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I can't download him anyways even if you had him up, I don't have Sims2.
Actually, I do. But for some odd reason I can't use CCs. It's sad, really.
But you know, I'm getting more and more curious of what happens to both Nathan and Tory once they're older (as teen or adults I'm not entirely sure) I wanna do a fanfic on them but got no time (damn school work!). Sigh. Still, love them! :XO:
]]>Thank you, Reyoko! Nathan is/was an adorable kid.
I'm not offering him for download, mostly because the skin that he's wearing is made up of a blend of other skins whose creators don't allow their textures to be used in other works. They can't do anything about it if I use them for my own personal work, but I'm sure they wouldn't be happy if I distributed the skins. And Nathan just doesn't look like Nathan with out his skin. I hope that makes sense. That's one of the reasons I don't offer my Sims for download.
]]>I love the look on Nathan's face in the last few pics!
He is SO adorable as a kid and HOT as a kid.
Can I have him….? Please?! :XO:
heehee It's probably true. She's already Daddy's Little Princess. 😉