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Colourblind: Check the previous post. I'm pretty sure I posted a link to it in one of the comments on that page. 🙂
]]>Nope! NEED MOAR!
It's truly sad how much I look forward to story updates. I agree with Decoral. The banter between Emily and Edmund is slightly adversarial, but still pleasant. And even though she's engaged, she's just indulging an old fantasy.
Harmless stuff…. aheh…. <..> *cough* 👿
]]>Thanks for the support and wonderful comments, everyone! You keep me inspired. :XO: I don't want to say too much for fear of giving anything away. So, I'll just keep you in suspense for now. 💡
The next chapter is going slowly since I had to build a new set (even though it's just for a few of the pictures), but it turned into a whole building (funny how that happens… 😉 ). As you know, it takes me forever and a day to build and decorate things. haha But, that part of pre-production is now over and I can start actually taking pictures. Hopefully, Emily's outfit that's now up for download will tide you over until the next chapter is released.