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I haven't decided what I want to learn about in college, but hopefully I decide soon because I'm already almost a Senior in High School! Golly gee. People never really believe that I'm not at least 26, especially online. Ha ha… perhaps it is because I do not type "lyk thiz so ill c u l8er" and because I am always discussing things that adults tend to discuss. That and I watch classic sitcoms and Christmas movies from around the time I was born, or even earlier!

Kara said: Well, I'm surprised. I would have guessed you were older too. I was the same when I was your age. I always enjoyed classic movies and stuff too. Still do!

By: Tanya http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/site-news/tahlvin-and-brandee-as-dolls/comment-page-1#comment-11901 Sat, 01 Dec 2007 12:34:00 +0000 http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=113#comment-11901 Yummy, Tahlvin as a doll …. I'll whizz over and read the full story shortly.

Good luck to John, and good luck with getting everything transferred once the building's finished 🙂

Kara said: Thank you! 🙂

By: Jade http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/site-news/tahlvin-and-brandee-as-dolls/comment-page-1#comment-11899 Sat, 01 Dec 2007 03:35:37 +0000 http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=113#comment-11899 Good Luck, John!

Kara, your bjd hobby is very interesting. I am curious to see this Tahlvin Doll. He is such a unique Sim. He really seems real to me.

Did you make him yourself?

Kara said: No, I just bought the model of doll that I thought would best portray him. At the moment, he's unpainted and lacking in any mods but I hope to have that rectified by early next year. He'll need to get elf ears, tattoos, various facial mods, and a face-up. It's going to be quite the project and one that I'm paying a customizer to do.
