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@Dektora: Hey, Claire! haha I don't blame you for keeping your distance. 😉 And, yes, I'm sure I'll need more translation hints in the future. I'm very glad you're still interested in helping me. 😀
Glad to know you are still around and still feeling like writting sims stories!
(also, I'm available if you need more translation hints 😉 )
Thank you, girls! I'm actually working on a little surprise—I got inspired last week. It's even sort of Sims 2 related…well, at least Monster and the Maiden related anyway. I hope you're not scared of my dolls. 😉
@oolongteadrinker: Unfortunately, I was sick with some intestinal bug so I couldn't eat much of anything…except for bananas (not even my favorite fruit…haha). But, I'll keep the pine nuts in mind. Thank you!
@Flo: Merci! Ca compte beaucoup pour moi.
@Stephanie: Do you mean "editsim"? That's for the Sims 3, right? I'm afraid I haven't played it in awhile so I can't remember for sure, but when I did I had Awesomemod and I think I opened it that way.
@MDP: I'm glad you're feeling better too! Being sick is not fun at all.
Hugs to you all,
Kara 🙂
Kara: I'm glad your back in action. I too suffered from the colds and viruses of the terrible January, plus over a foot of snow and loss of interent. 🙁
Ready for more of your totally awesome chapters 8)