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Musical Interlude

July 26th, 2007

Chapter two is ready but I had to walk away from it for a few days before I proofread it one more time. Until then, since I don't have any outtakes from the first chapter to entertain you with, I thought I'd provide you with a little diversion of a different sort—music videos. I've been watching a lot of World of Warcraft and Sims machinima these last few days (just ask my poor sister, I've been bombarding her with so many links that she'll be watching videos from now until Christmas). And decided that I would share some old machinima that I made.

Now, these videos have nothing to do with the Sims. In fact, they were made by me a few years ago (2004-2005) using Star Wars Galaxies. They are the first and second videos I ever made, and I've not been inspired to make any since.

"Fallen" is the first piece of machinima that I made back in 2004 and oddly enough it won two awards from the Star Wars Fan Film Contest: Best Fan Film and Most Creative Fan Film. "Fallen" is directly inspired by the music that plays throughout the film and even takes its name directly from the song. It is the story of two star-crossed lovers—a Rebel and an Imperial. It begins with Pani, the main female character, chancing upon Evok in the back streets of Mos Eisley on Tattooine. She remembers back to the day when she first met him…

Next up is a dance video that I never officially released to the public called "Temple of the Muses". I made it mostly as an experiment to see if I could make an entertaining dance video set to slower music. It was very hard to sync up the dancing with the music and took a ton of editing. When I completed it, I wasn't very happy with the result. But, I recently looked at it again after years of refusing to watch it and it's not as bad as I remember. In fact, I actually enjoyed it. Abscence makes the heart grow fonder, I guess. Anyway, as this is really just a dance video, there is only a very slim, simple storyline in contrast to the more complex one that I wrote for "Fallen". In this video, two friends set off into the deserts of Tattooine in search of a temple of the goddess of dance. And there they worship…

Well, I hope you enjoyed this little musical interlude. Look for chapter two coming soon!