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"Bonjour," he said, as he stepped out on the porch.

A look of relief seemed to cross her face as he strode down the porch steps then down the front walk.

As he drew closer, he noticed the late afternoon winter sun had painted her high, exotic cheekbones in an incandescent light and her chocolate eyes shone with what he hoped to be eagerness as she watched him approach.

Ensnared in cataloguing the play of the sun across her exquisite features so he could recall the image in his mind whenever he desired, he almost forgot how to breathe and his steps faltered. To his mortification, he tripped over his own feet.

"Oh! Are you okay?" she gasped as Edmond regained his balance and came to a stop in front of the gate.

"Je vais bien," he said, his face flaming with a blush provoked by her twitching lips, which hinted to him that she may be holding back laughter. For his pride's sake, he was glad she did not give into her urge. In an attempt to salvage what was left of his dignity, he waved at the cobblestone path beneath his feet and muttered, "Uneven paving stones."

"I…see," she said. Her feathered brows furrowed in confusion marring the smoothness of her forehead as she glanced down at the front walkway.

"Emily, n'est-ce pas?" he asked, wanting to make certain it was her—that his senses had not tricked him—and wanting to distract her from her examination of the cobblestones that were anything but uneven.

"Oui! Mr. Strange, right? Or is it 'mon-sewer'?" she asked with a wink.

"I think you can call me Edmond now," he said, chuckling. Was that a blush he saw stain her cheeks? And why did his heart leap in response?

"Can I come in?"

"I remember an audacious little girl who once stood at my gate and asked me that same question." He cocked his head. "To tell you the truth, I am surprised that little girl did not attempt to scale my fence or gain entry with her silver tongue before now."

She bunched her shoulders in a quick shrug and flashed him a sheepish, almost apologetic, grin. "Well, it wasn't for lack of trying. I can be stubborn, as you might have guessed."

Edmond raised an eyebrow, but her eyes narrowed at him as if daring him to agree with her.

With a labored sigh, she continued, "Well, after the scolding my dad gave me the night you brought me home…" She chuckled, but it sounded a bit forced. "Actually, I think my ears are still ringing from that one. I'm surprised you didn't hear him all the way out here. It was one of his more legendary rants. After that, I swear he could read my mind. If I even got an inkling that I wanted to sneak over and visit you, it took only a look from him to chase any thoughts of coming back here from my head. You met him. I'm sure you can imagine."

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26 Responses to “The Monster and the Maiden: Ch. 05, Part I”

  1. oolongteadrinker says:

    Oh HELLZ YES~!!!

  2. Gayl says:

    I have really been looking forward to this update but man was I surprised at Emily! I was really not expecting her to be all grown up! I miss the precocious young girl but really look forward to the young woman interacting with Edmond.

    Brilliant screen caps as always but the story has really grabbed me again. I want to know what happened these last 15 years.

    Edmond is yummy as ever. You have to love a man who can wear pants that look all shiny and wet…

  3. Veron says:

    Totally worth the wait! Good to see you back, Kara.

    Emily is gorgeous! It was surprising to see her all grown up, but I totally can't wait to see the interactions between her and Edmond. His tortured soul can use a jump start :D.

    And I know this is an oddball question, but do you know who made the mesh for the mystery woman's outfit in the header? Her boots are incredible. The outfit is incredible, but I've never seen a mesh with that heel.

  4. Eva says:

    YES! I'm sooo happyy you returned. I can't believe that it's been years since I found this site and have been pestering you. Now with the new update, I can drool over the Edmond. I hadn't realized how sexy he was until I was checking him out in this update.

    Why are the two of them so attracted to one another? Why does she have that pull on him? I realize she is the maiden, but why is this so important in their attraction?

  5. Kara says:

    oolongteadrinker: 😉

    Gayl:Oh, don't I know it! I adore Edmond in his sexy clothes. And don't worry, the precocious little Emily is still alive in the older version. haha

    Veron:Thank you! I was so excited to get to the point that Emily is all grown up. Now the fun stuff can start.

    That PVC outfit Emily is wearing in the header is pretty sexy, huh? You can get it from SimderZ. It is called "SynZ". There are a lot of awesome fetish outfits there.

    Eva: Great questions! You're very observant. I will actually be answering all of them as the story unfolds. 🙂

  6. Shera says:

    !!! YES! You did it! Kara thank you very much. It's marvelous. Emy became a beaotiful woman and Edmond….Edmond is still pretty and hot ))) I'm sooo happy!

