store! πŸ™ I miss it so. But I totally know what you mean.

    It was a very hard decision between Hale and Alec…but I have to say I would like Alec to make an appearance. I love Hale and I love his father( πŸ˜‰ ), but I would love to see Alec's new look somewhere besides the CAS screen! Plus, I feel more of a bond to Hale than I do Alec and I would like to get to know Alec more. I wonder how many times I said 'Alec' in this. Haha!

  2. eva says:

    Well, because my sexy man, Jason(I got it right this time) is already going to be there…and Tahlvin, I couldn't care less who they invited over. Ummm, I do vote Hale though because that is Tahlvin's brother, and that would be kinda mean to not invite him over also. But I wouldn't mind seeing the both of them :D.

  3. Azrielle says:

    I vote for Hale because the beautiful Elfy men make me hot. (Ummm… can I say that here and not sound like a freak?) But the real question is: Will the one who gets invited hook up with Saena? In that case I would vote for Alec.

  4. Kara says:

    Alicia: Ah, I'm so glad someone knows what I'm talking about (concerning Animal Crossing). I just got done shaking all my trees for money (and getting stung three times). hehe And I also know what you mean about Alec. I too want to play around with his new look outside of CAS.

    Eva: Hmm… Maybe I'll have to figure out a way for the loser to at least have a cameo part. That way you'd get to see both of them.

    Azrielle: I find it interesting that your vote changes if I decide to hook Saena up with someone. πŸ˜‰ She's a major flirt, but as of now I have no plan to hook Saena up with anyone…outside of the story at least (she already has a boyfriend in the story). Of course, this could all change depending on how she gets along with which ever guest is invited to Christmas. I like to keep my options open. πŸ™‚

  5. Dektora says:

    Animal Crossing is actually the reason I'm considering buying the DS. I haven't felt like spending money on a handheld console since the game boy, but this game looks intriguing and addictive. And I understand how hard it might be trying to explain it to others. A little bit like when I explain why the sims 2 is amazing, even thought I haven't played it in almost a year but fire it up every day or so. It confuses people…

    I love the idea of seeing Samantha at that Christmas party. I'd love to see how she looks. Same about Saena. As for who to invite, why do you have to choose? Is it a game guest limit? I use so many hacks and cheats that I have no ideas. I would suggest you cheat your way up and invite both πŸ˜‰ But there's no voting choice for that, so I'll go with Hale, because he is a blood relative of another guest. But I feel sorry about Alec.

  6. amalinaball says:

    I SO voted for Alec! But then, what did you expect? Heh! But Hale is alright, too, I guess. I totally agree with Alicia that we need to be able to appreciate Alec outside of CAS!

    My sister has Animal Crossing on DS, that and Nintendogs. Let me tell you – it's utterly awesome and so addictive! But when her best buddy, Jeremiah the frog, left town she was devestated. At least he gave her a photo to remember him buy – I think that's so cute!

    I look forward to seeing the Ramseys' cabin – in the mountains, you say? Cool!

  7. Kara says:

    Dektora: Actually, Nintendogs was the original reason I got the DS. I bought Animal Crossing just because I read some good reviews about it. I've since spent maybe an hour playing Nintendogs (it's cute, but I feel sorta stupid talking to my DS when my husband is around 😳 ) and more hours than I care to count playing Animal Crossing. I also really enjoyed playing Phoenix Wright and Cooking Mama. I love these odd Japanese games.

    I'm excited too about Saena and Samantha. Saena's been sitting around in Body Shop for a long time and I've finally settled on a look that I'm pleased with for her so I'm looking forward to seeing how she looks in the game. Also, I love Sam and it'll be nice to have her around (you know, since she's dead in the story and all).

    Amalinaball: Wow! It's such a close race between Hale and Alec. I thought there'd be a clear forerunner. Interesting!

    Aw…I love Jeremiah too! He and Pate are my favorites in my town (I love Victoria as well, but she lives in my husband's town). I think that if you beg them to stay enough then they won't move. That's what I did when Ribbot said he was movingÒ€”I kept telling him not to go. He's now unpacked his boxes again and appears to have changed his mind.

  8. Eph says:

    That was a difficult choice to make, but in the end I chose Alec. πŸ™‚

  9. christin says:

    I voted for Hale! The elves + Christmas, but of course. ;D

    I love the idea of a cozy vacation cabin. Rumors are swirling regarding whether or not the next EP will have a true vacation neighborhood, and give our simmies the ability to own vacation residences. I hope so!

    Looking forward to your Christmas post, and happy holidays! πŸ˜€

  10. Mao says:

    Oooh! I love holiday-themed stuff. It helps me get into the festive mood better. I can't wait to see what wonderful things you come up with–not to mention who the guest ends up being! It's a win-win situation there for sure. πŸ˜‰

  11. alyssa says:


  12. amalinaball says:

    Ahh well, Alec didn't win. πŸ™

    But a special appearance sounds better than nothing! πŸ˜€ Thanks, Kara! That poll was a really good idea. I Love Christmas!

  13. Kara says:

    Amalinaball: Actually, I think you're in for a rather nice surprise concerning Alec. As I was writing the story, my initial plans sort of fell through and Alec now has a rather larger part than originally planned. Hale and Alec's parts in the story are probably about equal now. haha I always seem to change my mind while writing.

  14. Alicia says:

    Great news, Kara! I can't wait! Alec = Yay!

  15. Alimah Kali says:

    Well, I completely missed the vote… but hey! None of that matters now because I get to see my delicious Hale and play with his hair in my mind.

    *quickly posts message before Adrian spots it.* >.


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