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By: Beth http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/worlds-apart-alternate/the-monster-and-the-maiden-ch-01-part-i/comment-page-1#comment-12418 Sun, 23 Mar 2008 19:14:16 +0000 http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=116#comment-12418 Gorgeous, of course! I particularly liked seeing the Rossetti paintings — one of the most sensual painters, perfect for the setting.

Fascinating, and so great to see someone new like Edmond, with his charming "clutter" thing (I can relate) and Rafe — anyone with that name has a soft spot in my heart!


By: Kara http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/worlds-apart-alternate/the-monster-and-the-maiden-ch-01-part-i/comment-page-1#comment-12158 Wed, 06 Feb 2008 07:32:08 +0000 http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=116#comment-12158

Hi, Anghard! I'm really excited about Edmond's story. I can't wait to tell it all. He's such an interesting character, I think. On one hand, he's so sweet and on the other he's a beast. It's been fun writing him.

By: Anghard http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/worlds-apart-alternate/the-monster-and-the-maiden-ch-01-part-i/comment-page-1#comment-12154 Wed, 06 Feb 2008 04:57:07 +0000 http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=116#comment-12154 Yikes, I have Worlds Apart bookmarked, I started reading it a while back but then got caught up in a few other things. Will need to continue to read that.

This is a fantastic start. I really love the setting and the caps that go along with the story. Very expressive.

Edmond is truly fighting a demon within himself.

By: Kara http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/worlds-apart-alternate/the-monster-and-the-maiden-ch-01-part-i/comment-page-1#comment-12112 Wed, 30 Jan 2008 16:00:25 +0000 http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=116#comment-12112

Hi, tabbs, and thank you! I assume you mean Edmond's hair, right? It's a male conversion of a female Raojena hair done by Dark Lunaris/Eclipse at Garden of Shadows.