  7. amalinaball says:

    Oh, wow. I really wasn't expecting that, you know. Way to spring a surprise on dumb ol' me. But now I'm going to go back and read the first few chapters, because I've actually forgotten lots of the stuff that happened originally! :roll:

    But yeah, it was unexpected. In a good way. I think Emily ended up gorgeous, so I'm not surprised Edmond is "pleased" to see her again. Now I keep wondering what could happen next! 😉

    Ooh, and I like how you've written it as well. Sort of subtle, and not really tasteless like a lot of other people would have made it. I enjoyed the words, and the pretty pictures, an awful lot! Thank you!

  8. PersephoneRosenrot says:

    Hi Kara! 🙂 Great to see that the story continues, and haha I love the "yum, boobs" picture 😀 …Edmond, Edmond, you've been so horny lately! 😆

    And to answer your question if I'm a Rammstein fan, well, I really am! 8) Are you a Rammstein fan too? 😛

    Best regards, Persephone

  9. Jacqueline says:

    I loved this update, & when he was checking her out, it cracked me up. Horny little vampire cracks me up. =P & btw, I love Edmond's hair it's really nice. =P

  10. Jenny says:

    yeah!!! so happy to ses you back, and a beautiful update as well:D…….I love Emily!!!! I love her look…I am assuming GOS right? because I really need her hair and outfit now….hahahaha……..wonderful chapter, the way you captured their body language is incredible..it said alot.

  11. Danielle says:

    Uh! Edmon you horny vampire 😛 haha i rather have him horny, certainly, their body language said a lot, specially Edmon and his stares, I want to have him as my pet 😛

  12. Kara says:

    Shera: You're welcome and thank you as well. 🙂 I'm glad you enjoyed this update.

    amalinaball: heehee Yeah, I actually had to go back and reread everything too to make sure I wasn't contradicting myself or anything. 😮 And thank you for the wonderful compliments on the writing and pictures! I really appreciate them. :XO:

    PersephoneRosenrot: haha Edmond needs to get laid, it seems. 😉 And, yes, I love Rammstein! Actually, I seem to be on a German music kick lately so Rammstein, Eisbrecher, Unheilig, Zeraphine and Oomph! are taking up most of the room on my mp3 player. Now I just need to learn German so I can understand what they are singing about (well, without having to look up translations, that is).

    Jacqueline: Thank you! Edmond is totally a perv sometimes. 😉 And, I love his hair too. You can get it from GoS, if you're interested (not made by me).

    Jenny: Thanks! Emily was fun to dress. Actually, her outfit and hair are recolors I made especially for this chapter. Maybe I'll upload them someday.

    Danielle: haha A horny vampire pet…are you sure you know what you're asking for? I bet they can be quite a handful. On second thought, that might be fun. 😉

  13. Cadie says:

    Kara lives, and bring with her possibly the best update yet! I love this sexual tension between Edmond and Emily, so exciting. Oh and Rmily's hair is so cute, it mathces her clothes – wow i just noticed that! Edmond official crushed the fan club of Tahlvin lol (Im sorry…hes just too hot 😆 )

  14. oolongteadrinker says:

    yay! I getz a wink!
    Your sims are so gorgeous. Their expressive eyes, the noses. The skins, which you seem to lovingly customize yourself. Every detail looks so well thought out and elaborate, but natural. I am in awe of your sim-making skillz, and they make my own seem sloppy and half-assed, even though I've amassed quite the custom content collections, which I lurve dearly.

    Seriously, even their noses look great. And you somehow manage to squeeze out the most emotion out of standard sim animations. (how do you do those great camera angles btw?)

    Again, the sims. Hot hot hot. (goes back to drooling).

  15. goodbye_sun says:

    Emily still has quite the talent for managing to tie him up in knots with very little effort, even if she has gone from being precocious to being coy. Her timing is impeccable too, he looks as if he needs a bit of inspiration to keep himself going.

  16. Decorgal says:

    Woah…I'm surprised the story skipped to 15 years later. It's funny but even when you first started the story, I had a feeling there'd be sexual attraction between Edmond and Emily but she was a little girl at the time. This chapter was entertaining, as always, and I must say you've made good use of the modeling hack. I didn't conceive of it beyond taking pics for clothing downloads and fashion photos but you've used them well and naturally for the story. I'm guessing Emily's mischievous personality will come into play in the next chapter… juicy juicy! I can't wait.

