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This is the leather jacket/sweater/fingerless gloves combo that Emily wore in the most recent chapters of M&M. I was asked by one of my readers (*waves at Trina*) if I would share it, and…well, why not? haha

The textures I used are by by Aikea_Guinea (of Club Crimsyn) and Maxis. The mesh is by…well, I'm not sure. It's labeled as being by both Lyholy and Mohicantunes from MTS2, but I couldn't find it in either of their downloads' sections (though I could be blind), so I've included the mesh in the download as well.

I hope you enjoy it!


Edited 04/10/09: Thanks to Yuichen, I found out that the mesh for this jacket/top is by Mohicantunes and can be found at InSim (however, the mesh is still included in my download so you will not need to redownload it).



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11 Responses to “Das Omen: Leather Jacket for AF”

  1. Adele says:

    CUUUUUTE!!! Waaaaant. I'll just umm… print this out…. for real life.

  2. Rosie says:

    I love this!! Great artwork and I love the style!! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  3. Kara says:

    Adele: haha! Wouldn't that be awesome if we could really print out the clothes we wanted? There are so many Sims 2 outfits that I'd love for my self.

    Rosie: Thank you so much! Have fun with it. 🙂

  4. Penny says:

    I was linked here from GoS in the Best Finds thread – and I totally agree, this is BEAUTIFUL, it will find a very happy place in my game 🙂

  5. Kara says:

    Penny: That's very cool that it made the Best Finds thread. Thank God it wasn't the Worst Finds one. haha! And, thank you very much. Have fun with it!

  6. Keirra says:

    I also found this from GOS. I love it. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Yuichen says:

    LOVE THIS! Thank you for sharing =)

    Also FYI, mesh is here: http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,42580.0.html

  8. Trina says:

    *waves back* I'm so excited! Thank you Kara – you are awesome!!! :XO:

  9. Kara says:

    Keirra: You're very welcome. And thanks for stopping by. 🙂

    Yuichen: Thank you so much for the link to the mesh. I never would have thought to look for it there. InSimenator seems so confusing nowadays.

    Trina: Yay! I hope you like it. 🙂

  10. Veron says:

    Oh! When I first saw this top, I was praying that you'd release it! THANK YOU times a bazillion.

  11. Kara says:

    And thank you as well, Veron! Have fun with it. 😀


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