  17. Dektora says:

    Yeah, 15 years leap! I have been waiting for Emily to be all grown up to see what she would look like (one of the perks of helping with translation, you get spoilers 😀 And as always, you are very much welcome. I just love to help you with this story!) I love her eyebrows and hair by the way, especially the bang.
    This chapter promises to lead to some interesting events, can't wait to read more along those lines. There should be some interesting interactions…

    Lil note about the intro pic: at first I though it was out of Edmond's past, turns out it seems to be his fantasies at work 😛

  18. Trine says:

    Wooow, Edmond is hoot too! :XO: I really adore your sims 🙂

  19. Reyoko says:

    Hahahahaha! 😀 I don't know whether to praise you entirely based on the incredible text you've written (which I have to say is really ear-catching, if you catch my drift :wink:) or for the incredible pictures you took.

    Emily has seriously grown up! And all those scenes you wrote between the two of them… meow! Made me just realize how much of a man Edmond was. Heheh. And as much as I love the idea of Rafe x Edmond… the new form of Edmond x Emily is seriously catching my interest. 😮 Kya~ I don't know which to support!!

    Aside from that… I wasn't too keen on Emily's new hairstyle at first (didn't seem to match her face to me) but as I continued reading and looking through the photos… it grew on me. Her outfit on the other hand was to die for!

    All in all, I love this chapter, am reading it again for the hundredth time! Hope to read more in the near future, but I won't push my luck. Great job!

  20. E. Black says:

    I don't know how I missed this but I'm glad I read it. Edmond has it bad. Poor soul. Emily is indeed gorgeous. Hopefully he can contain his excitement and not hurt the sweet thing too much.

  21. Tiffany says:

    Wow, I love this chapter. I especially love how Emily has grown up. She's so pretty. What skinone are you using for her? It's very nice. ^_^


  22. Kara says:

    Hi, guys! I'm neck deep in working on the next chapter so I'm going to cheat and make a group response to you all. I hope you'll forgive me this time. I do want you all to know that your comments mean the world to me. You are all so sweet and I thank you for taking the time to leave me feedback. It's very inspiring!

    I'm also glad you are all enjoying Edmond so much and that you like the way Emily turned out (she actually is the born in-game child of Brandee and Tahlvin). And, yeah, I really was happy to grow her up and get the sexual tension started. 😉

    Oh, and Dektora guessed correctly: the header images are basically meant to convey an aspect of the story or one of Emily and Edmond's fantasies. They don't usually represent an actual scene from the story. Plus, they are a chance to have fun mini-photo shoots. 😀

    Now to answer a couple of specific questions… Oolongteadrinker asked how I get my camera angles. Well, basically I just hit tab and then move the camera around with Q, W, E, A, S, D, Z, X. I also tilt it up or down with the mouse. Just experiment and play around with that. That's mostly all I do.

    TiffyT asked what skintone I'm using for Emily. It is the female version of Tahlvin's skin, which is based on Enayla's Alabaster skin and then heavily modified and tattooed. I can't remember what other skins I used to modify it though. It's been awhile. 😳

    Thanks again everyone! :XO: I better get back to simming now.

  23. Cheripye822 says:

    I have been truly waiting for an update on your writing, LOL! I started reading with WA MS and then came across this one a few weeks back. and must say it is absolutely lovely.

    Your writing, the capture of emotion is inexplicable, and I love how the maiden was unconventional along with your use of a different language. 80)

    Beautifully written and I cant wait to see the interactions between the beautiful Emily and handsome Edmond in the future. 80)

  24. Kara says:

    I'm really glad you're enjoying the story so far and I hope you continue to do so! 😉 When I created Edmond, I had been watching the Count of Monte Cristo (the French version with Gérard Depardieu). Once I decided to name my character Edmond (he's named after the Count), it was just natural that he be from France. Thank goodness for my friend Dektora though. I don't speak French beyond the high school level so her help has been invaluable in not making me look like an idiot when Edmond lapses into his native language. haha

  25. Cheripye822 says:

    I love that movie 😉 and will most certainly keep reading.

  26. Beth says:

    I had to take a second look at this since I was still thinking of Emily as a little girl — BIG double take LOL! Wow, she's gorgeous!

    The amount of detail in your sets is astonishing, along with the angles, the color, and the way you shove things in there that I'd never think of putting together, but it all fits.

    Edmond's character is completely fascinating. Pride, yes, but he seems to be second guessing himself at the same time. and it sure helps that he's French! Love your writing — smooth as honey and then snaps right back hard.


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